I mentioned this effect as well and I agree it makes you hornier in the beginning and as long as you don’t use too frequent the effect may last but with regular use/ abuse I can promise you the effect of that will fade. I’m not trying to give any moral lesson, don’t get me wrong I’m just saying educate yourselves on what you use and don’t abuse it, sure pot is considered a ‘harmless’ drug, but fact remains it is a psychoactive so show some respect for it.
The youth of today grows up often hearing pot being the wonder medicine plant and it is a pop culture symbol as well since it’s so socially accepted and rappers and others celebs make it seem cool, too cool almost promoting it. Sure it has it’s upsides, but the downside MIGHT be there as well.
Hell, I would love it if I wasn’t addicted to the shit and could use it the way you do. Each time I have had breaks from it in the past and started up again I have gotten horny as hell, but days, weeks, months go by toking everyday, and boom shutdown. And I know many others that can testify to that.