Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A very interesting read that was posted by bib on the peforum a long time ago


Originally Posted by randolf
I personally think size is huge for women. They seem way more concerned whether or not the guy is hung, then if he is good looking for example.

While I’m aware that size isn’t the only single thing for most women, I agree with randolf that size is a huge factor. I don’t think that most women would dump a guy for having a small cock, but I think it would cross at least three quarters of their minds.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Originally Posted by Likeness79
What was the the longest erect penis you’ve ever experienced

8.5”-10” (26%)
7.5”-8” (25%)
10”+ (19%)
6.5”-7” (17%)
5”-6” (9%)
3”-4.5” (1%)

Oh….really? So, 45% of women have experienced a cock 8.5” or bigger? And nearly 1 in 5 have had bigger than 10 inches?
The instance of guys with even 8+ is in the high single digits. At 10” you’re talking about a fraction of 1 percent. Now, I realize that many of the bigger guys toss it around a lot, and that this survey was a selection of women…still, it shows that either, (1) women have no concept of size, and/or (2) They’re lying, trying to boast about how big they’ve had (or, some may just be razzing any men whom they suspect will be reading the results).

Originally Posted by randolf

I personally think size is huge for women. They seem way more concerned whether or not the guy is hung, then if he is good looking for example.

Of course size matters to them. Society tries to be so “PC,” that this issue is usually dismissed, laughed about sarcastically, etc.

I always believed that girth mattered - it stands to reason that a thick cock will rub the walls better than a thin one. However, not until my EL passed 7.5” and I first hit the woman’s CDS did I realize that length mattered too. She went bonkers and had a shattering orgasm. I also experienced an unbelievable sucking sensation on my cock, after sensing that something “moved” or “flexed.” Unfortunately, it seems that for my length and her pelvic area, all of the conditions needed to be “just right” for that to occur; and, unfortunately, I’ve only made it happen several times.

Now, my girth is over 6”, so that’s fine; however, if I had at least 1 more inch of length, I bet I could be slamming the CDS every time.

And that is something that has to be experienced to be believed. So, I’d say that most women would definitely enjoy an 8.5+ x 6+ (provided he took his time, got her wet, etc.). That bullshit about size “doesn’t matter” is a laugher. Simply, and sadly, put - a guy with only 5 x 4 cannot hit “that spot” that a hung man can potentially hit. And that spot drives the women wild.

Does cock size matter?

Well, does a loose sloppy pussy feel as good as a tight one?


That survey is bullshit. That many women claim to measure their lovers and they have sizes like that? What did they do, use the centimeter side of the ruler? I also doubt that those were actually women answering that survey anyway.

I could wager a guess as to why women inflate the measurements. I’m not saying this applies to all women, but it is a guess. They probably measure with their hands and fingers. Women typically have smaller hands than men. If (just throwing a figure out there) a man’s hand is 25% larger than a woman’s, and they both measure out what they think is an inch, and they do it proportionately, and the man is accurate, (I know, this is a lot of assumptions), the woman should see what appears to be 1.25” between his fingers. If you take 6” X 1.25, you get 7.5”. That would also make an 8” dick appear to be a 10” dick.


"Where was the Ka-Boom?! There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!"

Marvin the Martian

Originally Posted by randolf
I personally think size is huge for women. They seem way more concerned whether or not the guy is hung, then if he is good looking for example.

I don’t believe size is more important to women than whether a guy is handsome, unless he’s really small, i.e. way below average. I heard from a lot of women that the reason why the look matters is that they imagine their future children with the man in question and want them to be attractive of course, in order that they find attractive partners etc.
Like I wrote in my post above, women would dismiss a guy pretty quick, either after the first sexual encounter or by simply asking frankly about his size, if size was such a potential deal-breaker. In fact, there are more women who will dismiss a guy because of his looks than because of his (average) size, at least this is my personal experience.
Another point is that on the assumption that most guys are in the average range(yes, this is trivial), most ladies have sex with the average guy… if ladies were all about size, they would only date the big hung guys leaving many (average) men and women single, because were wouldn’t be enough big guys for all the ladies. Oh, and don’t tell me that average-sized men get proportionaly less chicks than hung guys and that the big guys get all the chicks … This is simply unrealistic.

However, having an above-average penis is definitely a PLUS, nothing more, nothing less, since women can anatomically take more than the average penis, but its default ain’t a deal-breaker.
I think we shouldn’t get too obsessive about penis size on this forum, I think
a lot of guys here on the forum put more importance on size than most women do.

However, PE is a very good thing since through our growth we can build up our self-esteem which may improve our overall live quality.


>hehe, it seems that only 19% of women would find my penis sexually exciting to look at<

Not correct. It means that if there were a row of 5 naked guys of those sizes, 19% of women would find your size more sexually exciting than the others.

>Fifty-one percent of them voted that either they would cheat or they are cheating!<

Oh indeed, the female of the species is more deadly than the male!


Originally Posted by SS4Jelq

>hehe, it seems that only 19% of women would find my penis sexually exciting to look at<

Not correct. It means that if there were a row of 5 naked guys of those sizes, 19% of women would find your size more sexually exciting than the others.

Thinks are looking up.

>Fifty-one percent of them voted that either they would cheat or they are cheating!<

Oh indeed, the female of the species is more deadly than the male!


I’m on the verge of becoming gay. ;) ;) ;) ;)

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Women are terrible at judging distance, time and motion. They are pretty good at telling if you are hung or not though, but not the actual size.

Once there are choices for comparison they are able to make distinctions though, but only a real bitch would discuss the differences with you.

My wife is the perfect gentle-woman. She never makes comparisons. She has said the dreaded “perfect for me” phrase in the two years we`ve been together, but yesterday I made a joke while we were talking about small cucumbers in the crocery store.

I told her she would have just get used to a medium sized one, and she pulled me close and said, “oversized you mean!”

She`s so sweet.

There are many things that are really better off unsaid, and women talking about comparative dick size, to me, is one of them…but welcome to the media`s desire to talk about everything, no matter the damage.

I ended up on this forum precisely because of my ex`s desire to talk about big black dicks and her adventures in jamaica….and I never was small, until she made me feel that way.

And maybe I should thank her for pushing me away, into the arms of my new wife and to discovering PE and this fantastic forum where we can get our issues out and make our dicks bigger.


It seems a little sexist to claim something as general as “women are terrible at judging distance.” How about any of the millions of other explanations, such as men having the time to measure top, side, BP, bottom, ect and realizing how complicated a measurement it is?

Just about every girl I know has claimed their boyfriend is 7” or more. My ex even claimed she measured her previous and found him to be 10”. All extremely unlikely - it seems we are all the victims of what should be statistically improbable. Obviously, the reality is women don’t have an accurate measurement of the device. My current GF thinks I am [drum roll] 7” when I am really 5.5”. And I don’t know a single girl with over 2-3 partners that didn’t claim one was at or over 8”. Honestly, though, how good are you at measuring cup sizes? I know I’m shit at it, and have complimented plenty a C cup on their D jugs. The only girl I ever trusted on it was this girl I knew who used to fuck for drugs, as she claimed over 100+ partners. She said I was an average length, and a little under on the girth. No, I didn’t give her drugs.

And for the age old question, does it matter? Well, yes and no in my experience. As a previous member has pointed out, a certain amount of length is necessary to hit the ‘deep spot’ in the cul de sac. He says 7.5”, which sounds reasonable. He claimed that 8” would be desirable, but I have to disagree - the deep spot is right next to the cervix, which all women claim is extremely painful when touched. This means deep thrusting would have to be careful, aka no pounding. I think it’s much more preferable to only be able to hit it in select deep penetrating positions. Furthermore, women with smaller vagina’s would end up ‘bottoming out’ very frequently with such a large penis. Of course, I haven’t hit the spot myself and the forum member claims it’s the bees knees. I’d be interested to hear how a girl would rate it with other types of female orgasms like multiples, full body, g spot, vaginal, squirting, or clitoral. There’s a lot to work with already, does the deep spot really trump the others?

Finally, I thought of a possible analogy for us to get an idea on how much size may matter. I personally love (and I imagine you might too) when a girl deep throats me, all the way down, until her nose is pressing into my lower belly. It’s just gravy to me. That said, the overall blow-job probably counts more - a girl mechanically dunking her head all the way down is never going to beat a cock hungry vixen with enthusiasm, even if she can only swallow 1/2 or 3/4s of the shaft. And furthermore, I’d much rather have a girl I am attracted too, or even just a good body, over that ability if the girl with the magic throat really doesn’t do it for me otherwise. In fact, this has absolutely been the case for me, as I had a world class blow-job by a girl I didn’t really have any connection with, and I didn’t even bother to extend things since I wasn’t attracted to her. Sometimes I wish the girls I were attracted too had her skills, but I wouldn’t trade anything about them for it. I have to imagine this is a lot like how women *generally* feel about the size of a mans penis.

Originally Posted by a-unit

I ended up on this forum precisely because of my ex`s desire to talk about big black dicks and her adventures in jamaica….and I never was small, until she made me feel that way.


What kind of adventures, care to elaborate?


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