PE Pills - Homemade Stack Ideas?
I’m looking for a good vasodilating/PE/EQ-increasing/”male enhacement” (I guess the term is “chemical PE.” I apologize, I’m still quite a newbie here) stack to supplement my exercise PE efforts. Now, I don’t want to buy any name brand ME products, for various reasons. I’m already big into Arginine, as part of the cum stack, and I’ve found it has some good vasodilating effects. But I’d also like to add other things and create a stack to even further supplement these ME effects. I’d like to create a penile enlargement stack. I’m guessing if I just made a homemade supplement stack, I could probably make something even more potent than commercial pills and for a fraction of the cost. Plus several bottles of raw supplements - each with various other, non-sexual benefits - is probably less suspicious than a blatantly labeled male enhancement bottle.
Any ideas? I’m looking over the chemical PE links thread but it’s a bit dense. I could use a bit of a helping hand on this topic.
PS: I can’t do injections. The RAs are running a tight shift on our hall and my ass would be grass if they found needles.
L-Arginine is a PE wonder-supplement!!
Last edited by KissTheDers : 10-22-2012 at .