Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Herbal pills

search it in yahoo, oscar.

Haven’t you heard, don’t judge a book by its cover?

This is male enhancement pill not enlargement pill.

Hey neverenuff,

Don’t you have links to your potential suppliers that would have the ingredients posted on a website? Also, how much are you going to sell these “magic” pills for?

It’s fucking scary that someone, unknown to any member here, with no kind of responsible information or website, is offering free unlabeled pills and is getting “volunteers”.

I, myself, would be damn leery of giving out my mailing address.

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Originally Posted by neverenuff
All right, you all want the ingredients?
All 4 brands are made from Buffalo penis, Donkey penis and sea dog penis, which are meshed and grinded to turn in to a pill. But each company makes it differently, as a result, the potency is varied.

You wake up every morning with a hard-on because you are probably young.

I heard it’s best to snort the sea dog penis and only to take the donkey penis on an empty stomach. I also heard that domestic buffalo penis should never be taken with imported sea dog penis.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by neverenuff
search it in yahoo, oscar.
Haven’t you heard, don’t judge a book by its cover?
This is male enhancement pill not enlargement pill.

Well, I was pretty cranky when I posted that night, so ‘scuse my rudeness, but I have this thing against spamming or anything that resembles it.

Plus, your asking me to test sample something, without any information. Even if it was legitimate, I do draw the line at gulleting down the ground remains of assorted mammals penises….ditto for Lions testicles.

I also know it was a “male enhancement” pill. I read and comprehend near perfectly.

If I ever feel I have a “virility” problem, I’ll turn to the people who wear white lab coats, and wash their hands on a regular basis…….not these freaks who go around castrating and de-genitalizing assorted wildlife and running it through a grinder….. Pulllease.

As far as that “book by it’s cover” comment, that can go both ways. :)

And I echo Thunder’s sentiments 100%.

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

No hard feeling, oscar. If I were you, I would not trust anyone either.

Well, the price is somewhere around $2.00 to $2.25 per pop. Keep in mind, this is good for three days. Right now, I am not selling it because we have not been able to determine which one is the best.
As a result, I turn to you all in here who do PE and felt that your experience would help us determine the result.

My intention is, if I do sell the product and most of my clients are from Thunder, then I will donate some of the proceed to this site on the quarterly. This way everyone is happy.

I took it and nothing happened. My herbal doctor, who is 60, took it for 2 months and he is still alive.


Are you kidding me?!?

Just kidding, dude.

Please don’t take me too seriously.

Whew, for a minute there I thought you were being serious. Sea Dog Dick.. :chuckle:

This is my favorite line:

My herbal doctor, who is 60, took it for 2 months and he is still alive

It’s like you didn’t expect him to be. :D

It’s like you didn’t expect him to be.


Wouldn’t that be cool, if that had happened?
Then, i can take over. But, than I might go out of business because I am too damn cheap to donate to thunder.

You know, I hear that ecstasy is 80% more effective when taken anally. Just something to consider… :)

Originally Posted by stevie31
You know, I hear that ecstasy is 80% more effective when taken anally. Just something to consider… :)

You serious? Hook me up.

Yes, I’m very serious. A few of my mates swear by it and won’t take it any other way. Sorry I can’t hook you up though, I personally refuse to even try the stuff. It burns holes in your brain.

CYYYanide, getcha free cyanide heyah!!!

Originally Posted by stevie31
Yes, I’m very serious. A few of my mates swear by it and won’t take it any other way. Sorry I can’t hook you up though, I personally refuse to even try the stuff. It burns holes in your brain.

That is too bad! I think I will just stick with what I have.
That stuff is illegal in America, isn’t it?

Yes, the basic element of ecstasy, MDMA, is illegal in the US. The problem is that you never really know what a pill contains. Producers of the pills will cut it up with anything from amphetamines, LSD, ephedrine, ketamine and aspirin. Even more dangerous substances - (like atropine, a prescription drug which can be dangerous if overdosed) have occasionally been found in batches of pills sold as ecstasy. Ecstasy has grown to be the drug of choice for teenage and college kids. It’s extremely addictive and extremely profitable for the sellers and distributors. Very bad stuff though.


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