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gain and shrinkage

gain and shrinkage

I have been doing pe for 4 months with a supplement call Add Inches..I started doing stretching and jells 2 weeks before I stated the supplement. Shorty after I started the supplement program I did see some difference in size.. In both length and girth about .5 inch in both. Then a short time after i went back to my normal size. I work at exercise as much as I can maybe between 1 a 2 hours a day. I see growth some days and then back to them same. Although my erections are certainly more harder and firmer. I was wondering if anyone else was having the same thing happening with gains and shrinkage.

Any comments will be appreciated
I am 6 X 6..hoping for more


Are you measuring consistently?

Are you sure you are measuring the same way each time?

Is it bone pressed?

Are you pushing as hard each time?

Making sure you measure only after some specified time off PE.

In other words if you measure right after a workout and next time two days since your last workout you will most likely see less on the measure after the break.

I usually only measure 2 days after my last workout.

Many have posted losing some gains but typically it’s been after they’ve been not PEing for some time.

Are you consistent with your workouts also? Not taking time off and doing the same routine each day/week?

By the way, 6 inch girth already? Lucky you. And a 1/2 inch gain in that short of time is really a lot especially for girth.

I guess I am maybe expecting too much, but I can visually see the difference in size at different times. I know that it has to arrousal, but I can see difference when flaccid as well. So I don’t know what if that is natural as part of peing. I guess there would be some swelling after vigorous workout.


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