I tend to remain a lurker on most boards, instead preferring to gather info for my personal consumption. But I feel compelled to throw my 2 cents in the mix here also:
The first thing I feel compelled to comment on is; Maxtro, you say that you are 23 years of age, work out several times a week, and in a “perfectly healthy” condition. Therefore may we assume you are a “normal” 23 year old male? Then I have to ask why are you putting that other crap into your body? And “crap” IS what I prefer to call it. If you’re 23. healthy, active, etc. Then my friend, you don’t need the crap.
You’re at an age where eating a healthy diet, regular exercise, and cultivating a positive attitude should be all that you need. I’ll be 40 years of age this year. I’m healthy, happy, active, fit and trim, and look like I’m half my age.At approx 5’6 I’m also of short stature. I’ve always looked very much younger than I actually am. It is a blessing in some respects, and a curse in other respects. ie; people thinking I’m not qualified, experienced enough in respect to employment, etc. This is easily enough resolved with my credentials. Where it becomes a major hindrance is with women of my own age. It’s not really a respect thing, but rather I get the impression that they think I’m a young stud with lofty ambitions - lol. My point is that I’m old enough to remember when the whole vitamin/supplement thing got started back in the mid 80’s. It really was the result of several enterprising young entrepreneurs looking to get rich. What better to sell than the promise of good health? They promised the world. But even your dogs vet will tell you the number one health issue with people’s pets are conditions cause by owners feeding them unnecessary supplements. You also have to remember that often times the intake of one vitamin / supplement causes the depletion of another corresponding element. Those popular zinc lozenges? They cause the depletion of a host of other essential minerals with in the body (I forget exactly which ones though). Although, I’ve taken these myself and they do seem to shorten the length of time I have a cold, flu, etc.
A better example is lysine and argonine. Amino acids essential for the proper growth of cell structure. However they work in conjunction with each other. L~lysine (the L~ in front denotes that it composed of natural ingredients as opposed to synthetic) is taken a lot by body builders to limit the length of time they ache from the fact that their muscle fiber is repairing itself. So it’s assumed that it speeds up the rebuilding process. There are also some post on this site in regards to lysine & PE. L~lysine is also taken by people with herpes as an alternative to valtrex. It reportedly is a very real alternative for people with herpes that indeeds works the same way valtrex does. Why? well I did some extensive research on this after I came down with a recurring case of shingles (on my left leg, yes very painful & stress related) and my a-hole doctor refused to give me a second dose of valtrex. It seems that herpes, shingles, and all the other “related” viruses, require the amino acid argonine in order to cell division and growth. The only way to stop it, is to temporarily limit your body’s production of argonine by taking lysine (cause and effect) thereby limiting and or stopping the length of time your afflicted. And as an added benefit of taking the lysine is that you get a nice complexion and a bigger load -lol. Since arogonine is also an “essential” amino acid, it is therefor not wise to continuously take lysine just for a “bigger load”. Healthy diet, good rest, limiting your smoking & your masturbation will also give you the same effect. You said that you don’t feel any different taking your supplements then there are 2 things I feel compelled to point out: first why would you continue to take it then? and the fact that your complaining about not sleeping good and your describing what seems to be to most of the people who responded as a mild case of depression.
I feel compelled to comment on the melatonin as well, since I’m very familiar with this stuff also. My oldest daughter suffers from mild ADD. The medication for this was causing her to have sleep issues also. Mainly it took her a long time to fall asleep. When the Doc suggested melatonin I was upset for the fact that he wanted me to give her meds in morning to wake her up and deal with the ADD and then give meds at night to put her to sleep. DUH? at 10 years of age ? what’s wrong with this picture? Well I researched this also. Melatonin is the naturally occurring brain chemical that is responsible for making you feel tired and going to sleep. The Melatonin they sell is all natural (hmm… where do they get it then?) it’s very fast acting, and wears off usually in less than an hours time. it’s mainly an aid to help you “fall” asleep by momentarily boosting your natural melatonin levels. And unlike any other “sleep aid” it causes no trouble with waking up the next morning or making you worry about sleeping through the fire alarm, since it’s out of your system in less than hour. I still don’t like having to use it with her and I don’t all the time, but the above facts did make me feel better about it (slightly) . O’ and it is very inexpensive.
From my own experience: One of the things that helps me to fall asleep is a relaxation technique I came across many many years ago in a book and still continue to use on an almost nightly basis. I’ve also seen variations of it on some of the self hypnosis / seduction sites.
Basically what you do is get in bed, ready to go to sleep, and close your eyes. Take a long deep breath while counting slowly to 4. Then exhale again slowly counting to 4, and continue to repeat this pattern. This will get you into the proper breathing rhythm for sleep. Now to clear your mind, visualize the number 5 in your mind and say it mentally on the exhale 4 times (this helps to keep the breathing rhythm going while clearing your mind). Now repeat this again with the numbers 4, 3, 2, & 1 at which time you should feel completely relaxed and soon drift off. In the beginning you may have to start with the number 10 or even pause, say between the numbers 3 & 2, and repeat the word “relax” to yourself 4 times instead and then continue with counting down. Like I said, I discovered this at about the age of 12 and I still use it 4 or 5 times a week. I actually prefer to use it because over the years I’ve also learned how to use it to “program” my mind (with things like positive affirmations and even things like “hey I’m growing / developing the penis of my dreams-lol). I get a much fuller, richer, deeper sleep & even better dreams. I also use it even if I just taking a short nap. I’ve done it for so long that it’s become second nature. Although this is the first time I’ve ever mentioned it to anyone.
Sorry if this was a little long winded, and Maxtro please don’t take it as a personal attack.
Take what applies and file rest for another day. Just wanted to share my experiences with you.
“What is it with you young guys anyways? You guys do so much in the name of character, when age alone is going to put lines on your face.” - Something a mid 40s year old woman told me when I was 20. I remembered thinking at the time the way she said it was sooo hot, but sometimes I wish I had just listened instead.