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Blakoe ring increases ejaculate volume?

Blakoe ring increases ejaculate volume?

Have any of you who have used one of these rings…the DIY or purchased versions….seen an increase in ejaculate volume? Just curious.

Blakoe ring

I have the older version still which is comfortable and durable, the new one fell apart. As to your question, I think it does have an effect, at least it iss beneficial. Rousseau 506

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If you’re talking about the ring that generates a small electrical current when worn around your unit, I made one and wore it for several months. Maybe I made it too good because as it’s contact with my skin produced a little sweat, the current could become uncomfortable which necessitated removal and drying off. I still would say that I wore it long enough(uaually all day and nite) to see any difference in my load and I didn’t. My own personal script for a big load is 1 1/2 grams L-arginine and 2 grams L-ornithine about 1/2 hour before sex and most important, lots of water, all the time. Also important I believe is your overall health. I exercise daily and my diet is excellent. I usually don’t pull out but last nite my girl just couldn’t stop the sucking and I had 9 big spurts of cum, the first 2 arched over 3 feet up and all the spurts were flying, plus numerous dribbles after. She was covered, North wouldn’t have been proud. These are orgasms like I had in my 20’s and I’m 52. I also have to give credit to PE as not only is my dick getting bigger, it’s just healthier.

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