Originally Posted by igigi
Hey Andy,So since you started these trial, have you been able to identify something that really works for this?
I have been involved in this topic for a very long time. Never found something that definitely makes the difference. Or better said, I identified many more factors involved into this topic.
I dont know if you’ve come across this comment before, but many times across the years in online communities, when somebody ask how to increase the load, theres always somebody that reply "get a new girl" Well, there is something into it. That doesn’t mean to replace our beloved women, what it means, is that the amount and volume of ejaculation is not just a mechanical process of producing the fluids. But rather a synergistic action of raw materials or essential nutrients, the production function, but then, proprably the most complex part, hormones. It seems like when we are severely aroused, say deeply in love or find real great chemistry with a woman, you cum more. And what is involved behind? hormones. The levels of hormones and the type of hormones that the body produce either during this relationship or during the sexual act. These hormones play a role in the involuntary contractions, muscle relaxation, central nervous system, and all combined creates a huge load.
In fact, every human, every time it masturbate, wether is a man or a woman, in order to reach orgasm we need to use our brain. Think about sexual things that will help us get there. And what those thoughts create? Hormone secretions. This hormones finally get us there. But that is a very basic mechanical process. If you add to this the whole experience of having a sexual partner to which you have a huge attraction and a great chemistry, this hormone production/secretion amplifies greatly, therefore allowing for a bigger discharge.
I have read a little bit about oxytocin, it seems like this hormones is involved in this process, but another hormone that seems more promising, I haven’t read enough about it, is relaxin.