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Nitro T3

Nitro T3

Just got my hands on some T3. For those that dose arganine, tongat ali, and terrestris you may be interested in this.

German tribulus 80% saponins, 20% protodioscin and protogracilin-1000mg.

Eurycoma longfolia jack extract 20:1 (tongat ali), Avena sativa 10:1. 1000mg.

Tri-arginine malate, citruline-malate, cnidium monnier, xanthroparmelia scabrosa 1000mg.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by SlackJawedYokel
Isnt T3 for fat loss?

As written on the bottle: Nitro T3 represents the latest in cutting edge hormonal technology designed to increase lean muscle mass, strength and size when combined with intense training and proper nutrition.

So, no not directly. Basically it mixes test with nitric oxide two popular body building supps.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by crashhex
As written on the bottle: Nitro T3 represents the latest in cutting edge hormonal technology designed to increase lean muscle mass, strength and size when combined with intense training and proper nutrition.

So, no not directly. Basically it mixes test with nitric oxide two popular body building supps.


Im pretty sure its used for fat loss, not lean mass gains.

Strange. I’ll be back with a link. Unless im talking crap of course :D

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Originally Posted by SlackJawedYokel

Im pretty sure its used for fat loss, not lean mass gains.

Strange. I’ll be back with a link. Unless im talking crap of course :D

Slack, you are thinking of this shit here

Same name, way different products. The T3 in the link is an actual hormone, I beleive.

Here’s the ingredients:

Nitro T3.webp
(43.6 KB, 116 views)

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Crash, looks interesting. Another “stack” product is Andro Shock. I’ve been tempted to try Andro Shock.

It contains:
Tongkat Ali
Zinc Gluconate
Tribulus Terrestris
Saw Palmetto
Avena Sativa extract.
Mulra puoma extract.
Urtica Dioica extract.

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T3 is a thyroid hormone that will result in fat loss. This product Nitro T3 has nothing to do with the thyroid hormone, nothign more than coincidence.


So what exactly does the ingredients do? Wheres the best place I can get nitro t3?

Last edited by corndawgk : 08-16-2005 at .

I think they include T3 in the title because it makes it sound more hardcore.

As an ‘endoctrine enhancer’ it looks like it covers a lot of bases, but as it often the case with this kind of thing, the quality of the supplements can make a huge difference. They’ve got to be kidding though saying a serving size is 6 caps and a bottle is only 30 caps.

Btw, although the thyroid hormone ‘T3’ is usually considered for fat loss, it’s also good for bulking too. Since it speeds metabolism, it also assists protein turnover rate too. What happens to body composition is largely dependant on nutrition and activity at the time.

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