Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Enlargement Pills Now Sold In Stores!

Penis Enlargement Pills Now Sold In Stores!

I was in Walgreens yesterday, and was in the condom section. What the fuck, was that enzyte. Yes Walgreens carries that penis enlargement pill they advertise on tv called enzyte for 39.99 a box. I remember when the stuff wasn’t being advertised. Me amnd my friend would call the order line and play jokes on the women that answered. We’d be like I have a small dick and I need help, or lady this stuff didn’t work at all, or this shit gave me a damn donkey dick, I can’t fuck anything now I want a refund! THey also have collosol capsule too. Since this stuff has made it to stores, should this be an indication that it might work or might be getting better. Enzyte was the pill that had the most professional ads in the magazines.

Remember when Viagra hit the scene and the drug company Phizer’s stock went through the roof because, well, the stuff worked!

When you see a buzz on Wall Street because a drug company has perfected a pill to make your cock grow, that will be the sign that there is something out there that works. Until then, invest your time and money elsewhere.

I agree with gprent……

If it worked, someone would profit greatly… (not that they’re not making a ton of money off it now!)

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

If I had a pill that actually worked, and I had evidence to back it up.. I would be selling it for much more than $39.

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