Thunder's Place

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Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

Darn, I’d prefer not to do all that junk I just want to buy a bottle and an extremely accurate pipette or whatever and leave it at that.

However, I’ll do what I have to to have good liquid C at a good price, so if ordering powder and a bunch of stuff to convert it is necessary, then that’s what I’m doing. I want to order on Monday though and kitsnmore doesn’t have anything other than B12 right now it looks like.

Can anyone else recommend any sources in the US, preferably in liquid but otherwise in powder?

I knew kitsnmore wouldn’t last forever, but I hope they aren’t done yet! Shit.

Horny Bastard

kitsnmore has the good stuff back on their site! GO!

Horny Bastard

I just got another timely order from https://www.4co … . I don’t believe they are the cheapest but I ALWAYS get my stuff. This time it was only 7 days start to finish. And it included email updates. I bought 32-100 mg tabs of Viagra, 8-20 mg tabs of Levitra and 24-20 mg tabs of Cialis for $260. I would highly recommend them. I have tried kitsnmore but I hate the taste of the liquid C.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Anyone got an answer to my earlier question, namely about the powder tadalafil/sildenafil at elitenetpharmacy?

The link below says they are running an offer on all tadalafil products. Check the blurb under News Nov 26. I just saw it now.

http://www.elit …

I was thinking of getting some cialis itself as I’ve never seen it at such a low price, some generics but then compare and contrast against the bulk powder BUT please can someone who has tried the bulk powder give me a feedback report? I dunno when the sale will last until so please let me know asap those guys who have tried it (assuming it isn’t so strong you had heart attacks using it:)

Can anyone tell me about options on metering out (at time of taking each dose) liquid cialis with good precision? As the stuff does have side-effects, I want to be able to be precise when I take it. I’ve found too much makes it difficult to achieve orgasm during sex and additionally causes racing heart, flushed face, etc. I would like to be able to take just the amount I like consistently. My experience with droppers, for example, indicates that they do not offer nearly the precision I would like.

By the way, I know syringes are precise and that people use those, but where would I get one? I have never used one before so I don’t know if they all work without needles or if you have to get a particular kind in order to not have needle or what. It would be great if kitsnmore sold what I need. I would prefer not to use syringe though because, well, it’s hard to explain why you have a syringe to a person that discovers it in your possession and knows that you aren’t diabetic or anything.

A one CC syringe works perfectly for the kitsnmore liquid C. You can measure .01 ml with them. Every state has different laws, but in AZ it is simple to go to the local Walgreens or CVS or Osco and just ask for syringes. I know that California (used to) restrict syringe sales. If PA has restrictions I’m sure you can find an Internet source. TO buy at the local drug store, I always have a story ready, like: My dog takes allergy shots, or my wife makes jewelry and uses the syringes for paint/ glue whatever. However, I have never needed to tell my stupid story. The usual case is that I say: “I need 10 1 cc syringes please”. They say: “Here you go, anything else?”

I usually say I want syringes without needles, which seems less suspicious, and they are sold that way, but it doesn’t seem to matter. The last time I went, they said they only had syringes with needles, but they were removable. OK.

They only cost about 20 cents each. I used to only use them once and toss them, but I sometimes reuse them now.

Horny Bastard

When you remove the needle, what is left for reaching down into the bottle? I am about to order 2 20ml bottles. When a bottle runs low, what is the technique for getting the last bit out of the bottom of a bottle?

There are two basic type of syringes, the luer lock (a type of twist on thread) or a slip tip, which is a smooth tapered end as the name implies. The slip tip is best and most common. You can probably get everything out of a bottle down to the last CC, and then use a little water to wash out the rest, and just drink it. The last time I bought syringes with needles (1/2 inch 28 gauge needles used for insulin), they were too fine to suck up the solids of the slurry in the liquid C. A 23 gauge needle or bigger might work well for that, but really you don’t need to worry about it. A slip tip syringe without the needle will get almost everything.

Horny Bastard


See post 908 on the previous page about the powdered tadalafil from elite. I set my dose at 5mg, but I had to increase it to 10mg because it didn’t do anything for me. That is about the same dose as I take with the generic pills. I do get a result, easier to get hard and once I get hard it lasts about as long as I want (within reason). So I was happy with my order. At the rate I’m using it. (for PE and special weekends) I should have about 2 years worth of it.

Originally Posted by figaro

See post 908 on the previous page about the powdered tadalafil from elite. I set my dose at 5mg, but I had to increase it to 10mg because it didn’t do anything for me. That is about the same dose as I take with the generic pills. I do get a result, easier to get hard and once I get hard it lasts about as long as I want (within reason). So I was happy with my order. At the rate I’m using it. (for PE and special weekends) I should have about 2 years worth of it.

Thanks for the info Figaro. That sounds like great news. Just one last thing - did you have any issues importing a white powder product? Any lengthy delays or problems with customs wondering why it looks like you have imported Columbian marching powder?:)

Actually scratch that question. Just read your earlier post. I think I will order some of the sildenafil as well as tadalafil powders, maybe mix them together to see if I get a better effect (maybe combining Sildenafil’s quick acting action with tadalafil’s long acting action).

Has anyone tried that? Or maybe just taken half a viagra/cialis?


I have done that it works great I just don’t like the long lasting muscle aches I get fro Cialis.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Wow I got by liquid C from kitsnmore incredibly fast. But now I have a questions:

I got two 20mL bottles. They have tear-off center caps. Why do they use this kind of cap? I am concerned that once up open it, since it will be impossible to air-seal it again, the C will deteriorate. I mean, one of these bottles should last me maybe even a couple years, yet I can’t imagine it would be stable for two years when exposes to air. Are there any other kinds of caps I could use, or are there air-tight vials or something that I need to pour it into if I want it to keep that long? Ideally I would like to be able to transport this stuff easily, so could take it on trips and maybe even keep small vial in car for surprise opportunities to bone.

I answered your pm vkn1, but since you posted here also I will share:

Take off the metal band and throw it away. Then you can remove the rubber top. It is a reusable stopper. Don’t use needles. Most needles, except the really wide ones, are too small to suck up the particles in the slurry.

Just take off the rubber top and suck up your dose with the pipette, or preferably a syringe, and then replace the top.

Horny Bastard


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