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hgh, Leydigs, yohimbe, tongkat, etc.


hgh, Leydigs, yohimbe, tongkat, etc.

Excuse my amateurness SS, I do apologize, but this is the thread I meant to make to begin with:

I came across this site when googling "injecting growth hormone into penis,":

http://www.sexu alenhancement.o … -injections.htm

I fished around the site a bit.. http://www.sexu alenhancement.o … yohimbesize.htm

And more.http://www.sexu alenhancement.o … tongkat-ali.htm

There goes my belief in injecting hormones. That’s corroborated also by a few guys on the site who’ve tried it themselves (and lived to tell about it).

Now, for the record, I don’t see him peddling any websites or products, except for one part where he mentions Pridepenis or some dumb pay site. But he doesn’t link it.

He claims to be a "scientific researcher" (not a MD) who has a "background in biology, but as far as sexual enhancement goes", has "a background primarily as having been (his) own test subject."

Sounds FAIRLY trustworthy.

Well I’ve read about Leydig Cells in the past. And there are numerous threads on Tongkat Ali, but I’ve never read an article that bought into it so much. He even delves into Arginine, DHEA, and all other stuff.

I’m just trying to tie all of this together - HGH, Yohimbe, Arginine, Leydig Cells, Testosterone, AGE..

I think we’re all looking for an advantage over the rest to keep up the pace along with regular ol’ PE, like Hank Hill’s Lady Propane.

So what to think of all this?

PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Yohimbe can cause high blood pressure.

Toncat ali, not sure if it can deliver what they say it can deliver.

There are other testosterone enchancing agents out there:


Chromium picolinate

Green tea


Ginseng (don’t take if your hypertensive, easily agitated, prone to panic attacks or anxiety)


Golden root

These won’t grow your dick permanently but do help with EQ health.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 09-30-2007 at . Reason: There for thier, there: for their

True, but according to the actual articles I posted Tongkat Ali when taken in big doses can actually re-grow Leydig Cells which will permanently grow your cock.


PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Originally Posted by bobs3304
True, but according to the actual articles I posted Tongkat Ali when taken in big doses can actually re-grow Leydig Cells which will permanently grow your cock.


Yes but is the article credible? And how much do you have to take?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Me either.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

True, but you’re the doc man, you tell me.

Was his medical jargon sound?

Maybe someone should email him.

PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Originally Posted by bobs3304

True, but you’re the doc man, you tell me.

Was his medical jargon sound?

Maybe someone should email him.

Well it could be Dr. Linn type crap or it could be some truth to it. Further research may be needed.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 09-26-2007 at . Reason: Dr. for DR.

Yea I def. Think so.

It’s not the first time I’ve read about it either.

PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Oh it is Dr. Lin type - some truth with added hype. Fe. A2A receptors do have major influence on flaccid hang, but there’s no immediate relation between leydig cells activity and penile tissue - shrinkage is caused by androgen deprivation (like in propecia victims), growth seems to be far more complicated than androgen abundance, unfortunately.

Originally Posted by 7i667

Oh it is Dr. Lin type - some truth with added hype. Fe. A2A receptors do have major influence on flaccid hang, but there’s no immediate relation between leydig cells activity and penile tissue - shrinkage is caused by androgen deprivation (like in propecia victims), growth seems to be far more complicated than androgen abundance, unfortunately.


I love GOLD

Originally Posted by kingpole
Thier are other testosterone enchancing agents out their


Chromium picolinate

Green tea


Ginseng (don’t take if your hypertensive, easily agitated, prone to panic attacks or anxiety)


Golden root

These won’t grow your dick permanently but do help with EQ health.

None of these supplements have any effect on testosterone levels.

I love GOLD

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 09-26-2007 at . Reason: testosterone for test

Originally Posted by 7i667
Oh it is Dr. Lin type - some truth with added hype. Fe. A2A receptors do have major influence on flaccid hang, but there’s no immediate relation between leydig cells activity and penile tissue - shrinkage is caused by androgen deprivation (like in propecia victims), growth seems to be far more complicated than androgen abundance, unfortunately.

So how do you trigger the A2A recetpors, or reduce adrogen deprivation?

PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Yohimbine for starters. In short, Y will block adrenaline in your willy, so it will hang in fully relaxed state, serotonin pathways work only on some people tho, probably receptor density issue, if they do however one can expect effect similar to viagra.

Andro deprivation is pathological state, if you had it you’d know. Cornering rooms, not looking into eyes, weight gain problems, shrinking dick (in advanced state), small bollocks, prevalence of flight behaviors in general. Go to endocrinologist (kind of a leach).


I’ve heard Yohimbine is bad for blood pressure and the FDA is taking it off the shelves.

And KP hasn’t mentioned it once, and he’s like the frigging supplement. Guru.

But you sound like a smart guy. What else do you like other than Yohimbe? Or is that the best?

PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 09-26-2007 at . Reason: supplement for supp

Originally Posted by bobs3304
I’ve heard Yohimbine is bad for blood pressure and the FDA is taking it off the shelves.

And KP hasn’t mentioned it once, and he’s like the frigging supp. Guru.

But you sound like a smart guy. What else do you like other than Yohimbe? Or is that the best?

Yohimbe would not be good for you bob due to anxiety issues. Yohimbe is unstable needs to be taken with a pepsin blocker like ginger.

I have not looked into the tongcat ali yet it seems the stuff they sell here in the U.S.A is inferior.

Tea is a cortisol blocker it seems to me anxiety is a kin to cortisol.

Ginkgo is great for fl acid hang.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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