Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Interesting response...


This is a really old thread, but someone like me may come along and read it. Hobby is correct on both accounts. LH & FSH, like he said, is not something you buy, they come from the pituitary gland. Technically those are produced when the pituitary is activated by GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) from the hypothalamus. DHT is responsible for penis growth, like he stated, not testosterone. I thought it would be helpful to parrot him, incase anyone comes along and reads this thread. :) Testosterone has been addressed, but they are rambling about 4AD, which I can put to bed real quick. Prohormones like 4AD convert to test via the liver, and we all know test does NOTHING for penis size. Have you ever heard of anyone injecting test cyp (steroid) and as a side effect, getting a larger penis? Enough said. :)

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

One more thing before this gets rolling is DHT. You can flood your body, get a localized transdermal to smear on your penis with DHT, its not going to matter. The AR receptors in your penis are downregulated or in simpler terms they are off. This is so we dont have a lifetime of penis growth.

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

Well I am disappointed about buying these kinds of stuffs. About 4 moths ago I bought the Penismaster and at the moment I haven’t see any result, I have heard about people that already bought the andopenis product and works pretty well but really, they are doing the exercises also, so I guess the reason could be because of the exercises and not because of the device.

Well, I really didn’t have anytime to exercise, but, I will do it from now, I then I will see if I get some gain. The thing that confuse is that if these stuff doesn’t work then why here there is section of wrapping that is something similar?.


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