Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Determined my girlfriends "ideal" size... interesting read:


Determined my girlfriends "ideal" size... interesting read:

Hello everyone - This is my first post in about a year on this board. Just a quick note pre-PE I was 6.25 BPEL and 4.5 EG and after 2 months or so I got to just over 6.675 BPEL and 4.75 EG. I was happy with the 1/4”+ gain in both departments in 2 months, but due to not having time (work/lifestyle changes) I wasn’t able to do more than a basic maintenance routine for the last 8-10 months. I have no reason to believe I cannot achieve further gains, and after my most recent experiment I have some work to do… Here’s the story:

I’ve been with my girlfriend for a year and a half. Our sex was always good but until the last 6 months it wasn’t great. She would orgasm in general every other time, but now after learning what she likes exactly she orgasms at least once, usually twice each time we have intercourse. Due to my sub-par size, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to give her a little more. Length wise I’m not all that unhappy, but I really could use a bit more girth. Online I purchased one of those extenders… it added about 1.5” in length and girth as well. After receiving it I checked the new measurements. They were 8.25” BPEL and about 5.5 EG. I told my girlfriend up front that I was going to “try something new” with her prior to having sex (which wasn’t a surprise, as we ALWAYS try new stuff). We often incorporate sex toys in the bedroom already but nothing that would give her any size over what I had to offer. It just so happens that doggystyle is both her and my favorite sexual position. Fortunately in this position, she cannot see what exactly I am doing behind her :) Anyway, I quickly put on the extender and entered her. I only gave her about half-3/4” of the shaft, so I wasn’t giving her any additional length, just girth. She responded very positively, saying “oooh that feels good whatever you’re doing” and such. I got slightly bolder and gave her more length. At about the 7.5” mark (A little less than an inch visible outside of her) she said “ow” so I backed off a little. She added “wow that’s really deep!” so she was clearly feeling something she hadn’t in the past. I worked her up slowly over the course of the next 5 minutes or so, and right before she came as I always do I started nailing her harder and I actually went 100% in with the extender. She had a few “ows” mixed in during her orgasm but clearly enjoyed the length. After we were done, of course she was curious. I took off the extender and showed her it, and she was like “cool, I didn’t know they made such a thing.” I asked her to describe how it felt, and she said “it went really deep… it hurt a little at times and now my stomach hurts a little, but at the same time it felt good.” She also added that “it felt thicker and filled her up more.”

Anyway, I had mixed feelings about the experience. Obviously it told me that I need to get back into PE (I already wanted to). It also made me feel good that I have her an experience that she has not yet had. Of course on the flipside it made me feel “small” of course, and to some degree I still feel that way. That was about 2 months ago or so. Since that time, we incorporate the extender I’d say one in every 3 times we have sex. She actually never asks for it, I’m the one that reaches for it when I want to turn up the heat. Just last week though I started getting curious again. I really wondered if she could handle MORE girth… length wise I was more or less sold on the fact that 8”ish was the max she could comfortably (and at times it WASN’T comfortable) handle. I happened to have a 8”x6” dildo tucked away somewhere for years (past relationship) that is very realistic feeling. I searched for it and finally found it (along with a few other things) and descretely put it under the mattress one afternoon. That night we were having sex, and ultimately ended up in the doggystyle position again. I got off the bed and walked over to grab the extender. As I got back on the bed I reached under and grabbed the dildo and tucked it under the covers toward the back corner of the bed. We continued having sex with the extender, and she came twice as she usually does these days. I wrapped my hand around the dildo as I was having sex with her so that I could raise the temperature of it to something near my body temperature. I started taking myself completely out of her for a few seconds and putting it back in so that I could set the stage for inserting the dildo. I held the dildo at about the point where my penis was (which was tough as hell with a hardon right in the way) and slowly inserted the tip inside her. Once it was in, IMMEDIATELY she said “woah baby, what are you doin?!” and I just said “how does it feel?” She said “BIG!” and I pushed it in a little farther. I gave her about 4” of the dildo and just held it there with my other hand on her hip. She began rocking forward and backwards, slowly taking more and more. With about 1” to spare on the dildo she said “ow” so I knew length wise it was hitting her a little too deep again. She was going wild and had a huge orgasm - it was unlike anything I’d really seen before. She fell forward on the bed, and I reached to my right and shoved the dildo quickly under the mattress again. I was really turned on by the magnitude of her orgasm, thrusted myself inside her and within a minute or so orgasmed myself. Afterwards she was like “what were you doing, that felt so damn good!” I am really open about this kind of stuff as I’ve already stated, but for some reason I didn’t want to tell her about the dildo. I simply told her that I was trying a new technique and she wrote it off as I was doing something different with the extender or something and surprisingly didn’t ask for any more info.

Anyway, interesting story huh fellas? It felt really good being able to get her off the way she got off, but at the same time it tells me that I NEED SOME SERIOUS PE! I guess I can use this as a motivational tool :) Just judging from the experiences that I’ve described above, I’d venture to say that she could probably handle 6.25” of girth being that she handled 6” of girth without much trouble her first time. I don’t know if 6.25 would be “comfortable” if going full throttle - but 6 would be without a doubt. Length wise, I’d say 7-7.5 would be ideal for her because anything more than that seems to hurt her. 7-7.5 would give her just enough of those “hurts good” ows but not enough to really pain her. My little experiment tells me that ideally, for MY girlfriend I’d like to have a 7.25 BPEL x 6 EG. So, the good and the bad? The good is that I’m only about 3/4” away from my “ideal” BPEL. The bad is that I’m twice as far away in the girth department :( I’ve already started back into PE in the last week with stretches which is what got me my initial gains. I used horses for the most part to gain the 1/4” girth that I got, so I’ll likely start tacking those again real soon. Wish me luck guys and thanks for the support on here. If it wasn’t for the success stories I read on this forum I would have given up on everything a LONG time ago ;)

My hats off to you man. Thanks for sharing the results of your experiment, which for me probably would have been an ego crushing experience. At least it’s good to know that with PE you will be able to get the same kind of orgasms out of your girlfriend with your own dick someday.

Great post!!

Have you considered adding pumping to your routine? It works well for a lot of guys and I know it has gotten me more length and girth.

Good luck and thanks for the story.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Great post. I’m a small penis guy, quite a bit smaller than what you started out, and have just begun PE. You have done the "experiment" I have planned for my wife. My story is here

Starting small

I don’t know if she will go for any kind of prosthetic since she’s strongly against dildos, etc.

I am curious to hear your feelings about using an extension to really get your loved one off versus your feelings (if any) of inadequacy of your own penis while doing so. Of course it would be best if it were just your penis doing it, but how much (if any) of an emotional let-down do you feel that it isn’t you? Does it add to any feelings of inadequacy?

While I have not yet done the experiment, I think I will be so emotionally high from such an experience with my loved one that it would not add anything to my small penis syndrome.

Then again, I may immediately go out, wrap a rope around my unit, and have a semi pull it (a la original Texas Chainsaw).


Just trying to become average.... "There is ALWAYS hope" - Aragorn start 11/25/04 BPEL= 14.7 cm (5.78") EG= 11 cm (4.33")

Interesting post. Immortality - I think we are related :)

I’ve done the exact thing before with my wife and still do, and have come to the same conclusion as you - 7.5x6+ is probably the perfect dick for my wife.

I must say before you try anything like this you need to be secure about yourself or you may become drepressed after finding out your wife can handle “more” than what you currently offer her. For me, it was very satisfying and a big turn on watching her reactions and seeing a bigger dick in action. This really helps me in the motivation department to get bigger, and it’s working !!

Thanks for the replies everyone.

Diatoms, I was always able (at least more recently) to get her off even without the extender. For the first half a year of our relationship or so I was only able to make her orgasm with oral sex, never through intercourse. Over time it finally happened, and at about a year into the relationship was happening at about an every-other-time basis. In the last 6 months though it got much better, and she would ALWAYS orgasm (except for that 1 in 20 freak time) and more often than not I could get a second one out of her with a little work :) I don’t find that the entender really produces all that more than I do without it - it certainly decreases the time needed for her to achieve orgasm. Like I said it hits her deeper and is thicker so her overall feelings are intensified - but those just add to her getting off faster. Her record # of orgasms for one session is 4, and to be honest with you I don’t recall if it’s with the extender or not (I’m thinking not) so I know that I am capable of giving her (pleasure wise) what the extender can it just takes more time and effort! :) As for the 8x6er, that clearly got her off faster/better than I’ve ever seen and I chalk that up entirely to the 6” girth. Sure, that adds to my inadequacy feelings knowing that I can’t do that for her with my unit. I’m still satisfied “enough” though that I am able to get her off without the use of any props. I would simply love to give her the pleasure she’s had recently though with the 8x6 WITHOUT the 8x6 though. Hopefully one day it WILL happen!

789, I have never considered pumping - I always thought it was kind of dangerous. I guess it can’t be any more dangerous than doing 10-12 intense horses for 20 minutes like I was doing in the past. I would always do them as hard as I could with MINOR, MILD pain, never anything enough to cause injury.


Thanks for the story. My experience with dildos in chicks is that whatever they like or crave, you can easily add 1/4”EG to that in real cock. Depending on the material of the dildo, but certainly if it’s anything like a latex or silicone dildo, a real cock of the same size will be easier on her, well in her.

I have a suggestion.

Since sex is really all about friction. If your girth is lacking, try a ribbed condom. It will give her increased friction that takes the place of girth.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Awesome story thks

How big is yr girlfriend ?

Originally Posted by Immortality
789, I have never considered pumping - I always thought it was kind of dangerous. I guess it can’t be any more dangerous than doing 10-12 intense horses for 20 minutes like I was doing in the past. I would always do them as hard as I could with MINOR, MILD pain, never anything enough to cause injury.


Read this thread and visit the Pumpers forum for discussions on how pumping can benefit your PE goals.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Pumping has some great benefits with very few negatives and if done properly (low pressure, short sets in the tube) is very safe.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Yr ??

Sorry master, I lost my mind there for a moment :(

By big do you mean how tall is she? She’s about 5’3” - build wise shes average. Not skinny but not overweight.

Thanks Imortality. I enjoyed your words. Thanks for taking the time to write it all down.


Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

That is very interesting.

Can you give more details about the extender -
Is it a sheath you put over your penis?
How is it shaped — is it smooth, or does it have the typical penis characteristics?

The 8X6 dildo — Is it also shaped like a penis?
Is the 6” girth uniform throughout (head and shaft)?

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

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