Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

If you had a positive effect with NOX2, post here


If you had a positive effect with NOX2, post here

If you experienced enhanced nocturnal erections, fully inflated rock hard erections and improved flaccid hang, please tell me-

1- Product you took (NOX2)

2- Your age and weight.

3- How many pills per day to see the effect.

4- Was the effect immediate or was their a build up period.

5- Time of day you took the pills.

Anything else you think relevant for someone starting to take them looking to maximize potential.

Thanks in advance :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I just finished the first bottle of NOX2 - 180 tablets - can’t really say there was any real difference between that and straight Arginine I have used previously - but have a second bottle on the way. I am 67, and also taking Tribulous and L-Lysine - I couldn’t take the NOX2 in the dosages specified because they tend to cause mild diahrea - also some skin sensitivity… 2 tabs twice a day seemed better, but will experiment more with the new bottle.


I take NO2 for working out.
I am 18 years old.
No differnce in erection at all well on or off NO2.
I take 4 pills twice a day.
I weigh 150 pounds.
(gained 15 of the pounds well on NO2)

I will let you guys know how NOX2 works for me as soon as I’m out my first bottle of NO2.


I am currently taking Pinnacle’s NOX2…

Experienced slightly enhanced erections.. Improved flaccid? I think so..

1- Product you took (NOX2)


2- Your age and weight.

28 - 248lbs

3- How many pills per day to see the effect.


4- Was the effect immediate or was their a build up period.

Buildup - about a week and a half.

5- Time of day you took the pills.

I experience a very good pump after workouts but not for a particularly extended period. I am hoping the NO2 will be better…

First thing in the morning, then before lunch.

— I have just bought some MRI NO2 and will report back if it is any better when I start taking it…

See Ya,


Yes, I noticed improvements: solid nocturnal erections, improved flaccid hang, and improved (harder) erections. Oh, and less “down-time” between orgasms.

1. Pinnacle’s NOX2

2. 23 years old and 130lbs (5’4” and all muscle).

3. I dose 3 pills per day.

4. Initially (first 10 days), I dosed 2 pills per day and noticed overall improvements within 5 days (must be my fast metabolism). I have increased my dose to three pills, and I think there’s been even more improvement, but it’s hard to measure (no pun intended). I’m considering on upping the dose again. This is sort of like an experiment for me.

5. I usually dose once sometime between 11AM and 2PM.

Anything to add? Hmm…increasing water intake alone improves flaccid hang, so it’s difficult to determine what’s contributing more to those gains. I think not increasing water intake can cause dizziness. I once ran around on an empty stomach without my trusty “” water thermos (anyone else use theirs?) and felt…light headed. It only happened once and I’m not 100% sure NOX2 was the cause of it.

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

Interesting note…I skipped my dose yesterday and noticed less enthusiasm below my waist. And this morning I dosed two NOX2 pills and those benefits are back. I’m beginning to wonder if there is any difference (with me at least) between a 2 pill and 3 pill dose (or 4 etc). Perhaps my body can only absorb so much NOX2 at once?

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

Originally Posted by llbigj
Perhaps my body can only absorb so much NOX2 at once?

NOX2 is a weight lifting supplement, and if your not weight lifting I doubt you need a full dose to get the affects your looking for down there. I’ve read for NO2, that if your only looking for health benefits, and your not using it as a weight lifting supplement, then you don’t need a full dose.

I haven’t done extensive research on NOX2 and it’s weight training benefits, but I’ve seen it mentioned more than once that it’s not a favorite among supplements. I strength train daily, but I use a 50lbs weight vest for workouts such as squats, push ups, etc. I also use creatine daily. I wonder how much of my gains are a result of my increased water intake?

Anyway, sshamm bone 1, good call. I’ll make my NOX2 suppy last longer by keeping my daily dose at two pills. After what I noticed yesterday and today, this product seems to be plenty beneficial (for wood).

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

I take NO2 for weight lifting. 4 pills twice a day. I’m going to stay with 4 pills twice a day but switch to NOX2 because the cost is cheaper. I was even thinking of going to 5 pills twice a day, but the cost is still there, so theres a good chance I won’t increase my dose.

In my 1 bottle of NO2. I have increased my bi-ceps, forearms, and cavles over 1 inch in size. My quads got about 2 or more inches bigger. Me and my cousin are both taking it and working out together, and he has had the same results. We have also kept measurments each week.

I take three pills three times a day when I’m off work and at home doing PE. Seems to help me stay erect for girth routines without Cialas or Viagra. I’m 51, and have had some ED in the past, but the ED has almost completely gone after a year of PE. I also drink tons of water with the sup and my wood and flaccid hang have improved greatly since I’ve started taking the sup. I’m also doing other things,(everything, actually) so I can’t be sure that all my flaccid gains are from the sup, probably not. The three days a week I’m at the office I don’t need my dick for anything so I don’t take it during that time and I can really see the difference in a loss of hang. The pills seem to have more effect on the first couple of days after being off them. I too am wondering if I could cut down my dosage and still get the same effects. Seems the pills give me more strength in bed and on the track. The only downside I’ve found so far is they seem to make me hungry, but good vitamins do the same. Nine pills a day four days a week is a little expencive, but I’m hooked on the flaccid gain. Hope this has helped you RB. Maybe we should start a poll on this subject.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I have gotten through about 2/3 of a bottle so far of NoX2(Pinnacle).

I started a new pro hormone cycle(4ad) at the same time, along with wearing a ballzinger.

My strength during my workouts is great, but I always get that on a cycle. My post workout pump doesn’t seem like it’s any more than usual.

My flaccid hand is very good, but I’ve been hanging like a fiend.

I’m 52 and weigh 173.

I take 3 NoX2 in the morning along with my aminos on an empty stomach and 3 in the early afternoon.

I’d have to say, even though my serious weightlifting friends swear by this product, that I’m not sold on it.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

I take three pills three times a day when I’m off work and at home doing PE….I too am wondering if I could cut down my dosage and still get the same effects.

Try it out? See if you can determine whether or not two pills twice a day (or three pills once daily) offers the same amount of benefits. If you do (or anyone else) let us know.

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

Wow it seems like you have to take a lot of NOX2 for the effects! I just bought a bottle of NOX2. What dosage should I start with?


I think you should follow the recommended doasge. Drink plenty of water too!


I got some. Took 3 tabs as a test. Did notice a bit better erection quality, improved flaccid hang. Effects seemed to last almost 2 days, possibly pointing at better results if you continue taking it daily.

I jumped back into hanging with a new approach, so I set these aside for the time being.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

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