Even though I attend the gym regularly (3 days of cardio and 5 days of weight lifting) I’ve been struggling to lose those extra pounds that would leave me being considered “perfectly toned” I have a habit of binge eating dramatically at night; normally consuming up to 1200kcal shortly before I sleep, taking my kcal intake to about 2800 a day.
A few days ago I decided I had enough money to burn to purchase some “Hoodia” which contains a chemical called “p57” that convinces your brain that your stomach is full of glucose rich food. There’s a lot of scientific research to back up these claims, the main risk being the number of fraudulent products available online.
So I did my research and found a product I deemed suitable and purchased 100 caps; I thought i’d be stingy and only take two a day instead of the 3 recommended.
Does it work? Hell yeah!
Started taking them on Friday, kcal intake as follows:
Friday: 2000 kcal
Saturday 1600 kcal
Sunday 1350 kcal
Monday 1300 Kcal
I feel generally disinterested in food, I can still eat, but the urgency I normally associate with my late night binges has faded entirely, i’m incredibly impressed to say the least and would recommend it to anyone interested in losing weight as part of an exercise regime and healthy diet.
Shall keep everyone updated as to my progress.
Cheers for reading (if you did) :D