I won’t know for sure until I cycle on an off it a few times, but I had something interesting happen when I started taking L-Arginine two weeks ago. At 60, I am now in the age group when bowel movements tend to be lengthy and uncomfortable, even when recently on meds where “gastric distress” is a common side effect.
After a couple of days taking one 500mg L-Arginine per day, I sit down, relax, ploop!, and I’m done. Thirty seconds from pants-down to pants-up. That is nothing short of amazing.
Flip side, despite the common claims that L-Arginine can lower blood pressure, mine jumped 10 points the day after I started taking it, and has not returned to normal. I log my blood pressure morning, afternoon, and bedtime, and have for years, so I have a pretty good idea of how it varies.
I’ll keep taking the pills for another week or two, then see if things go back to normal.
No change in morning wood or EQ so far.