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Datalog: Testicle Size / Ejaculate Volume


Datalog: Testicle Size / Ejaculate Volume

AndyJ Testicle Size/Ejaculation Volume — 01/01/2023 to 07/31/2023

vBulletin hates formatted text. I finally gave up fighting bbcode and html; there are some screen caps in the following posts.

largest length: 2.75" smallest length: 1.3"
largest girth: 1.51" smallest girth: 0.55"

That’s a whole bunch of change. And, though I haven’t recorded any data, they can change enough to be noticeable by feel over just a few hours.

I use a dial caliper to measure my balls. They still want to stay retracted up inside my body; it can take a while to tease them down and get a grip on one so I can measure. When I first started I could sometimes only manage to measure one.

These are mostly "pumped" figures. I’ve been using a 2-1/8" straight tube at 3" Hg since November of 2022. As you can see, I’m racking up quite a lot of pump time.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any ball size data from "before pumping like a maniac." I started the heavy pumping schedule about the same time I switched from the Prader Orchidometer (wooden beads you compare against your balls) to the dial caliper. The Prader stops at "normal" size; that size depends heavily on what sources you believe, but it’s somewhere around 1.6x1.0 inches.

Before Nov 2022, unpumped, they range in size from grapes to walnuts, and were either squishy or soft. Pumping brought them up to normal size, and they stay firm, and the effect lasts more than a day.

I am on TRT; Testosterone Replacement Therapy. My balls were tiny and soft before that, though. I was taking the usual 100mg/2wk dose until the endocrinologist said my red blood cell count was too high, and she cut my dose. The testosterone reading was 815.

The calibrated buret came in on 05/25; I tried to go back to ejaculating every day like when I was younger, but some mornings I have to crawl out of bed at oh-dark-thirty and go off to do database maintenance or something, so I’ve been averaging, what, three days out of four?

Ejaculate volume is all over the place. I log edging time, so if I wank to ejaculation, I know how much time it took. I’m usually pressed for time in the mornings, so I try to get it done as quickly as possible. "In the old days" ejaculate volume seemed to be directly related to wank time. I’m not seeing any big correlation in the data, though.

This wasn’t the first time I used Damiana. I’d used it for a couple of weeks before this chart starts. I tried shatavari and L. Reuteri for a couple of weeks each.

I had just got off L. Reuteri when the buret came in; given how my ejaculate volume mostly fell off as I collected data, perhaps I need to give L. Reuteri another try.

Last edited by AndyJ : 08-04-2023 at .

Why not Excel and Screenshot like everyone does here? Or just Excel?

L. Ruteri

After seeing the technique online, I’ve been cultivating L.Ruterei in a jar on the window sill. Combine distilled water and a little honey as a food source then add a cap of the probiotic.

After a few days it becomes cloudy, after a week or so some of the slimy waste product forms also, which can be drank or filtered out. Now I just add more water and honey periodically.

I’m sure having a shot glass a few times a day on empty stomach is less effective than a capsule a day, but it’s certainly cheeper to stretch one capsule into a perpetual supply.

Please check this further on line for safety tips etc as my post is not intended to be all inclusive.

I also brush my teeth with the probiotic water to help with cavities etc.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
I am on TRT; Testosterone Replacement Therapy. My balls were tiny and soft before that, though. I was taking the usual 100mg/2wk dose until the endocrinologist said my red blood cell count was too high, and she cut my dose. The testosterone reading was 815.

I am on TRT as well. When I first started my balls pretty much disappeared. They have always been high and tight but their shrunken size was noticeable.

I started HcG shots twice a week which brought my balls back into an active state and restored their size.

I also had the problem with ejaculation volume. It pretty much went totally away. My wife thought I was faking my orgasms. She wanted me to get off of TRT that is how bad she wanted me to leave something inside her.

In addition to the HcG, I searched and have added a number of supplements to my diet which have helped. Cistanche, Sunflower Lecithin, and several others. My volume has returned fully.

Began (1/9/2023) BPEL 6.175” x MSEG 4.875”

Current (11/26/2024) BPEL 7.7” x MSEG 5.125”. Goal BPEL 8.0” x MSEG 6.0”

I dunno. Your prostate is what produces seminal fluid, not your balls. I don’t see how the size of a man’s testicles would affect the amount of ejaculate.

I have never had big balls. They’re maybe the size and shape of a pecan as opposed to a big, round walnut. I have noticed that the volume of cum I produce is less than when I was younger, just figured it was a part of getting older. Having smaller balls does have one silver lining though: a guy at the gym once said to me he wished his dick hung lower than his balls like mine did.

I tried a whole bunch of things from the Holly Grail cum increase and 4ml every time. 😩

Using Correct Strain?

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Mine seems to be averaging around 2ml. Once at 0.8, once at 3.2, mostly 1.8-2.2.

I used the last of the L.Reuteri a while back; no change in average ball size or ejaculate volume. Looks like Damiana is up next.

If your strain is not from Bio Gaia it is not the right one.

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Hello AndyJ,

Since your topic is an interesting and current topic for me as well, I thought of chiming in with a personal experience.
Like most of us on TRT I tend to lose testicular size significantly. To combat the thing +500IU HCG twice a week is enough to bring the size to normal(ish).
I did run out of HCG and having two months without I had shrunk to an intolerable level already.

Between July 11th and October 12th, I have found significant improvement using Shilajit, Fadogia Agrestis, and Lactobacillus Reuteri.

Caliber measurements:

11.7 A 51/50mm B 26/28mm C 37/38mm
12.10 A 53,5/52 mm B 31,5/32mm C 43/42 mm

Using the formula length × width × height × 0.71 the volume has increased by 45% and 31% (left and right).
Volume going from 18,2/19,8 ml up to 26,5 / 25,9 ml (left and right).

Results are pretty similar to what HCG injections produce.

Using a tape measure to check the circumference of the whole package the dimensions have gone from 180mm to 197 mm.

There is a lot of false information circulating about FA up regulating LH, which I have measured several times the LH being practically at zero all the time because of the TRT.
Yet there is an HCG-like increase in size so I am pretty sure some of the products ingested are working but it is not because of an increase in LH.

I had the best increase in the first month using only 200 thousand CFU of BioGaia LR. Following two months using 10 billion CFU from different strain I suppose.
Starting with 10 billion CFU Biogaia LR in a couple of weeks for the next 3 months or so.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Originally Posted by Kyrpa

I had the best increase in the first month using only 200 thousand CFU of BioGaia LR.

200 million it was actually. Sorry for the mistake

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

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