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doubling your growth hormone levels


doubling your growth hormone levels

Researchers found that blood levels of growth hormone double when you……..get an erection.

So it is not just that men who feel young get more erections, but getting erections may help you feel young (which should be obvious).

I wonder what role, if any, inducing erections through pe produces more GH, which may facilitate more growth.

The abstract of the study is at:
http://www.ncbi … 7&dopt=Abstract

Hey Exact,

You know something? I’m starting to like you. You have a very inquisitive mind. I have thought for a while that our endocrine system plays a big part in our success or failure in PE. I have a friend who is a Urologist (he’s also into PE - strange but true!) He put me onto a herbal solution that increases blood flow (kind of like Viagra). His rationale was that sufficient blood flow keeps things extended and promotes faster healing and recovery. I had already bought Enzyte and was using that. I didn’t notice much of anything from the Enzyte, but I found that the herbal liquid (taken under the tongue) really worked. I use this daily, although it is quite expensive (I plan to use it for a year and then quit taking it). I believe that the advances occuring in Pharmacology will help all of us in years ahead. How about a pill to grow that pud 2 inches in 30 days? Who knows!

Happy PEing


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


So what is this herbal liquid taken “under the tongue”???

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


It is called ExtremeV. They make a regular and extra-strength formula. I buy the extra-strength. It is available from I swear that I don’t work for these guys. I was skeptical when I bought it but it turned out that the stuff works - much to my surprise. I have taken it several times before sex with my wife and had some wicked hard-ons - blue steel - a cat couldn’t scratch it! In any event, I’m pretty much sold on the stuff.

Happy PEing


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


I looked it over. It’s kind of expensive.

I think that you can get all the ingredients at your local pharmacy for less money. I have tried some of these proprietary blends for erections and yeah they work (but not as good as viagra).

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I’ve never taken Viagra. I’ve heard that there are certain risk factors. Although, I am very healthy - a good bit of exercise and a good diet (my wife is a dietitian - dammit!) I like the herbal idea because it is all natural. Also, isn’t Viagra fairly expensive - like $10 a pill or something?


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Xtreme V didn't do a thing for me...

Me an a friend tried XtremeV based on one of your posts. It didn’t do a thing for me…

I doubled the dose and it didn’t do a thing…

I tripled the dose and it didn’t do a thing…

I quadrupled the dose and it still didn’t do a damn thing…

For $94.50 for 30 doses I have to say F-R-A-U-D.

This is based on the ingredients actually contained in the product (which I notice have NOT been posted).

P.S. My friend didn’t notice a damn thing either. I would be very interested to hear anyone else who has doled out $94.50 for 30 doses of this product.

NOTE TO READERS: Pharmaceutical grade DHEA is available at ANY health food store for about $15 a month and actually works better than ANYTHING I’ve ever wasted my money on. Just make sure you check your baseline levels with a test before supplementing with it. I have yet to hear of someone with lacking DHEA levels who didn’t get better wood within 3 weeks by supplementing with DHEA. Myself and a lot of my friends (over 35) have had great success with it. A recommended book is “DHEA Breakthrough”. Also available at your local healthfood store…

Last edited by jasonpage : 06-07-2002 at .

Extreme Ripoff

Go to or do a search on tribex500 it hass all of the ingredients extremeV has(the effacious ones) and is manufacured in a FDA GMP facility. {Plus you can order an assay from them to prove the ingredients and it isn a rip off at all AND comes with a money back guarantee AND comes from a reputable company. I DON’Tsell biotest in fact I use mass quantities tribbilus currently both are great. All these top gun herbal viagra supps are overpriced anyone that has ever bought bodybuilding supps knows you can get them all WAY cheaper. If you really want to save money you can buy the bulk ingredients from and cap it yourself. Still need a tincture? Buy some high proff vodka or 151rum and viola! don’t be a sucker.



DHEA is two steps away from testosterone and the conversion rate is extremely low if at all. If you want to increase endogenous test use ahigh quality tribblius (HPTA) stimlator if you want to use and exogenous test precursor use 4 androDIOL not DIONE. saw palmetto can be taken with as it is a 5 alph reductase inhibitor like finisteride(propecia) and the negative affects of DHT can be prevented. Again I dont sell a damn thing but stick with quality manufacurers. OSMO,Biotest, sopharma, GEN, Mass Quantities.

Last edited by Rich Cashdollar : 06-07-2002 at .

Re: doubling your growth hormone levels

Originally posted by exact
The abstract of the study is at:
http://www.ncbi … 7&dopt=Abstract

Wow! Having blood extracted from your corpus cavernosa when you’ve got a hard on must be really fun!


"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Gosh Fellas,

I don’t know what to say! I know that the extremeV works for me, however, since I am over 40, I may be more succeptable to the ingredients. I am going to take RC’s advice and try the tribex500 and compare the results. I’m all for saving money and have long thought that the ExtremeV was rediculously expensive. I just didn’t know what else was available. Thanks for the info, Rich!

Happy PEing


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I think all this boils down to staying engorged to some degree as much as possible, and has been discussed or mentioned before. It seems like another job for good old arginine, IMHO.



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Second that, Tex.

Question: If one wanted to have one’s DHEA level tested (and not taken from an erect shaft, please), what blood test do you ask for?



saliva tests

are avialable at and its test levels that are the real deal. DHEA may be good for older men for well being but it will do nothing to upregulate your OWN test/dhea production(its like taking a weak and I mean really weak steriod). hpta stimlators like avena sativa, trib, and horny goat, as well as ZMA a zinc mag supp will. b-a-c is also a great place for cheap amino acids. I wish I was getting a promtional fee but Im shanty Irish 3rd gen and I cant bear to see people spend more than they need to for anything.


jelktoid: thank you for your friendly words.

tex: I would not be a subject in a study that involved puncture of my penis. They got similar GH results with blood taken from the arm.

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