Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A very interesting read that was posted by bib on the peforum a long time ago


A very interesting read that was posted by bib on the peforum a long time ago

A very interesting read that was posted by bib on the peforum a long time ago. It’s about what the honeys are really saying about your cock.

http://misterpo … l?id=3364120216

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

It’s almost exactly what I expected, except for one question, which makes me have doubts about the entire survey :

have you ever actually measured a mans penis before

Yes several lovers (30%)
No just compared mentally (28%)
Yes a former lover (17%)
Yes my current partner (16%)
Never (7%)

What’s the deal here? The largest group of responding women have actually measured several of their lovers? Jesus, and men are called pigs for factoring in breast size, which has nothing to do with the actual “act” itself?!… Am I just lucky enough not to encounter one of these females, or is this a bit difficult to believe?

Interesting website that is linked to on the first post. I found one to be particularly interesting. hehe, it seems that only 19% of women would find my penis sexually exciting to look at (at leat 19% of the women who participated in this non-scientific poll).

What size penis sexually excites you more to look at?

A Big penis (7”-8.5”) (43%)

A Huge penis (9”+) (34%)

An Average penis (5”-6.5”) (19%)

A Modest penis (4.5”-5”) (1%)

A small penis (4”-) (1%)
2156 total votes

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Here’s another one, compare this with the poll we had here at Thunder’s. And men are the ones accused of being pigs? This is fucking ridiculous! Fifty-one percent of them voted that either they would cheat or they are cheating!

Would you ever cheat on your partner if you knew you wouldn't ever get caught just so you could experience a much larger sized penis?

No I’d never cheat (47%)

Yes I’m curious (21%)

Yes I prefer bigger (20%)

Yes I am now (10%)
2100 total votes

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

How many sexual partners have you experienced since you first started having sex

1-5 (36%)
6-10 (26%)
11-15 (13%)
30+ (10%)
16-20 (7%)
21-30 (5%)

What was the the longest erect penis you’ve ever experienced

8.5”-10” (26%)
7.5”-8” (25%)
10”+ (19%)
6.5”-7” (17%)
5”-6” (9%)
3”-4.5” (1%)

It seems like a full-time job to have a big dick… :jelq:

Originally Posted by Likeness79
It seems like a full-time job to have a big dick… :jelq:

With all these woman prefering you (with a big dick) over all the smaller guys it must be tough. It must be hell trying to find time to sleep and have a regular life, what with having to stuff your big rod into all the woman out there who need a big fix to take care of what little Charles, the husband, isn’t doing at home.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Concerning measurements...

Concerning measurements…

Do you think everyone of those kind ladies thought about measuring their partner’s penis size when having sex with them? “Wait a minute, I gotta measure your hard-on for my stats…”

And do you think that women in general have good estimations about sizes, distances and so on, like men do….? Come on, there must be a great bias in this survey concerning the dick sizes that those women BELIEVE they experienced and the ACTUAL sizes.

My opinion is that penis size is taken into consideration (like other features too) by women, but how much does it weigh in their decision for a partner? If it was all about penis size wouldn’t they ask about it already during the first dates to exclude “short-dick-men” quickly, supposing it was an exclusion criteria?
Of course, like the poll says, there must be a preference for a larger penis towards a smaller one, like men prefere -in general- larger breasts to smaller ones, tighter pussys to looser ones etc, but as long as a man’s penis size exceeds some kind of threshold, which may differ from a woman to another, women become quite indifferent about size and take other criterias into consideration - that’s my personal experience.

I think women can be more excited by the arousal and stimulation techniques of their partners than the size, i.e., the guy who cums in a hurry is not nearly exciting to a woman as is the guy who can keep her cumming for a long time!

More support for the claim that women are deficient in analyzing spacial relations. Its also quite possible that many of those polled could not even take an accurate measurement. I’ve been measured once by a girl and she came up with 4 inches EL. I told her to try again. This was back when I was 5.5 nbpel and finally she got it right after several tries. She was a very bright girl but had problems with this simple task. I took away her tape measure privileges after that.

Also, what kind of girls answer a poll on penis size? The kind that are concerned with that sort of thing. Definitely not a random sampling of the general female populace.

"Excuse me while I whip this out."

A lot of women think the biggest dick they had was attached to the smallest guy they fucked. Its just another one of those illusions women experience.

Originally Posted by Tyler22
And do you think that women in general have good estimations about sizes, distances and so on, like men do….? Come on, there must be a great bias in this survey concerning the dick sizes that those women BELIEVE they experienced and the ACTUAL sizes.

That’s what I meant. I guess a lot of women have heard that a 10 inch penis is big, then they have one that they think is big, and come to the conclusion that it probably was 10 inches.

I don’t believe that very many women that have had 5 sex partners have measured several of them.

Originally Posted by rq1234
A lot of women think the biggest dick they had was attached to the smallest guy they fucked. Its just another one of those illusions women experience.

Oh throw me a fuckin’ bone man! :furious: YOU try being under 5’8” these days. We need to have SOMETHING good going for us down here for chrissake!

I’m with ‘ol Peter Built on this one. First thing that ran through my mind is what type of chic would answer a poll like this? I would imagine a good majority were looking up info on such things to run across the poll.

Originally Posted by j384
Oh throw me a fuckin’ bone man! :furious: YOU try being under 5’8” these days. We need to have SOMETHING good going for us down here for chrissake!


"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

I personally think size is huge for women. They seem way more concerned whether or not the guy is hung, then if he is good looking for example.

Ezekiel 23

20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

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