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Vitamins and Supplements Rooted in Science - Life Extension
It’s explains it quite well. This studies shows how one of the lignans, 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran, an "outstandingly high" affinity for SHBG(Sex Hormone Binding Globulin):
http://www.ncbi … /pubmed/9434605
This compound, 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran, effectively binds up SHBG, deactivating it, so that there are much lower levels of the active form in the blood, leading to an particular increase in free testosterone(as well as DHT, which although great for muscle growth, can accelerate male pattern baldness).
Plain Nettle Root Extract only has this 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran in a 10% concentration at most. The Bodybuilding products with this stuff has it standardized to 95% concentration.
The bodybuilding products will cost you around $25 a month(considering you cycle it 4week/weeks), however I have located the organic Chinese extraction company that creates this 95% powder, and have recently bought 0.5kg of the powder(it was the lowest amount they could supply, I bought a "sample"), for a significantly reduced price.
This 0.5kg "sample" will last me for a total of 26 months(at 1.2g per day, all before lunchtime, 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off), and it works out at less than $8 per month(5 Euro per month).
There have been blogs on the bodybuilding forums, along with blood tests(before and after 4 weeks of supplementation)(one of the logs was done by a doctor) and they show an increase in free testosterone(from 150% to 200%) and an increase in DHT(bad if you are balding) and a decrease in estrogen(great for the older ones).
I think I may be prone to to male pattern baldness, so I will be taking various measures(I can let you all know; just ask) to prevent this occuring.
The website for the cheap wholesale stuff from the factory is:
You can talk to them live on the site.