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Cream increasing blood flow


Cream increasing blood flow


I’m looking for a topical cream that increases the blood flow to the penis. I’m not looking for any cream claiming it will increase the size, just the blood flow. I’d like a natural product without side effects.

Thank you,


Maxoderm is a half-way decent stimulating cream.

It’s too expensive, in my view, for what it does, but it does basically work.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

On another thread I posted a question about some foot cream for diabetics:

http://www.diab … s/STS41350.html

After some research I decided to take the plunge and buy a tube of that stuff. So far, I’m impressed. I’m pretty sure it’s not psychological. My morning wood is a lot stiffer and about 45 minutes after I apply it, there’s a noticable temperature increase. For $9.95 + $5.95 , it’s worth the gamble. I ordered it the 20th, got it the 28th.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

Great tip.

I’d be willing to bet the trans-dermal action of the Arginine in this preparation is not all that different that of Maxoderm; and it’s a third of the price. :up:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Excellent replies so far.

Olive Oil does the trick for me.

Warms ya up, which increases bloodflow.

8.5'' here we come!


I use Salvamin (which is a natural cream I found in a specialized herbal shop). It’s used for arthritis, piles, varicose, rheumatism, Raynaud, muscle injuries and other similar conditions. It states it restores the blood flow.

It’s really good, it really increases the blood flow, my flaccid size gets really bigger and the veins get filled with blood, without necessary having an erection. Actually the veins get really visible underneath the skin that gets red. It doesn’t sting or anything, I just get a nice warming sensation. It costs around 2$ for about 2 oz.

I know something that will probably get you bigger and defo increase circulation. Could be a bit painful though.

Massage your dick with a mixture of cider vinegar and cayenne pepper. I’m 100% certain this would be effective for increasing blood flow as it passes through the skin and glans and is one of the best substances to imporve blood circulation. I have considered trying it but in no hurry. I’ve had it in my eyes a few times (by accident) and it stung but my eyes are still fine. So, if they can take it surely my dick can take it. Something for the future? Or maybe better a cream or olive oil mixed with cayenne. NO nedd for the vinegar really.

I also liek to use olive oil for jelqing and massaging.

Good thread.

Eroset should chime in.

8.5'' here we come!


As Mr.happy stated , max-o-derm is a fair product. Too high priced, and also it numbs my sensitivity which I don’t need at all.


I´m from the Spanish side but I like to apport my 2 cents because this thread interest me.

Here is what I found —> Diachieve Foot Therapy Cream - 4 Ounce Jar


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Originally Posted by pulacalului
I use Salvamin (which is a natural cream I found in a specialized herbal shop). It’s used for arthritis, piles, varicose, rheumatism, Raynaud, muscle injuries and other similar conditions. It states it restores the blood flow.
It’s really good, it really increases the blood flow, my flaccid size gets really bigger and the veins get filled with blood, without necessary having an erection. Actually the veins get really visible underneath the skin that gets red. It doesn’t sting or anything, I just get a nice warming sensation. It costs around 2$ for about 2 oz.

Too bad this product is available only in Romania.

Originally Posted by chainz 8
As Mr.happy stated , max-o-derm is a fair product. Too high priced, and also it numbs my sensitivity which I don’t need at all.

What do you mean it numbs your sensitivity? As in it makes it harder to have an errection? Does it have any side effects?

Originally Posted by WayneCider
On another thread I posted a question about some foot cream for diabetics:

http://www.diab … s/STS41350.html

After some research I decided to take the plunge and buy a tube of that stuff. So far, I’m impressed. I’m pretty sure it’s not psychological. My morning wood is a lot stiffer and about 45 minutes after I apply it, there’s a noticable temperature increase. For $9.95 + $5.95 , it’s worth the gamble. I ordered it the 20th, got it the 28th.

I’ve also found this

This is a great idea.

Anybody tried to pick up one of these diabetes creams at a drugstore? Are they sold over the counter?

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