Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Just read the first post of this thread - you’ll see: you’re off topic - this is annoying, not the topic itself. If I want to read about your E and T theories I am reading the “other” thread, which also gives a clear indication who is provoked and polemic. Don’t you see the discrepancy in a) supporting people to smear androgel onto their penises without being monitored by physicians and b) warning others not to block DHT in their bodies? In this context it’s simply ridiculous to state you’re “willing to take a calculated risk, that doesn´t mean you put your head in the sand about those risks”.

…if you’d put your head in the sand, you wouldn’t need to worry about your hair anymore!

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

And if you read my first two answers you´ll see that they are right on topic, while you went into the thread just being rude and with nothing to contribute.

Then the topic turned and I answered to that too, which in a way also is on topic since the topic regards the DHT-inhibitor finasteride.

In the rest of your pharagraph you´re confusing me with someone else, I´ve NEVER supported anyone to “smear androgel onto their penises”, actually I´ve done the opposite. And why are you bringing in another thread here when you´re so concerned about staying on topic. A thread I haven´t even posted in btw.

I´m usally quite patient and understanding but you´re acting like an ass, again, and I´m just not in the mood for it. Besides, this is hardly helping the topic of the thread either. You´re over 18, right? Then act it.

The art of conversation is not a martial art

I, personally, would like to apologize for acting a bit immature about this. I feel like I am standing here yelling “Do you guys know what you could be doing?” and getting absolutely no where. I just have to just drop it there but my own personal ego gets in the way.

Granted, I have seen a bit more that I have released on the matter so it may be my fault that it went this way. From now on, I will just let things be. Provide only the study and allow you guys to make an educated decision.

My personal theories thrown in may also be lowering this credible evidence to not be so credible anymore.

About the androgel thing, this is more about science than it is about PE to me. But, I am not willing to falsify evidence to prove it. So, I am not attributing anything to its use as of yet. I took the risk after looking at it very closely. And For a short time I will continue.

Look people I wasn’t trying to spark controversy. These are the facts:

1. FIN blocks DHT.
2. LESS DHT means more T and E
3. T is much less powerful then DHT
4. FIN *decreases* the androgenic power of your body

Some may still see gains, however your penis is full of receptors to maintain growth. T and DHT actively bind to them. This is not a psuedo anything, FIN reduces active repair and maintenance in the penis. Therefore, FIN decreases the amount of progress made when applying cyclic stress to the penis.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars


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