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Hairloss, bodybuilding and PE


Hairloss, bodybuilding and PE

Not to have another propecia thread with pros and contras… I took propecia for only 3 months, didn’t continue because my doc. don’t trust that shit.

Anyway I lost hair and I still lose hair, I trim my hair at 1 mm, but I miss my old hairstyle.

Like some of you guys know, it’s really depressing to lose hair at a early age, I’m only 21.

BUT on the other side I got things that seem to me important too, I’m having intense workouts to get some nice muscles and I’m into PE.

I don’t know if I should start again taking propecia, or not. It’s my personal choice I know, but I’m only feeling shitty at the moment. If my hairloss continues like this I have to run around like LL Cool J for the rest of my life.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


You’ll probably get responses from the the three guys here who take it. Here’s mine.

The stuff works. It works better than Rogaine. It has minimal side effects and if you start using it before you have signficant hair loss, it can bring a lot of it back.

Yes, you have to take it every day for the rest of your life. If being bald is not where you want to be, you’ll put up with a daily pill. And you’re right. It is up to you, not your doc.

Good luck in your decision.

I’m hoping for positive results from the generic propecia I’m taking….around $18 a month vs. $180 ish a month if you buy non generic.

The domain name is for sale is where I get mine. Only on my first month…first 20 days so I have no results to report yet, but am very optimistic. It may also in the long run help lower your chances of developing prostate cancer.

I’ve noticed that Finesteride works great for some, less for others.

1. I have a close friend who is 38 and started to lose his hair about 2 years ago. He started taking Propecia 3 months ago. He hasn’t noticed any growth, but his hair loss has ceased. FYI, his dad and brothers are completely bald.

2. My brother-in-law started to lose hair at 30. He started Propecia 2 years ago and actually had a decent amount of re-growth.

I think it’s a good idea to keep taking it. It may take more that a couple months to kick in. Give it a year, then evaluate your dome.

If nothing else, it will probably prevent BPH and/or prostate cancer.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Hey dudes,

Perhaps I can offer some insight. I have been on the drug for over a year. Just keep taking it; the progress is slower than PE, but it does work. A year will go by and your hair won’t look any worse, in fact it may look slightly better. Read about it. I found a website where I can buy loads of it really cheap. Also the recommended dose is far higher than the threshold level of effectiveness. So in reality you need only take between .2 and .5 mg a day. Or at least start with that otherwise you may build a tolerance to the drug after several years use. I currently take a 5mg pill and just eat a bit off it each day; the pill lasts about a week. Science sources say that the best increase in hair thickness—you baldees out there know how your hair gets really fine on the crown—occurs in the second year, which I am in. I do agree with science so far; it has not let me down. Rest assured I am far happier now with good hair and a large bulge than had I been born 10 years earlier and be at this point in my life without the internet. Thank you Al Gore; your invention gave me the things I need to live in the shallow, kiddy-pool existence that is post-modernism, but hey chicks are hot and maybe that is all that matters.

lousy time, takes too long when you want results, especially in our instant coffee world.


Last edited by joeyjojojunior : 12-13-2003 at .

Is it ok to be taking propecia when trying to concieve a child?

Jay3723 this is something you should talk to your doctor about, I know that if you are on finasteride you should not donate blood for a least 6 month after discounting it, if a pregnant women receive that blood it may lead to birth defects in boys so I recommend you should talk to your doc.

I thought Propecia pills are only 1 mg pills, I got 1 mg pills, so why do I see sites having 5 mg finasteride in their product list?

I thought those 5 mg pills are the proscar pills? Is that cheaper to order proscar?

westla90069 you take proscar? Don’t you?

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Yes, I do and yes, it’s cheaper. It’s the same drug. You just have to cut the tablets into quarters, or “nibble” a bit :) each day like joeyjojojunior does.

Let me know if the above recommended generic website is a real deal and they are not giving you any pseudo drugs.

"The past may hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." "Life moves pretty fast. One should stop and look around from time to time, before it passes you by." BigCatLion Hear My Roar

BTW I forgot to ask ( after reading all those propecia/finasteride threads I’m a bit confused though) if taking finasteride will hinder muscle gains.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Originally posted by westla90069
You'll probably get responses from the the three guys here who take it.

Here!!! :D

As I alsways state in all these threads, I am on it since 6 years, I have no side effects in any regard. I get good erections, I have major sex drive, I am working out regularly seeing muscle gains… what else could I say?

Pregnancy&Co: It’s the receiving or pregnant woman WHO SHOULD UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES get in touch with finasteride. It might enter the body through the mother’s skin hindering proper development of the embryo. The 1mg pills (generic or brand) are sealed at the surface, so there is no material risk. If you choose to limit your costs by ordering 5mg pills breaking them you HAVE TO MAKE SURE that you do this where your female pregnant (or to-become-pregnant, conceivable etc..) partner doesn’t reach AND that you wash your hands (if you nibble you will need to properly clean your lips/mouth before kissing her again. How can you live with this risk, westla??? :chuckle:

OK, doctors: Before changing to generics and online prescriptions, I’ve been to several doctors. They never hesitated to prescribe Propecia. There are always fundamental guys out there. Make your choice! I have so much fun styling my hair these days (being 33) and I had serious depression when being 23. I used to spend HOURS in the bathroom getting more and more upset by the way I looked. Totally different situation today!

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

Hey man
My advise is: go to a good dermatologist!
There are many cases and causes for hair loss…

Let you check this:

I dont know the transduction in english!

I had some problems time ago (hormonal i believe)
and tried finasteride (for me was a shit)
and minoxidil
(good but not sufficient)

Now I use a mix formed by:
minoxidil 5%
spironolattone (bad smell, terrible!)
and diluted in alcoholic solution.

I use it every day or like that.
I have a bottle without spironolattone
when I have necessity I use without that
for the problem of the smell.

My hairs now are much much better
and really satisfied with them.

Anyway;;;every one is different
what I advice you is:
go to a professional dermatologist!
Dont waste your time and money.
A good one can give you the best cure.

Have a good day.


I forget:

hairloss can be caused by many things.
It can be genetic ; so, it’s not your fault - you can try to cure it.

or due to stress
lack of proteins vitamins
and so on…

Try to understand which is the cause.

Also wearing glasses can cause a
hair loss in some cases (my opinion, hum…!)
But…I think to know what I am saying.
So…in ths case you can have a laser
and correct it. Do you wear glasses?

I have done that. Now I am ok.

It’s interesting to work on yourself.
Everything can be done.

And last….better dont use some substances
in bodybuilding….They can make
some damage in you and also your hairs.

I use only good ones.
(arginine/vit proteins/ glutammine and so on)


L born XXL buried
I’m 21 and I got some bad hairloss, so it’s basically the same problem as you had and I hope I still have some hair when I’m 33, taking propecia.

I went to a dermatologist 1 year and a half ago, she gave me something to apply directly where I lost my hair but that thang was too expensive and not so easy to take everyday, I gave up soon. It was a spray.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


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