Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The All-Encompassing Drug Thread (no, not illegal drugs!)


The All-Encompassing Drug Thread (no, not illegal drugs!)

I was reading through a few threads recently and got intrigued by different drugs which affect the penis, so I thought I’d write a thread about different drugs and their effects. I’ve used most of these drugs, or similar drugs, so I can speak from personal experience about most of them.

Erection Enhancing/Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

First, we have the obvious erection enhancing drugs which everyone knows about…

Viagra: the first oral drug to treat erectile disfunction. If you take it on an empty stomach it kicks in in about 30 minutes. If you take it on a full stomach it takes much longer to be effective. The effect lasts about 4 hours.
Levitra: Similar to Viagra but lasts about 5 or 6 hours.
Cialis: My favorite. Works the same way as Viagra and Cialis, but the effect lasts for 2 to 3 days. That means you can take one on Friday, but when your wife gets pissed at you for incorrectly loading the dishwasher and you get in a big fight, the drug will still be effective on Sunday when she’s no longer in a bad mood.

All of those drugs require you to be aroused to get an erection.

Caverject/Edex/Muse: These are all the exact same drug (alprostadil), they are just administered differently. Caverject is injected directly into then penis with a tiny needle (it’s not as bad as it sounds and doesn’t hurt at all. It IS scary as hell, though). Edex and Muse are tiny suppositories that you actually insert into your urethra using a little plastic tube!!! (That’s the hole you pee out of, for you non-scientific types.) Personally, I’d rather stick my wiener with a tiny needle than slide something into the pee hole, but to each his own. However they are administered, both of these drugs pretty much guarantee a boner, whether you’re turned on or not, unless you have some sort of mechanical problem with your boy parts. You don’t want to take the drug just before going on a date because you’ll have trouble walking unless you take off your pants. And your date might be reluctant to go anywhere with you if you’re not wearing pants. Caverject takes effect in about 5 minutes and the boner lasts for about an hour, whether you want it or not. The suppository forms of the drug take slightly longer to kick in (10 to 20 minutes) but they also last about an hour once you get a boner.

You do NOT have to be turned on for alprostadil to work. It will work even if you’re in a coma.

Bremelanotide: This is one other erection drug that I KNOW works. Personally, I LOVE THIS DRUG! Unfortunately, it is not yet approved by the FDA, it is currently undergoing trials. However, if you’re a risk-taker (like me), it’s easily available online. Bremolanotide does not work like the other erection drugs. Bremelanotide actually works in the brain by making you more aroused. It is a true arousal drug, and it even works on women (just ask my wife). When I say it works on women, I obviously don’t mean that it gives them erections. But it DOES make them super horny. It makes everyone super horny, both men and women. In men, the result is erections that pop up at the slightest hint of being turned on. The effect kicks in after an hour or three and lasts about a day and a half, peaking (in my experience) after about 8 hours. I made the mistake of going shopping with my wife when I was on this drug. She came out of the dressing room wearing a cute little summer dress, and I had instant wood. Then it wouldn’t go away. I couldn’t stand up. I was wearing some thin, loose-fitting dress pants with boxer shorts. If I had stood up then everyone would have known that I had a boner. I had to sit there for 20 minutes playing chess on my phone before the boner went away. Then, as we were walking around the mall I started to have dirty thoughts and BAM! There’s the boner again. I had to carry her shopping bags in front of me until we could find a place to sit down.

When taking this drug I would wake up at night, every hour or two, with an erection so hard IT WAS PAINFUL! And yes… that’s a good thing. I didn’t really mind the pain. :-) Morning wood is automatic, and you’ll feel like you’re sixteen again. When my wife took the drug it made her very, very horny and her clitoris would get rock hard when I would rub it. I actually had to rub it much more gently than I normally do because she said it would hurt if I rubbed too hard. My wife isn’t multi-orgasmic (unfortunately). She’s usually “one and done”, but when she was on bremelanotide she would not loose interest after an orgasm like she typically does. She remained turned on and after another 20 minutes to an hour she could have another orgasm. When we were both taking the drug she had 8 orgasms over the course of a day, which is by far a record for her.

Bremelanotide is taken via injection, but it’s with a tiny insulin syringe which is not painful at all. When you buy it it has to be mixed with bacteriostatic water, which is just sterile water with an anti-bacterial agent added to it. The places that sell bremelanotide also sell the bacteriostatic water, so make sure you buy both if you decide to try it. I’m not sure of the forum rules, so I’m not going to say where I’ve purchased it, but they call it iPT-141, which was what it was called before it was given a “real” name. They sell it for $44.99 plus shipping, so the total is about $55. for that you get 10 milligrams of bremelanotide, but you need to spend another $8 on the bacteriostatic water.

The first time I used bremelanotide I gave myself the “normal” injection that the guys on the bodybuilding forums were taking about. That was 1mg, or 1/10th of the bottle. It definitely made me turned on, but it also made me feel a little sick. I didn’t like the sick feeling at all and it pretty much offset the arousal feeling, although I still got the boners. The next time I took it I only used 0.5 mg, which gave me all of the benefits without the sick feeling. Since then I just use about 0.35mg, which for me is more than adequate. That means for about $55 I get roughly 30 doses of bremelanotide out of one bottle. I weigh about 210 pounds, by the way. My wife weighs 110 (she’s a petite little thing), so I give her 0.15mg to 0.2mg.

If you’re interested in bremelanotide, don’t believe anything I just said! Do your own research! There’s lots of info out there on the internet. Read what other people have said about it. Read about the research that’s being done on it. I’m not a drug pusher, I’m just passing on information.

Prematute Ejaculation Drugs

Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are known to help with premature ejaculation.

Citalopram: Also known as Celexa, it is used to treat depression. At least, that’s what it has been approved for by the US Food and Drug Administration. Doctors also prescribe it for anxiety, panic attacks, and PREMATURE EJACULATION! I mentioned this drug in another thread I commented on recently, so I don’t want to beat a dead horse here, but citalopram DEFINITELY helps with PE. I didn’t have a PE problem, but my doctor prescribed it to me because he thought I was having panic attack. I wasn’t, it was an adrenal tumor giving me huge adrenalin rushes, but that’s a whole nuther story. When I tool the Citalopram it made it downright difficult to have an orgasm. Sometimes when my wife and I would have sex, I wouldn’t even be able to come. Of course, I didn’t really have a PE problem. In someone who DOES have a PE problem, I would surmise that the effect is the same but less severe. It’s a proven and effective way to eliminate the “minuteman” syndrome.

By the way… this drug doesn’t need to be taken regularly to reduce premature ejaculation. It takes a couple of hours to get into your system, then it works for about 24 hours. So if you know you’re going to be having sex on Friday night, take one on Friday afternoon and you’ll be good to go. If you’re not going to be having sex again until next Wednesday, then don’t take the drug until then. Take it just like you’d take Cialis; a few hours before you expect to have sex.

Dapoxetine: Dapoxetine is another SSRI that is used for PE. It has been approved in Europe, but the FDA in the US is dragging their feet, as usual. It isn’t available in the US yet, but it’s relatively easy to buy online. It works the same way as citalopram, but it doesn’t last as long.

Clomipramine: Yet another SSRI that I was thinking about not even mentioning. It’s an older drug with numerous side effects and it has a very long half-life, which means that for it to really be effective, you need to take a low dose of it every day. Otherwise you risk taking too much in a single does since the dosages were developed with the understanding that it takes a few weeks to build up in your bloodstream. The only reason I decided to mention this drug is because one of the side effects is that it makes some people horny AND it can make you have an orgasm when yawning. Seriously. Sometimes people who take this drug start to yawn and then BAM! They come in their pants. It’s kinda weird that a drug that helps with PE would actually cause you to spontaneously come, but that’s what it does.

Anti-Turtling Drugs

Alpha blockers relax certain smooth muscle fibers and relax the penis. This causes it to hang more when flaccid. Personally, I don’t really care much about this, but it’s important to some people, so I’m telling you what I know…

Flomax Flomax, also known by it’s generic name, tamsulosin, is used to treat men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). That’s a fancy name for an enlarged prostate. The drug binds to certain receptors in the prostate, causing them to relax, which then makes it easier for men with BPH to pee. A side effect of the drug is that it also relaxes the penis so that when it is flaccid it doesn’t “turtle”. I was recently prescribed this drug for BPH and I noticed within a few hours that I was “hanging” better. I didn’t think anything of it. That just happens sometimes. But then after the third day of good hanging, I looked it up on the internets and learned that Flomax does make dicks hang lower! Whoulda thunk it? So if that matters to you, do your research and then talk to your doctor about a prescription for Flomax.

Alfuzosin/Doxazosin/Silodosin/Terazosin All of these drugs are in the same class of drugs as Flomax/tamsulosin, and they all have a similar effect on the penis. The side effects for each one are slightly different. Of these five drugs (including Flomax), Doxazosin is by far the cheapest. It’s only $3.50 for 30 pills online.

Phenoxybenzamine: I’m only mentioning this drug because I’ve taken it and it had an interesting side effect. It’s a non-selective alpha blocker, which means it has lots and lots and lots of side effects. I took it for 2 weeks before my adrenal tumor surgery because it TOTALLY BLOCKS all adrenaline. The most interesting thing about the drug was that it made me shoot blanks. I could have an orgasm, but nothing would come out. NOTHING! It was the weirdest thing. It felt like a regular orgasm, but when the squirting was supposed to happen… nothing! At one time it was investigated as a male birth control drug, but the side effects were too severe. It makes the person taking it very tired and out of breath. The “dry” orgasms were really weird, though.

Clomid (clomiphene Citrate)

Bodybuilders use it to restore their normal testicular function when coming off of a steroid cycle. Clomid is known to produce huge amounts of semen. Male porn stars use it to increase the volume in the “money shots”. I can definitely confirm that it increases the volume, although I never had Peter North-type results.

So… that’s all I can think of for now. I’m sure there are many other drugs with effect the penis. If you know of some, please add them to the thread and tell us your experience with them.

September 20, 2007: BPEL: 5.8 inches, EG: <5.5 inches

March 15, 2008: BPEL: 7.6 inches, EG: 5.75 inches

Yes, that's a gain of 1.8 inches. And no... That's not my real picture.

Last edited by marinera : 01-14-2013 at . Reason: User request

Oh yes… I forgot to mention Human Growth Hormone. When I first joined this forum 5 or 6 years ago I was into bodybuilding and I was taking steroids and HGH. I read some info online about HGH making penises bigger, but it wasn’t happening to me. Many bodybuilders have made that claim, and Jose Canseco even wrote about it in his book. I think he said his dick grew a couple of inches on HGH. The stuff is expensive, and I wasn’t taking huge doses, so I decided to see what would happen if I injected it directly in my penis (yes, I really did that). That was in combination with the stretching and pumping that I was already doing. As you can see in my signature, I grew almost 2 inches in about 6 months. I actually never updated that. I ended up about an eighth of an inch short of 8 inches when I stopped the stretching, so I actually grew a little over 2 inches in about 9 months with the help of the HGH. Since then I shrank a little. I’m at 7.5 right now. I think that’s because once I was done with the stretching things just needed a little while to settle on a final size. I have no doubt that the HGH made a big difference.

September 20, 2007: BPEL: 5.8 inches, EG: <5.5 inches

March 15, 2008: BPEL: 7.6 inches, EG: 5.75 inches

Yes, that's a gain of 1.8 inches. And no... That's not my real picture.

Forgot also testosterone & C.. If you manage to make a full list with all pro & cons that would be a great thread.

Great thread! Using HGH whilst also maintaining a good PE routine is very interesting. Did you PE before using HGH? Otherwise it would be hard to judge its real affect on you as the relationship between the drug and gains could be purely coincidential.

Sept 2008: 6.0 X 4.9

Sept 2012: BPEL: 7.125 x 5.125

Nov 2015: Returned, stats unknown.

Originally Posted by marinera
Forgot also testosterone & C.. If you manage to make a full list with all pro & cons that would be a great thread.

Many years ago I ruined my testicles by taking too many steroid cycles. I never took testosterone by itself, it was always in combination with other drugs, such as Deca Durabolin, Winstrol, Dianabol, and Anavar. The steroids definitely upped my libido, but I never noticed an effect on erections, The Deca Durabolin definitely has a negative effect, however. It can make it very difficult to get an erection.

I wish I could go back and edit my original post because I would like to add Clomid (clomiphene Citrate) to the list. Bodybuilders use it to restore their normal testicular function when coming off of a steroid cycle. Clomid is known to produce huge amounts of semen. Male porn stars use it to increase the volume in the “money shots”. I can definitely confirm that it increases the volume, although I never had Peter North-type results.

September 20, 2007: BPEL: 5.8 inches, EG: <5.5 inches

March 15, 2008: BPEL: 7.6 inches, EG: 5.75 inches

Yes, that's a gain of 1.8 inches. And no... That's not my real picture.

Originally Posted by luke626181
Great thread! Using HGH whilst also maintaining a good PE routine is very interesting. Did you PE before using HGH? Otherwise it would be hard to judge its real affect on you as the relationship between the drug and gains could be purely coincidential.

I had only been doing a PE routine for a few weeks (maybe a month or two) before trying the HGH in the penis. I’m not an ideal subject to determine the efficacy of HGH in the penis. What I do know, however, is that HGH is supposedly not “spot effective”. In other words, if a bodybuilder wants bigger pecs, injecting HGH in the pecs isn’t going to cause them to grow. After injection it quickly enters the bloodstream and circulates throughout the body. However, the penis is a little different than muscle tissue. Muscles are full of arteries and veins, so anything injected in them quickly begins to circulate throughout your body. But blood stays in the penis for extended periods of time. It doesn’t have a rapid blood flow like your muscles. When you get an erection, that same blood stays in your penis for the duration of the erection. That’s why the ED drug ads always say “if you have an erection lasting more than 4 hours call your doctor”. During long lasting erections (priapism) there is almost no blood circulating in the penis. That’s why I think the HGH may be spot-effective on the penis. When injected, it doesn’t get immediately carried away by the circulatory system. It stays in the penis longer than it would in an individual muscle, where it binds to the GH receptors and causes growth. Jose Canseco said that his penis grew a couple of inches when he was on HGH, and he wasn’t injecting into the penis. Of course, he was using much larger doses than are typically prescribed for people. HGH is very expensive, and he had the money to pay for it. Injecting directly into the penis allows a concentrated amount of the GH to stay in the penis for an extended period of time before it circulates throughout the body. Injecting into a muscle only allows a diluted amount of GH into the penis.

September 20, 2007: BPEL: 5.8 inches, EG: <5.5 inches

March 15, 2008: BPEL: 7.6 inches, EG: 5.75 inches

Yes, that's a gain of 1.8 inches. And no... That's not my real picture.

I’m curious as to how clomid helps produce a bigger load? I’m aware of its uses coming off cycle, but I’ve never heard of it increasing load size. What doses does it start affecting quantity?

On a side note, Luke, your avatar has me bustin’ all kinds of nuts…

Originally Posted by sam1966

Flomax Flomax, also known by it’s generic name, tamsulosin, is used to treat men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). That’s a fancy name for an enlarged prostate. The drug binds to certain receptors in the prostate, causing them to relax, which then makes it easier for men with BPH to pee. A side effect of the drug is that it also relaxes the penis so that when it is flaccid it doesn’t “turtle”. I was recently prescribed this drug for BPH and I noticed within a few hours that I was “hanging” better. I didn’t think anything of it. That just happens sometimes. But then after the third day of good hanging, I looked it up on the internets and learned that Flomax does make dicks hang lower! Whoulda thunk it? So if that matters to you, do your research and then talk to your doctor about a prescription for Flomax.

I also have BPH and was prescribed Flomax. Nasty side-effects for me: Intense dizziness, light headedness, and total retrograde ejaculation, that after only one day of taking it. I’ve found Alfuzosin to be far kinder to me and have been pretty much side-effect free for over a month now. And, it does give you that heavier hang. :)



On a side note, Luke, your avatar has me bustin’ all kinds of nuts…

Glad it served a purpose ;) For EQ purposes obviously!

Sept 2008: 6.0 X 4.9

Sept 2012: BPEL: 7.125 x 5.125

Nov 2015: Returned, stats unknown.

Sam, you need to bone up on Vitaros and Stendra. They are both new ED drugs pending final FDA approval. Vitaros is a reformulation of Alpostradil which can be applied directly to the glans. Stendra is a reformulaion of Lavitra allowing the tablet to be placed under the tongue where it can be absorbed directly into the blood system for quicker results.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"


So vitaros will be a topical solution with the same effects of pge-1?

Originally Posted by nrvous1

So vitaros will be a topical solution with the same effects of pge-1?

That is my understanding.

Found my own answer on clomid. Clomid alone affects two hormones in the male body. One is FSH which stimulates sperm production in the testicles. I still need to read more as to what mgs are used.

Your list is missing probably the two best supplements D-aspartic acid medically proven to increase T. And Citrulline malate for erection blood flow. Both Amino Acids, so they are natural. Both are pretty cheap. And that’s all you need.


Thank you so much for this wonderful thread. Do you know of any reputable online sources to buy clomid from? Perhaps ones that you yourself have tried and can confirm they were the real deal. Thanks again!


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