Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.





I take Melatonin every 2nd day, timereleased stuff.

How does this hormone influence your sex life (libido, potence etc.), if u take it for a longer period of time?



Pumpman :wave:

“if u”? Please read the forum guidelines.

I don’t know what it does for sex life if taken on a regular basis, but a single dose makes me groggy the next day.

I also get groggy the next day but by the third or fourth day the grogginess is significantly less. I know that it can aggrivate any latent depressive tendencies a person has - this has been a problem from time to time. As far as sexual side effects, I really don’t know. It seems like it would have the potential to cause problems but that is just a guess based on the the depression thing.

"It's not the destination that matters. It's the change of scene. " - Brian Eno

My experience with Melatonin has been positive. Saved my sanity when I went on a third shift job and could not sleep during the day. The pills put me out and I felt good the next day. Actually, my libido increased on them, especially when they were just kicking in.

I have been using it off and on for 4 years. I don’t notice that they cause depression. Not sleeping certainly does! :D They cause vivid dreams which I have found is a big negative for some folks. Some brands better than others. Schiff is my favorite. I have never used timed release. Sub-lingual is best if you can find it.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science. " Albert Einstein

Melatonin is a neurotransmitter/neurohormone derived metabolically from serotonin (5-HT). It is produced primarily by the pineal gland. If I remember correctly, it is produced during periods of darkness and decreases during the day (that would make sense from what you just said). It’s primary (and as far as I know, only known) role is to keep a person’s circadian (daily) rhythms in sync with the outside world. That is, your internal rhythm would be 23-25 hours long, so melatonin keeps it synchronized to the 24 hr day. How it works is not exactly clear, other than that it seems to act as a neurohormone on many parts of the brain, especially the hypothalamus. I won’t get into the physio- logical details of what is known - they really aren’t too important unless you are going to do research in electrophysiology. Since not much research has been done on its other possible effects, I don’t know what side effects there might be, or what an overdose might do. I don’t think it would make sleep any deeper than usual (during an OD), but don’t take my word for that. There has been some research that suggests it may also be mood altering - a possible cause of the depression some people feel during short day periods (ie winter). Hope this helps.

Another opinion

Melatonin is a hormone, sold in health stores, in the public domain. It has been shown in several good studies to assist sleep, especially in the elderly. It has some effect in relieving jet-lag, based on the literature and on my own experience. You guys are not the only pharmacists who never heard of it. I work for a state DOH in the area of addictions, and in my occasional contacts with pharmacists I’ve found that the only way they’ve heard of it is thru the media.

I did some quick searches a couple of years ago, and found references to it all over the place, both in scientific journals and in general reference libraries. It is directly related to l-tryptophan, and of course simply based on that it creates emotional responses in some people.

Small doses are better than large… once you hit the high point of the natural level, more does nothing according to dose response tests.

Take 3mg 1 hr before retiring, no carbohydrates after taking it, and you sleep ok. There is nothing spectacular about it - no barb type knockout, you simply sleep ok.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Smart Drugs and Nutrients: Melatonin
This file is the textual content of the Melatonin chapter of Smart Drugs II: The Next Generation. Graphs and charts from the book are not included.
The pineal gland, until recently, has been referred to as mystery gland, since its functions were largely unknown. The pineal is now recognized as a key element in the maintenance of the body’s endocrine regulation (hormone balance), immune system integrity, and circadian rhythm (daily metabolic balance). Melatonin is the principal hormone produced by the pineal gland. Melatonin is under investigation as a treatment for a number of conditions, including jet-lag, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression, and cancer. Pineal polypeptide extract (which contains a broad spectrum of other, protein-based pineal hormones) has been shown to inhibit the development of atherosclerosis [Tasca, et al., 1974], reduce blood triglyceride levels [Ostroumova and Vasiljeve, 1976], improve cellular immunity [Belokrylov, et al., 1976; Dilman, 1977], and increase lifespan in animals [Dilman, et al., 1979].

The pineal gland functions as a biological clock by secreting melatonin (along with many other neuropeptides) at night. As you can see from the following illustration, melatonin levels peak at about 2 a.m. in normal, healthy young people and about 3 a.m. in elderly people. The maximum amount of melatonin released in the bloodstream of the elderly is only half of that in young adults.

Melatonin levels are low during the day. At sunset, the cessation of light triggers neural signals which stimulate the pineal gland to begin releasing melatonin. This rise continues for hours, eventually peaking around 2 a.m. (3 a.m. for the elderly) after which it steadily declines to minimal levels by morning. The delay in timing and decrease in intensity of the melatonin pulse is a manifestation of the aging process.

The melatonin pulse regulates many neuroendocrine functions. When the timing or intensity of the melatonin peak is disrupted (as in aging, stress, jet-lag, or artificial jet-lag syndromes), many physiological and mental functions are adversely affected. The ability to think clearly, remember key facts, and make sound decisions can be profoundly hampered by these upsets in the biological clock.

Melatonin for Jet-Lag Jet-lag is a condition caused by desynchronization of the biological clock. It is usually caused by drastically changing your sleep-wake cycle, as when crossing several time zones during east-west travel, or when performing shift work. Jet-lag is characterized by fatigue, early awakening or insomnia, headache, fuzzy thinking, irritability, constipation, and reduced immunity. The symptoms are generally worse when flying in an easterly direction, and it may take as long as one day for each time zone crossed in order to fully recover. Older people have an even tougher time adjusting to these changes than younger people.

Circadian disturbances can easily result from conditions other than jet travel. We call these “artificial jet-lag syndromes” because jet-lag is universally understood. Artificial jet-lag can be induced by working night shifts, working rotating shifts (like physician-interns, management trainees for 24-hour businesses, and soldiers under battle-alert conditions), or by staying up all night. Whatever its causes, jet-lag and artificial jet-lag syndromes are seriously debilitating to cognitive function.

Melatonin taken in the evening (in the new time zone!) will rapidly reset your biological clock and almost totally alleviate (or prevent) the symptoms of jet-lag. The ability of melatonin to alleviate jet-lag was demonstrated in a study of 17 subjects flying from San Francisco to London (eight time zones away). Eight subjects took 5 mg of melatonin, while nine subjects took a placebo. Those who took melatonin had almost no symptoms of jet-lag (see illustration below) [Arendt, et al., 1986]. Six out of nine placebo subjects scored above 50 on the jet lag scale, and all of the melatonin subjects scored below 17.

Most people sleep well with melatonin, and wake up the next day refreshed with no symptoms of jet-lag [Claustrat, 1992] (although they may still have some fatigue from the wear and tear of traveling).

Many melatonin fans without any noticeable symptoms of circadian disturbance are now using melatonin to enhance their circadian rhythms. They report that it helps them get to sleep and helps them sleep more soundly. It also makes them more alert the next day and even lessens mid-afternoon tiredness (and naps).

In all cases, melatonin should be taken at night (preferably before midnight) before going to bed. That’s when your pineal gland naturally releases melatonin. Taking melatonin at night (or before your normal bedtime if you are a shift worker) helps restore and maintain normal circadian metabolic rhythms. See the Precautions section in this chapter.

Does Melatonin Improve or Impair Mental Performance?
We were initially surprised to find a number of studies which reported on adverse effects of melatonin on performance and alertness. One study [Lieberman, 1984] reported that melatonin users were less alert, more sleepy, and demonstrated slowed “choice-reaction time.” Other studies also indicated that melatonin impaired memory and performance [Neville, 1986]. We found, however, that in all of these studies, melatonin was given to subjects in the daytime, before the performance tests, just the opposite of what they should have been doing!
With circadian enhancers like melatonin, the timing is critical. When taken in opposition to the body’s natural circadian rhythm, they cause cognitive deficit just like jet-lag does. But when taken in synchronization with the body’s natural circadian rhythms, they enhance mental performance. By giving melatonin in the daytime, before the cognitive tests, the researchers were causing the test subjects to suffer from artificial jet-lag and then measuring the resulting cognitive impairment. Disruption of circadian rhythms produces amnesia by interfering with the circadian organization of memory processes [Sandyk, 1991].

Melatonin, by correcting circadian rhythms should, theoretically, improve mental performance. We could only find one study in which melatonin was given to rats at night. This study confirmed that next-day measures of learning ability improved [Ovanesov, 1990]. We believe that melatonin, when taken before sleep, will decrease sleep disturbances of any kind, and will, therefore, improve mental function during the following day.

Melatonin for SAD and Depression
Two particularly notable features of depression and SAD are diminished nighttime release of melatonin and abnormal sensitivity to melatonin suppression by light [Brown, 1989]. This has led researchers and clinicians to try melatonin as an experimental treatment for depression, with gratifying results.

Melatonin Extends Lifespan
Melatonin has also been shown to improve immunity and extend lifespan in rodents [Regelson & Pierpaoli, 1987; Pierpaoli, et al., 1990]. Dr. Maestroni [1988] gave melatonin to middle-aged mice each evening. The treated mice became more healthy (better posture, increased activity levels, and thicker, more lustrous fur) and lived an average of 20% longer than control mice.
Melatonin secretion naturally drops off with age (see the following graph). This decrease is so reliable that blood melatonin levels have been proposed as a measurement of biological age [Nair, et al., 1986]. This age-related reduction in melatonin levels may partially account for the reason many older people have difficulty sleeping at night, and for why they are so fatigued during the day. We believe they may be suffering from age-induced “jet-lag.” Restoration of normal sleep-wake cycles in many of my [WD] elderly patients with supplemental melatonin before bedtime has dramatically improved their quality of life.

Melatonin: Anti-Stress Hormone
Nighttime administration of melatonin can also counteract the immune-suppressing effects of acute anxiety stress in mice. Measures used to confirm this were: thymus weight, antibody production, and ability to fight off a lethal viral infection [Pierpaoli and Maestroni, 1987].

Melatonin in Alzheimer’s Disease
Very recent studies have found reduced levels of melatonin in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Alzheimer’s disease compared to age-matched control subjects [Tohgi, 1992; Skene, 1990]. Since circadian rhythms are disrupted in Alzheimer’s disease, it is interesting to speculate whether restoration of melatonin to normal levels in these patients would alleviate other symptoms as well.

The appropriate dose can vary enormously from person to person. Dr. Pierpaoli, a leading melatonin researcher, has successfully used dosages ranging from 0.1 to 200 mg. That’s a 2000-fold difference between the lowest dose and the highest! Several intelligent melatonin users we know started by taking 3 mg at 11 p.m., and then adjusted the dose from there. If they found that they slept well but were drowsy in the morning, they cut the dose in half. If they found the dose had little or no sleep-inducing effect, they increased the dose by 3 mg each night until they got the desired effect. We have received reports from one person who gets good results from less than one milligram, and several from people who use in the vicinity of 20 mg. Most people get good results with doses between 3 and 10 mg.

Timing may be crucial for the most effective use of melatonin. Individual differences in the absorption and metabolism of melatonin may account for the differences in size and timing of the resulting melatonin pulse. A good illustration of this effect is found in the experiences of Dr. Tzischinsky [1992] of the medical university in Haifa, Israel. Dr. Tzischinsky treated an 18-year-old blind man suffering from chronic sleep disturbances. Presumably, the young man’s blindness prevented sunlight from cueing his circadian rhythm. He suffered from daytime fatigue, often falling asleep during the day, but was awake at night. After two unsuccessful treatment regimens with 5 mg and 10 mg melatonin administered at bedtime (10 - 10:30 p.m.), Dr. Tzischinsky tried a third regimen of only 5 mg administered at 8 p.m. for three weeks. This approach resulted in a successful resolution of the man’s sleep disturbances.
This observation (and others like it) demonstrate the importance of not only adjusting the dosage but also the time of the dose. Melatonin seems to be much more critical in this regard than other smart drugs. One melatonin user reports that he gave himself terrible jet-lag by absent-mindedly taking melatonin at 3 a.m. after staying up late. He recovered from this error, resetting his circadian rhythm back to normal with melatonin at 10 p.m. the following evening, but not before he had to spend an entire day in jet-lag hell for his mistake.

Arendt J, Aldhous M and Marks V. Alleviation of jet-lag by melatonin:
Preliminary results of controlled double-blind trial. Brit Med J 292:
1170, 1986.

Belokrylov GA, Morozov VG, Khavinson VH, et al. The action of low
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on the immune response in mice. Biull Eksp Biol Med 81: 202-4, 1976.

Brown GM. Psychoneuroendocrinology of depression. Psychiatr J Univ Ott
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Claustrat B, Brun J, David M, Sassolas G and Chazot G. Melatonin and
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Dilman VM, Anisimov VN, and Ostroumova MN. Increase in lifespan of
rats following polypeptide pineal extract treatment. Exp Pathology 17:
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Dilman VM. Improvement of cell-mediated immunity after pineal gland
extract treatment. Vopr Oncol (Problems of Oncology) 7: 70-72, 1977.

Lieberman HR, Waldhauser F, Garfield G, et al. Effects of melatonin on
human mood and performance. Brain Res (Netherlands) 323(2): 201-7,

Lissoni P, Barni S, Crispino S, Tancini G and Fraschini F. Endocrine
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Maestroni GJ, Conti A and Pierpaoli W. Pineal melatonin, its
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Nair NPV, Hariharasubramanian N, Pilapil C, Issac I, and Thavundayil
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Neville K and McNaughton N. Anxiolytic-like action of melatonin on
acquisition but not performance of DRL. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 24(6):
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Ostroumova MN and Vasiljeve IA. Effect or polypeptide pineal extract
on fat-carbohydrate metabolism. Probl Endokrinol 22: 66-9, 1976.

Ovanesov KB. Vliianie ostrogo i khronicheskogo vvedeniia melatonina na
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the rabbits with experimental atheromatosis after pineal extraction
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Tzischinsky O, Pal I, Epstein R, Dagan Y and Lavie P. The importance
of timing in melatonin administration in a blind man. J Pineal Res
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“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


Light Lights the Libido
Dark turns sex off

The notion that long, dark, cold winter nights make couples nudge closer and intimately together — increasing the incidence of conception — apparently isn’t true in the world’s coldest and darkest climates.
Among the Intuit Eskimos of Arctic Labrador, where the birth rate is much more noticeably tied to the calendar than in other parts of the world, births peak in March, indicating that summer is the most intimate season, report Time-Life editors in their book, The Mysteries of the Human Body.

The book cites a 1980 study by American physician Joel Ehrenkranz. It showed that exposure to light determined the libido levels of the Eskimos. He found that the pineal gland, a peanut-sized lump deep in the brain, responds to light through the eye’s retina and controls the release of the hormone melatonin, releasing more during darkness.

And the more melatonin, the lower the Eskimo libido. Melatonin levels decreased during the four-month summer season of the Arctic, corresponding to a heightened fertility period which reached a peak around July.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Ok Better

Melatonin is a hormone that our bodies produce naturally when the lights go out. Apparently, we produce melotonin during the sex act and it is probably responsible for the natural desire to sleep afterwards. The author has discovered that taking melatonin (5 mg) immediately before conjugal relations can significantly enhance relations for both parties. Do not take melatonin too soon because it will tend to induce a sound sleep.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Wow, interesting!


Anybody using this for a long time?

I read that doctors have some doubts

if it is completely safe…not enough time

to know this. The anti- age effect could be

interesting. Who knows…


Originally Posted by xaixoit
>The anti- age effect could be
interesting. Who knows…

Ask me again in 50 years!

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

I don’t know about Melatonin, but I have a hunch that Melanin might do something to increase sex drive.


You know, I wish Twat would research things a little more thoroughly.

I'm hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.

Are there still a lot of guys taking melatonin despite the known risks?

I ordered some because I tend to think that at the moment the advantages will weigh out the risks because I’m on the look out for some sleep inducing substance that don’t fuck with my REM sleep.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


I suffer of insomnia since when I was 15een. Med’ gave me benzodiazepines and other similar shit: this are things that can cause depression (“can”? Near a certainty), bad EQ and such.
Some years ago I discovered melatonin; my Doc didn’t know nothing about, and many Med don’t know much about it nowaday as well.

twatt was so exaustive that I can add nothing, only summarize, basing on my personal experience:

if you take melatonin in the evening and sleep at least 7 hours, the day after you’ll feel good;

if you take melatonin and don’t sleep, you’ll have symptoms of sleep deprivation.

Melatonin don’t cause depression, it’s likely the opposite: it could be an aid.

Fixing your cyrcadian cycle is good for overall health.
When sleeping, HG levels raises: I suppose this doesn’t require comments, right?

If you take medicines for insomnia, try melatonin: ant-anxyogenous give “fake sleep”, aborting your REM phase: melatonin don’t.

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