Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Interesting observtion.....

Interesting observtion.....

Well I have been here for along time and spent most of my time lurking but when I think I have something of interest or think I can actually help I reply anyway I have 2 things I would like to say well actually one and one thing I found that I thought was very interesting and just curious if anyone else has tried this 8-)

First off thanks guys I have learned alot from you all and I have gained almost an inch in length thru hanging, now after 16 months if I could only get that last 3/8 of an inch.

Second and this is what I found interesting, I used to pump but after 6 months had no gains so I found this place and started hanging and FINALLY noticed gains any way after doing 3 20 minute sets a week ago I thought what the heck and pulled out the pump well after pumping it up and sitting there for about 10 minutes I noticed that the tip of the head was only about 1/4 inch away from the top of the tube, never been this close before just pumping anyway I pumped for about 20 minutes and stopped. This weekend I rested for 2 days and just pumped last night for the fun of it and guess what? I was a good 1/4 inch shorter than I was after hanging and then pumping. I guess this does prove that hanging does lenghten it’s just keeping that extra length that is the hard part! LOL!!

Also do you think pumping right after hanging is a bad idea? my thoughts were that the ligs are fatigued and from hanging the head is alittle light on blood and that pumping actually forces blood back into the head and puts alittle more “pull” time on the ligs without depriving the head of blood.

BTW I usually wait about 10 minutes after the last hanging session before I actually pump.

Thanks Guys !!

Congrats on your gains…I’m basically hanging and jelking now, I
was pumping more but I put on hold so I could focus more on
these two I also throw some all day hanging in there with 12oz -
16oz. I tried something new to me today I hung 2lbs and 2 1/2
lbs from bat and balls today so it pulled both at same time kinda
of like pumping when you do both…I liked it and always looking
for new ideas or good ideas for gains…Keep up your gains I WISH
I was at 1” oh well someday…C-YA


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