Interested to read your results, kfarrell. Lecithin worked very well for me, along with zinc. The trick is, get the lecithin granules, as the capsules are expensive and rather worthless. 1 tablespoon of granules equals about 10 capsules. Mix 2 tablespoons of granules into your protein smoothie, oatmeal, or yogurt, and you will definitely notice bigger loads and soon.
NOW brand granules cost about 10 bucks a pound anywhere….but has a 3 pound jug for 10 bucks. FYI.
IMO lecithin, zinc, and spirulina are the only ‘enhancement’ stack most people will need. Did really great for me, not that I stopped there. I threw some tribulus (completely worthless IMO) and Maca (I love this shit!) in there too.
Once all my supplements run out, the ONLY things I plan on re-ordering are spirulina, chlorella, maca, and zinc. Huge lecithin loads are fun and all, but that’s just one more thing to take, and the supplements I just mentioned help with volume enough already. I may keep a little lecithin around just for sex marathons in the future.