Thunder's Place

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Pizzza's PE Supplement & Drug Experiences

Pizzza's PE Supplement & Drug Experiences

Hey Thunderers,

So I’ve been messing with herbal supplements for over a year now (it’s actually how I discovered TP!) ever since I came across the “holy grail of cum load” pill stack. I just thought I’d start a thread to give my experiences using various different supplements or drugs and in certain dosages, review their effectiveness, and promote discussion. I have a few others being shipped to my house within the month so I plan on keeping you guys updated.

My current stack I take the morning of a date night or when I know I’ll be doing some PE:
Lecithin: 1,200mg x1
L-Arginine: 500mg x2
Pygeum: 500mg x1
Zinc: 50mg x1


- Lecithin (Sunflower) -
Started taking this to increase cum load. I bought 1,200mg capsules and started off only taking 1-2 a day. I did notice some increases, especially when you let it build up after a few days. However, I found that megadosing this (taking 7+ pills at once) actually has the same effect. I have no idea how it works but it goes right to your load. I noticed no negative effects from this. It’s pretty fun. Be sure to get the sunflower extracted lecithin and not soy to prevent getting some unnecessary estrogen.

- L-Arginine -
This is an amino acid that plays a role in loads of bodily functions. It’s marketed as a nervous system support supplement, but I think it has some vasodilating effects or at least promotes good bloodflow. I notice that my libido is a bit stronger and my dick is tingly after orgasm when I take this. I don’t notice any negative effects. I just purchased a bottle of L-Citrulline, which aids in the production of L-Arginine naturally in your body, and is regarded as more effective, so I’ll be replacing L-Arginine with that soon and reporting back. If anyone has any experience megadosing this let me know.

- Pygeum -
Natural bark herbal supplement said to increase sexual function and to promote urinary health. Here, it’s known to increase the production of pre-cum. I do notice a little more pre-cum, especially during workouts, when taking this, however it’s not really noticable. I have tried taking 4x 500mg before and didn’t really notice anything extra. I do like the idea of just dripping pre-cum so let me know if megadosing this is worth a shot.

- Zinc -
General immune system health booster, also said to help prevent migraines (which have reduced in frequency! could just be growing out of them though), but for PE it is a testosterone booster. I don’t notice any direct effects of this obviously, but it could be helping sexual function, penis growth and healing behind the scenes. DO NOT OVERDOSE ZINC. It is toxic in high doses.

- Tribulus -
I just started taking this daily last week. It’s said to improve testosterone/androgen levels and also promote better libido. I’ve actually noticed that my pre-cum levels increased significantly after taking this. Maybe it shares some properties with Pygeum? Otherwise nothing much to report on. My sex drive is already insanely high so I don’t know how much more of a horny, ravenous dog supplements can make me become.


- Tadalafil (Cialis, liquid) -
should be arriving soon. bought as a research chemical. It’s basically liquid form of prescription cialis.

- Yohimbe Bark Extract (Yohimbine HCL, 3mg per 100mg extract) -
Should arrive tomorrow, said to drastically increase energy levels, induce erection, and increase libido like crazy. It has me very curious. It’s marketed as a weight loss supplement due to it’s effect on metabolism, blood flow and energy levels, something about it apparently helps burn away stubborn fat. The effect works on women too, so if it works for me with weight loss she’s going to try it and might be in for one hell of a sex roller coaster (;

- L-Citrulline -
Purchased a bottle of 750mg capsules, it’s basically supposed to be a more effective L-Arginine.

Feel free to ask any questions, I’ll keep updates coming as I experiment.

- Pizzza

Start - 09/28/16: BPEL: 6.5" MEG: 4.66" (Pumping, Clamping, Cockrings & Stretches)

Current - 11/25/20: BPEL: 7.2" (+.7") MEG: 4.75" (+.09") --- Roughly 1 year of PE and a long hiatus in between.

Girthquest: Short-term Goal: MEG: 5" -- Ultimate Cemented Goal: MEG: 5.25"

Last edited by Pizzza : 07-19-2017 at .

My protein powder has sunflower lecithin from proteinfactory. I wonder how much lecithin is in it though compared to what you take.

Originally Posted by Massive91
My protein powder has sunflower lecithin from proteinfactory. I wonder how much lecithin is in it though compared to what you take.

It should give you measurements in the ingredients, but it’s probably not enough to amp up your blasts.

Start - 09/28/16: BPEL: 6.5" MEG: 4.66" (Pumping, Clamping, Cockrings & Stretches)

Current - 11/25/20: BPEL: 7.2" (+.7") MEG: 4.75" (+.09") --- Roughly 1 year of PE and a long hiatus in between.

Girthquest: Short-term Goal: MEG: 5" -- Ultimate Cemented Goal: MEG: 5.25"


- Yohimbe Bark Extract (Yohimbine HCL) -

I took 4 pills while I was at work because I’ve been duped by herbal BS before and now I just go straight for the kill to see if the shit actually works. So that’s 12mg, already over twice the recommended dosage. After about 45 minutes I wasn’t feeling anything so I was like fuck it and popped another one (15mg). Soon after, my heart started beating out of my chest, I had a crazy feeling of euphoria, like on drugs glowy-good feeling, felt like I could run a mile and started to sweat in my chair as I was on a conference call. I was laughing at nothing, trying to keep quiet in the office, and if my dick so much as swung the right way I had a raging boner. It was honestly amazing.

… for about 30 minutes. shortly after I started to feel physically weak, and then completely nauseous. The good feeling started to wear off and my head started throbbing. Barely made it to the bathroom before I puked. I was completely out of commission for the entire rest of the day.

I don’t know if this happened because I had a somewhat empty stomach or if I just took too much like an idiot, but one thing is for sure, Yohimbe definitely DOES something. I’m definitely going to be experimenting with this daily to see the effects of regular dosages or see if I can find a happy medium to keep that energetic feel-good vibe and ditch the nausea.

- Tadalafil (Cialis, liquid) -

Just tried this yesterday, took one one pump (which the website claims to be about 1/5mL, which would equate to about 5mg of the drug, a normal prescription dose). I definitely don’t feel any different physically, didn’t notice any stronger erections or anything, but what I realized this morning was my dick was noticeably fatter. Like I could clearly see a difference in size between my shaft and my glans. I did have a clamping session yesterday, but never has that ever happened because of a clamping session, especially so long after one. I got hard and measured 5.1” MEG. So something is definitely going on with the bloodflow to my dick. I don’t have enough experience with it yet to give a straight answer, but it definitely could be the Cialis. If that is the case, and I feel somewhat weird saying this, but Cialis made my dick bigger.

Will report back soon with more.

Start - 09/28/16: BPEL: 6.5" MEG: 4.66" (Pumping, Clamping, Cockrings & Stretches)

Current - 11/25/20: BPEL: 7.2" (+.7") MEG: 4.75" (+.09") --- Roughly 1 year of PE and a long hiatus in between.

Girthquest: Short-term Goal: MEG: 5" -- Ultimate Cemented Goal: MEG: 5.25"


Almost forgot to mention, I spewed a load like a super soaker last night, and I think I owe that to Cialis.

Start - 09/28/16: BPEL: 6.5" MEG: 4.66" (Pumping, Clamping, Cockrings & Stretches)

Current - 11/25/20: BPEL: 7.2" (+.7") MEG: 4.75" (+.09") --- Roughly 1 year of PE and a long hiatus in between.

Girthquest: Short-term Goal: MEG: 5" -- Ultimate Cemented Goal: MEG: 5.25"

Originally Posted by Pizzza
Almost forgot to mention, I spewed a load like a super soaker last night, and I think I owe that to Cialis.

Cialis doesn’t seem to work for me though. I did accidentally drink 100mg tab. After 2 hours, I got a little bit light headed, had a heart rate of 130 bpm and nothing else.

Good thing though I didn’t get the usual side effect of head ache in the morning after.

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

Originally Posted by megalomax
Cialis doesn’t seem to work for me though. I did accidentally drink 100mg tab. After 2 hours, I got a little bit light headed, had a heart rate of 130 bpm and nothing else.

Good thing though I didn’t get the usual side effect of head ache in the morning after.

100mg??? thats literally 20x the dose I took… forget headache the morning after, good thing you didn’t die…

The effects dont seem too drastic, it didnt give me an erection or anything like I hear viagra does.

But it does feel like it makes my dick stay very expanded, like how it feels after a really intense workout.

Start - 09/28/16: BPEL: 6.5" MEG: 4.66" (Pumping, Clamping, Cockrings & Stretches)

Current - 11/25/20: BPEL: 7.2" (+.7") MEG: 4.75" (+.09") --- Roughly 1 year of PE and a long hiatus in between.

Girthquest: Short-term Goal: MEG: 5" -- Ultimate Cemented Goal: MEG: 5.25"

Yohimbe round 2

Took a normal dose of yohimbe which contains about 3mg/yohimbine HCL - or one pill.

The effects were seriously just as surprising. I didn’t get the “high” euphoria like I did last time, but i did get energized like it was an amphetamine. Heart rate increased, started to sweat in my chair, felt jittery and shakey like i just overdosed on coffee. Do not take this if you have anxiety or something because I can imagine this will freak you the fuck out. It killed my appetite which i hear other stimulants or amphetamines do. Very odd. I’m curious how this will effect workouts.

I didn’t get sick but I did start to feel weak in the legs standing up after a couple hours. It also kept me awake until 2AM last night which also happened the last time I took it.

I didn’t notice anything too different about EQ or overall sex drive, but I think it is still a mild vasodilator because of how it effects the rest of my body.

This is one powerful fucking drug. It’s herbal but this is not something to be messed with. Use with caution.

Start - 09/28/16: BPEL: 6.5" MEG: 4.66" (Pumping, Clamping, Cockrings & Stretches)

Current - 11/25/20: BPEL: 7.2" (+.7") MEG: 4.75" (+.09") --- Roughly 1 year of PE and a long hiatus in between.

Girthquest: Short-term Goal: MEG: 5" -- Ultimate Cemented Goal: MEG: 5.25"

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