Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

falling asleep with generic viagra



I haven’t had that problem at all with the sevenseas stuff, maybe you have been working to hard and it’s catching up with you.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by peforeal

Yes, it does. I used it three years ago for a few months and found my blood pressure increased perilously. Fortunately, when I stopped taking it, all returned to normal. So you have to be careful and monitor your physical reactions if you use it.


To add to what Peforeal said, I found my Yohimbine dose by going about it quite recklessly. Overdoing it made me feel very nauseous and cranky, and I just wanted to lie down and let it pass. It only lasted for a few hours. If I take a low enough dose then I get some very positive effects (*extreme* hardness to erection, giving fantastic orgasm and ability to shoot 6-8ft) without any apparent side effects. Fortunately you can buy them in very small doses so that you can find your level. I don’t use it much as I don’t plan things that finely, but if you’re in otherwise good health then it may be worth a look in. Lots of fat loss stacks use it (being an alpha-2 agonist), so perhaps you could factor it into your diet that way if you so desire. If you just want to try it to determine whether blood pressure is the effect you’re having though, then I’d just try a single yohimbine pill (mine are 3mg which is mild enough not to get any sides).

The alternative is to quit your new medication for a while to see if the effects diminish, but I’m guessing you like the effects that it is producing. Also, it may take a lot longer to find the answer that way, whereas upping BP slightly will show itself pretty quickly.

Just another outside thought - perhaps as a third alternative you could look at things that help oxygenation such as Rhodiola Rosa, which will bring an alertness about without any edginess. That way you’re not messing with blood pressure (in case that that concerns you).

Originally Posted by Kawaihae
Are you sure it is sidenafil? Maybe they sent you a 2 cent antihistamine hoping you might not find out…

Statins do not lower blood pressure. Perhaps your attention to cholesterol has caused you to change your diet and now you eat healthier foods and consume less salt.

You could be right. I have been exercising a lot and trying to eat better. But I have gone to the gym for years and my BP has always been 120 over 80.

I dont know what the answer is yet, but I will reduce my dose of generic viagra and see what that does. At first I bought it because I wanted better recreational sex but since starting the Propecia a year or so ago I think that has effected my erections somewhat. I think about them alot more when I want to have sex. I will stay at foreplay with the wife longer to get my dick good and hard, where before I was rock hard in no time. When I was traveling a few months ago, I forgot to take my Propecia with me on the trip and so I went without it for almost a week and by the end of that week my nocturnal erections as well as my ability to get it up on a moments notice came right back to me. I was amazed. I dont know why I brought this up its not why I stared the thread. Oh well.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by Shiver
To add to what Peforeal said, I found my Yohimbine dose by going about it quite recklessly. Overdoing it made me feel very nauseous and cranky, and I just wanted to lie down and let it pass. It only lasted for a few hours. If I take a low enough dose then I get some very positive effects (*extreme* hardness to erection, giving fantastic orgasm and ability to shoot 6-8ft) without any apparent side effects. Fortunately you can buy them in very small doses so that you can find your level. I don’t use it much as I don’t plan things that finely, but if you’re in otherwise good health then it may be worth a look in. Lots of fat loss stacks use it (being an alpha-2 agonist), so perhaps you could factor it into your diet that way if you so desire. If you just want to try it to determine whether blood pressure is the effect you’re having though, then I’d just try a single yohimbine pill (mine are 3mg which is mild enough not to get any sides).

The alternative is to quit your new medication for a while to see if the effects diminish, but I’m guessing you like the effects that it is producing. Also, it may take a lot longer to find the answer that way, whereas upping BP slightly will show itself pretty quickly.

Just another outside thought - perhaps as a third alternative you could look at things that help oxygenation such as Rhodiola Rosa, which will bring an alertness about without any edginess. That way you’re not messing with blood pressure (in case that that concerns you).

I will look into that today. I really dont want to increase blood pressure although the 6-8 foot cum shots sounds like a winner.

Thanks again.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


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