Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Doctor Approved Vig-RX Pills

Doctor Approved Vig-RX Pills

Has anyone giving these vig-rx pills found on the following website (), a shot? They calim like all other websites that their pills will work, but i’m not convinced until someone that has tried and experienced differences in their size with these pills. It also says that if you take the pills while using penis exercises that it will increase the size even quicker than tested. If anyone has any idea please post a reply.

I visited this site about a month ago. I am intrigued by what I’ve read but I have been told that PE pills do not work. These people have never taken and PE pills so there opinions are not exactly valid. I would also like to know if anyone has tried these pills from albionmedical and has seen any gain before I try them out. This is by far the best site for PE pills I have seen and If no one replies to this post I may just decide to order them sometime soon.

hi there

As I do not live in USA at all I have skipped to order their products. It seems to be quite expencive too, and you don’t know what you can expect, I don’t just ship that amout of money away… But, as I have read about the receipt I have bought Panax Ginseng in a local store here, and the Ginkgo Biloba is availiable too… I get Niacin, vitamin-C zink and normal minerals/vitamils from a multivitamin tablet… So I´ll wait and tell you if my composion made any difference =) I have checked the amount of their things which are inside, and I do get the same amount….

By for now,


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