Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Interesting response...


Interesting response...

I’ve been a PenisMaster user for months. While I’ve seen almost no result from a 6-9 hour/day use, I’m sticking with it because I think I just need time. Recenlty, I went to the AndroMedial site (they sell the AndroPenis), where they have the study claiming its efficiency. I sent them an email asking for info on time, use, hormones, etc. This was the response they gave for the hormonal question.

The interesting part is that they say hormones will not work by themselves(so much for Androgel, 4AD and whatever other Mic creams someone may want to try). But they say hormones do increase the growth rate caused by the tractive forces from devices like the AndroPenis.


I copied the response here:

Dear Customer, The answer to your question is as follows: The use of the Andro-Penis with hormonal therapy, increases the rate of penile growth in length and in some cases the width. This growth will only occur when both treatments are used in combination. Hormones alone will not cause penile growth. The hormonal treatment, when used as directed, will not cause secondary side effects. The treatment must be done under medical supervision. Examination and bloodwork results will indicate if you are a candidate for the hormonal treatment. 1.- THERAPY: We based our therapy in the use of the masculine hormone in charge of the development of males and specifically the one involved in the development of the penis. Of all the hormones the one that exerts most of its effect in the penis is Testosterone Enantate .The use of hormones should be instituted one month after the use of the Andro-Penis and after approval from your physician based on laboratory analysis. We also prescribe FSH( Follicule Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Leutenizing Hormone) to prevent transient testicular atrophy or “lazy testicle”. Injected testosterone can reduce the testosterone secreted by the testicle. Clomifeno stimulates the secretion of natural testosterone. 2.- ANALYSIS: Hepatitis, prostatitis and high levels of testosterone must be ruled out. If such analysis are within the normal parameter you can begin the hormonal therapy. Men older than 50 years should not do the Hormonal treatment. Prostatic Hypertrophy is another contraindication for hormonal therapy. A rectal exam will be done by your physician to asses the prostate’s size. Blood Analysis advised: HEMOGRAM, VSG, GLUCOSE, ALT, GOT + FAL, CHOLESTEROL, CREATININE, URIC ACID, FREE TESTOSTERONE AND PSA. You can also visit this website: Please do not hesitate to contact us if a question arises concerning your treatment. Part of our commitment with the patient is to provide support via email or by telephone. Sincerely, Dr. Eduardo A. Gomez de Diego. Andromedical Men’s Health devices - Penis, ED, Peyronie Tel.: +34 902 305 405 Fax: +34 902 305 406 Tel Internacional: +34 916 381 899 Fax Internacional: +34 916 391 791 Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question or comment about our method. There is a medical customer service helpline available as well as online.


Andromedical Medical Team.

“Men older than 50 years should not do the Hormonal treatment.”

Why, that’s when we need it most?

T-levels start to decrease after age 25. By age 50-60 it could be less than half that level. I’ve seen T replacement help many men by increasing virility, energy and overall sense of well being.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

“Injected testosterone *can* reduce the testosterone secreted by the testicle.”

not can … it WILL


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Originally posted by JAPP
“Men older than 50 years should not do the Hormonal treatment.”

Why, that's when we need it most?

T-levels start to decrease after age 25. By age 50-60 it could be less than half that level. I've seen T replacement help many men by increasing virility, energy and overall sense of well being.

You are exactly right JAPP; however, hormone replacement therapy for men is just now being considered by the medical community as legitimate. The reason for that statement is that it was generally considered that testosterone could speed the growth of prostate cancer and therefore was avoided alltogether, although there is no evidence that testosterone actually would cause the cancer if none were there to begin with.

In addition to JAPP’s observations, this isn’t a particularly enlightened statement:

>We also prescribe FSH( Follicule Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Leutenizing Hormone) to prevent transient testicular atrophy or “lazy testicle”. Injected testosterone can reduce the testosterone secreted by the testicle. Clomifeno stimulates the secretion of natural testosterone.

They can’t “prescribe” FSH and LH. They aren’t available. Sounds like what they meant to say is they recommend Clomid during or after a cycle.

Depending on the dosage and duration, some guys require more than Clomid (such as hCG) to restart natural testosterone production. There’s an example of a particularly stubborn case available on Pubmed. I don’t have a link handy but it should be easy to find with a search.

>We based our therapy in the use of the masculine hormone in charge of the development of males and specifically the one involved in the development of the penis.

That would be DHT, not testosterone, correct? I think these guys are a few fries short of a Happy Meal.


what about the term “Bullshitters”?

Would that be inadequate?

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

>what about the term “Bullshitters”?


Originally posted by JAPP
“Men older than 50 years should not do the Hormonal treatment.”

Why, that's when we need it most?

T-levels start to decrease after age 25. By age 50-60 it could be less than half that level. I've seen T replacement help many men by increasing virility, energy and overall sense of well being.

If I remember right, there was an upward curve around the age from 30 to 35 or so… Anyways the aforementioned is correct and even if I have made the moral decision not to use hormones to boost my training, I will use some test when I’m at that age. I don’t see how it’s any different from women’s hormonal treatment. Men do suffer the same way as women, not mayby with the exactly same symptoms, but they do.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

>Men do suffer the same way as women, not mayby with the exactly same symptoms, but they do.

I agree. I may supplement T if I live to be old and my T level is down.

I think these “doctors” are saying that boosting T levels in guys who already have enough will cause extra dick growth using their stretcher compared to guys who use the stretcher without “supplementing.”

Nice scam, but total BS. All this is IMO, of course. :)

Originally posted by hobby
>We based our therapy in the use of the masculine hormone in charge of the development of males and specifically the one involved in the development of the penis.

That would be DHT, not testosterone, correct? I think these guys are a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

OMG, theres a message in my alphabet, it says, “ooooooooooooooooooo!!”

“peter, those are cherios” -brain

Test converts to DHT, I think. I dont know, Im not a doctor.

There is a guy that has just bought the AndroPenis and he is reporting positive results. I found the tension of PenisMaster is of 1.1gr in contrast to AndroPenis that is 1.5gr. In addition, the AndroPenis’s web page seems to be more serious and they have been referenced by many medical journals.

I am planning to buy one of that but I am not sure which one. Of course I am a little concern about the price difference. Because AndroPenis costs 350Euros but PenisMaster costs only 139Euros. Before of reading this I would buy the cheaper one, but I don’t want to waste my money.

Has these apparatus been bought by somebody else and have some results to share?

I am placing the link if anybody wants to follow the AndroPenis guy discussion at the spanish forum.

AndroPenis funcionando

I think the biggest factor with these devices is comfort. If your going to use them straight out of the box and not modify them as many users do, then go with the one that has a more comfortable “sling” for the head/shaft.

Then, I understand you suggest to use Penismaster, but you say it doesn’t work.

Finally what do you plan to do, to try with Andropenis?

None, GoLarge:

I’m having success with the AndroPenis and I know others that are having success with the PenisMater, too. As to comfort, I was able to use the noose traction setup on the Andro unit during the breaking period (~120 hrs worth). After that, the traction forces got large enough to constrict the glans. Others have reported similar problems with the PenisMaster.

I made myself a modified Captain’s Wench that mates up nicely with the Andro device and it has solved any pinching and comfort/safety problems witht the Andro unit. Another gentleman made his own Captain’s Wench for the PenisMaster and I bleieve he is having success, too. I have found that heat helps tremendously when you are in traction (T>115 degF) using a rice sock or heating pad. I have gone up to 3 hours in traction using my Wench with no major problems like complete loss of circulation.

My program is to combine pumping with heated stretching - I just started pumping having received my pump the other day.

I hope this helps,


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