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Free PE website

Free PE website

for you all who are interested in checking out a free PE website, check this out.

Has anyone tried thier suppliment or heard anything about it?



Man, this is risky for them to do. They are giving away at their site the only part of their program that might work, but then they make their money on making guys believe that gains will be enhanced all the more with their pills. I like the manual - good for beginners.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Well I don’t see it that way. After all, what is the risk? They just took the time to copy from other manuals information that is becomming more and more common to everyone for the sake of making them look credible so they can sell the pills.

Just like all the others, once again it is basically the same mixture with the main ingredient Yohimbe. It is just another scam, although they get points for being creative and atleast sharing some knowlege for free lol.


I think its risky in that some of those considering may begin the exercises without the pills, get gains and decide they don’t need the supplements. The risk is that they could loose a few sales.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

If you look at the list of ingredients, you might recognize some of the items which have benefits. For instance oats, I read once that it is very helpful to increase sexual craving. Zinc is very important for the prostrates. As I have read, your prostrates has more zinc in it than the rest of the body combined. Most people who have prostrate problems are found to be very low on zinc. I am betting the suppliment is helpful but I consider it way over priced.

The site does give out good info in the manual. I find it somewhat disturbing some of us have had to pay for it but the price I paid at least was low. Eventually the information will become more comon knowledge. I feel all men have a right to know.



Actually, it's brilliant.

Think of what PE really is for alot of folks, especially those with little or no experience. How many posts of erectile disfunction due to overworking the member? Quite a few. How many folks, despite the recommendation of patience and persistence, get frustrated with lack of or slow results? Again, quite a few. Consider what these pills claim to offer to these same individuals. This almost a direct advertising analog to the bodybuilding/fitness supplement scams…everyone wants the miracle supplement! Success and faster results in a pill! It’s getting hard to sell exercise info that’s already out there for free, so you sell a supplement to it…not a new game, simply the inevitable evolution of PE marketing. Then there is always the ol’ “If they are giving all this great info for FREE, imagine how great the product they’re are selling must be!” thought that often crosses the mind of the reader. Don’t forget the appearence of honesty in the ad with respect to not having to pay and get ripped-off on the exercise info. They are now “your generous freinds”…not scammers at all, a newbie might think! A perfect sell. These motherfuckers are good at their game and the only risk they could take on this is doing the opposite. Yeah, they’re bullshit scammers alright, but having effectively covered damn near all of the essential elements in the ad formula, they have taken it to a new level. Might even give the BB supp industry a run for the money on who can bullshit and scam the most in a more effective manner. groa

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