Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Originally Posted by skitola11
You should try naposim and sustanon at the same time. THAT REALY KICKS ASS!!!

I think my doping days are over. I don`t have any inspiration for body building or power lifting etc anymore.
Just doing some maintaining bench, nothing else. Maybe some day, you never know.
I actually once tried sustanon but they were fake.

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Originally Posted by Insane_Man
Clomid can be pretty rad. If I take 200-300mg two days in a row, on the third day I will shoot loads like Mr. North.

Very interesting. This is news for me… So there is more than just “Apium graveolens” (Celery) :)

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

I think that pornstars with big dicks have them naturally or are surgically enhanced - however, if they shave their pubic hair you won’t see it lower on the shaft than normal. It’s not unreasonable to assume that guys with big dicks are more likely to want to show them off and are more likely to be hired so it would give the impression that there are thousands of big dicks guys all over the place.

Watching porn can distort you view of what is normal. Lookin around in the gym and turkish bath changing rooms, there are a few hung guys, most are average and there are a few tiddlers.

And I have never heard anything to say steroids increase dick size because if they did guys would be necking them like there is no tomorrow:)

1st Jun 07: EL: 6.0 inches. BPEL: 6.5 inches

1st Aug 08: 7" with the V-pump!

7"would be heaven, 8"would be great, 9" would be damn fine!

Anabolic steroids, my favorite subject. Well apparently a couple guys here know their stuff about juice.
Steroids work by
1. increasing protien synthesis
2. decreasing skeletal muscle catabolism
3. increases in glycogen storage, and phosphocreatine levels resulting in a fuller larger muscle
4. aromatizing steroids also stimulate IGF-1 release which has a great effect on muscle size

Unfortunately none of these are applicable to the penis, as its not a muscle, and its not undergoing exercised induced stress. As was stated correctly earlier in the post testosterone IS an anabolic steroid, as all other anabolic steroids are pretty much analogs of testosterone, or 19 nor-testosterone, or dehydrotestosterone. The use of any steroid without stacking with testosterone is not well advised, and is usually done by those who dont know better.All anabolics for the most part will suppress the HPTA resulting in cessation of natural testosterone production, and with no test you have no sex drive and no erections, no male aggression etc.
Clomid is not really that great of an anti estrogen, for the most part it is used to stimulate production of LH to restore testicular function post cycle. Better anti estrogens are nolvadex, there are also the aromatase inhibitors which actually prevent the conversion to estrogen in the first place, these are generally preferable, as estrogen is far more suppressive to the HPTA than test itself.

I would be more than happy to discuss anabolic, anti estrogens , post cycle therapy etc. with anyone . thanks

Originally Posted by mjollnir
Anabolic steroids, my favorite subject. Well apparently a couple guys here know their stuff about juice.
Steroids work by
1. increasing protien synthesis
2. decreasing skeletal muscle catabolism
3. increases in glycogen storage, and phosphocreatine levels resulting in a fuller larger muscle
4. aromatizing steroids also stimulate IGF-1 release which has a great effect on muscle size

Unfortunately none of these are applicable to the penis, as its not a muscle, and its not undergoing exercised induced stress. As was stated correctly earlier in the post testosterone IS an anabolic steroid, as all other anabolic steroids are pretty much analogs of testosterone, or 19 nor-testosterone, or dehydrotestosterone. The use of any steroid without stacking with testosterone is not well advised, and is usually done by those who dont know better.All anabolics for the most part will suppress the HPTA resulting in cessation of natural testosterone production, and with no test you have no sex drive and no erections, no male aggression etc.
Clomid is not really that great of an anti estrogen, for the most part it is used to stimulate production of LH to restore testicular function post cycle. Better anti estrogens are nolvadex, there are also the aromatase inhibitors which actually prevent the conversion to estrogen in the first place, these are generally preferable, as estrogen is far more suppressive to the HPTA than test itself.

I would be more than happy to discuss anabolic, anti estrogens , post cycle therapy etc. with anyone . thanks

Good post! Clomid is not an anti-estrogen, it does boost lh which leads to increased Test production. It has sides like making your load much bigger but it can cause some nasty mood swings as well. Nolvadex is a decent SERM but raloxiphene is safer and more potent. I agree that it would be better to use an AI while on cycle to prevent aromatisation of test to estrogen but AIs mess up your cholesterol.

Only dht has ever been shown to increase the size of the penis and this is only in pre pubertal boys. Testosterone and it’s derivatives can aromatise via 5ar to dht but it would be better to use dht. But dht also causes male pattern baldness and prostate cancer so it should be avoided. Something happens during puberty that causes AR receptors to be shutdown hence why dht won’t work in those past puberty. They theory is that the AR in the penis become shutdown in the presence of dht. How fast htey shutdown is determined by genetics and that determines your size. I believe there was a study with boys that showed dht increased penis size but seemed to only take them to their natural size. They were basically starting puberty early but as soon as steroids and dht act on the ARs in the penis they become desensitized and size will stop.

I should also mention that while estrogen will increase production of igf-1 it also increase igf-1bp, bp =binding protein. So the increased igf-1 produced is then bound to the binding portein making it worthless.

Are there any theories about how to get the AR receptors switched back on?- That would be the ultimate PE holygrail :)

Originally Posted by mistertee
Are there any theories about how to get the AR receptors switched back on?- That would be the ultimate PE holygrail :)

Please explain this AR receptor, how is it connected with PE.

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

I took naposim for one month about a year ago. I was 19 back then. Naposim has a great effect on retaining water in your body, so I gained 7 kg in that month. I know that steroids dont make your dick big(unless your at puberty), but I swear to god that after 2-3 weeks of naposim my dick got big, just like after the first 2-3 weeks of PE , you know, that feeling when you grab your dick in your hand and you feel it`s larger. That was my experience. I did not took any measurements before or after.

Northpole I think that you firstly have a big dick and then decide to do porn and then u hit the gym and roids to get yourself a better chance of getting a good offer.

Dont you think?

Started :BPEL 7.0 x 5.5 Now: BPEL 7.6 x 5.8 Goal: NBPEL 8.6 x 6.3 "Don´t let yourself get attached to anything that you are Not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the HEAT around th corner." --Robert De Niro (talking to Al Pacino in a caffe in the Movie HEAT)

I have said this before and will say it again: the person who figures out a treatment to grow dick (probably by turning ARs back on) will be far and away the richest man in the world. Curing cancer, etc., will not make a change in nearly as many lives and hence not get you nearly as much money as a cock enlarging pill/treatment. I estimate in today’s dollars that it would get you a trillion at least.

Just stumbled across a forum that looks at this very question. It looks at the possibility of a topical product called ‘hung’. check out this site

It seems the main stumbling block was how to create a product that will replicate the conditions of puberty whilst avoiding hairloss, prostate enlargement etc.


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