Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Originally Posted by Northpole
Hey hey hey, Ola.
Muscles and tissue are different things baby :)
You get micro tears in the dick when you PE, and the stressed cells are replaced etc.
Your dick is no balloon and no muscle.

Trevligt veckoslut ola ;)

yes muscles and tissue are different things and steroids makes muscles grow faster and tissue to heal faster. I have tryed to pump and jelq like a maniac when I was on steroids and nothing happened.

I have tryed sustanon, winestrol, deca, naposim, russians.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Originally Posted by kristian69

I have actually read about one steroid where one of the side effects is “increased genitals”, This steroid is called “Deca-Durabolin”.

I would be a great steroid if it allways hade the sideeffect of “increased genitals”, but I’m afraid that this wonderful sideeffect happens to only 1 of 10000 or something like that. 100 of 10000 problebly get ED instead.

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3

Originally Posted by JAPP
Anabolic steroids do NOT increase penis size after puberty, no matter what type it is.

Am I claiming that steroids increase penis size?

No I am not. Please read the whole thread.

Where did I find the information that Deca-Durabolin can cause an increase in genital size?

In the Norwegian “Felles katalogen”, This is a book containing all the medicament’s on sale in Norway, How they work, What they are for, And what the known side effects are.

This book is used by Norwegian doctor’s to find suitable medicament’s for their patients.

Fina is one of the infamous ones that will give you limp dick. Better mix it w/ some enanthante or you’ll be in for a long cycle.

Oh man

Testosterone is a hormone and an anabolic steroid. Deca is a very suppressive steroid and has the tendency to shrink balls pretty well (but has no permanent effect on penis size). You might notice a temporary increase of size on testosterone maybe from stronger erections. Steroids mainly increase protein synthesis in skeletal muscle, but even a little in other muscles such as those in the heart. They don’t help healing in other tissues, so this indicates that they wouldn’t help much in PE. The damage from PE is more physical trauma, different from the effect of stressing a muscle through weightlifting. That’s why steroids are never used to treat injuries (burns, broken bones, cuts etc). Growth hormone (GH) is prescribed for serious injuries, because it has the effect of speeding up healing of all types of tissues (including connective tissues such as in the penis), and it generally causes growth. So when guys like Jose Canseco say it grows dick, I believe it :D

Porn stars -- normal sized dicks

Don’t depress me! Most porn stars have HUGE penises. (Or perhaps mine is just super small?)


Welcome to the forum. What are your stats?

Originally Posted by kristian69
To get this thread back to the topic……

Does Testosterone or anabolic steroids increase your PE gains?

I do not think so.

If it did, Someone would have reported that it did.

A well documented side effect is decreased testicle size, And that is not positive for the PEer :)

I have a few questions for you Northpole:

Have you used anabolic steroids? If so, Where you doing PE a the time? If so, Did you find that the steroids helped you gain in penis size?

Yes I have used steroids. Stanozolol depot and oral (Winstrol and some other), and also Methandrostenolone two times (Russian and naposim).
In the beginning of the cycle i had strong erections, but after that i had problems getting really good erections.
I did not any kind of PE that time.

I just toughed it would be logical that steroids would heal the stress and micro tears from PE also.

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Originally Posted by juke
Oh man

Testosterone is a hormone and an anabolic steroid. Deca is a very suppressive steroid and has the tendency to shrink balls pretty well (but has no permanent effect on penis size). You might notice a temporary increase of size on testosterone maybe from stronger erections. Steroids mainly increase protein synthesis in skeletal muscle, but even a little in other muscles such as those in the heart. They don’t help healing in other tissues, so this indicates that they wouldn’t help much in PE. The damage from PE is more physical trauma, different from the effect of stressing a muscle through weightlifting. That’s why steroids are never used to treat injuries (burns, broken bones, cuts etc). Growth hormone (GH) is prescribed for serious injuries, because it has the effect of speeding up healing of all types of tissues (including connective tissues such as in the penis), and it generally causes growth. So when guys like Jose Canseco say it grows dick, I believe it :D

Thank you :)
So if a guy wants to boost PE he needs GH :D

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Originally Posted by skitola11
yes muscles and tissue are different things and steroids makes muscles grow faster and tissue to heal faster. I have tryed to pump and jelq like a maniac when I was on steroids and nothing happened.

I have tried sustanon, winestrol, deca, naposim, russians.

OK I belive you Ola.
It just would be so logical that the dope would work on the penis also…

I like naposim and winstrol they kick ass. Naposim worked very well on me with only 4/ed

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Originally Posted by Muscular_Beaver

Hey all . The one danger in using test or roids , is that when a man has too much test in his system , the body will deal with it by aromatizing , or changing it to estrogen . This is why many drug using body builders report shrinkage of their testicles , and also develop gynocomastia , or the growth of female like breast tissue . The trick is to try and find the ideal amount of test for your own body . You should test your serum levels , and adjust from there . And steroids do not build muscles , they allow the body to recuperate and recover much , much faster . You still have to do the work in the gym . Ciao

Estrogen blockers, Nolva etc. They should help? And over dosing is stupid anyway…

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Clomid is the most popular estrogen blocker as far as I know. Peter North is reportedly the pioneer in regard to it’s usage in the porn industry.

Originally Posted by vic20
Clomid is the most popular estrogen blocker as far as I know. Peter North is reportedly the pioneer in regard to it’s usage in the porn industry.

Clomid can be pretty rad. If I take 200-300mg two days in a row, on the third day I will shoot loads like Mr. North.

Originally Posted by Northpole
OK I belive you Ola.
It just would be so logical that the dope would work on the penis also…

I like naposim and winstrol they kick ass. Naposim worked very well on me with only 4/ed

You should try naposim and sustanon at the same time. THAT REALY KICKS ASS!!!

2005-07-01 - 7,5 x 5,5 Starting 2005-09-20 - 7,7 x 5,5 goal - 8,0 x 6,3


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