Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

possible major break through pe supplement!

possible major break through pe supplement!

check out this is a new supplement called myostat wich allows for the muscles to grow larger than your body was genetically suppose to. id like some of the experts to check it out and let us no if this would have any effects on the tissue of the penis!



this is nothing new.

The penis is NOT a muscle at all. It is spongy tissue, cartilage, and ligaments, and
blood vessels. Thuis, it would not enlarge the corpus cavernosa,
tunicae, nor would it stretch the suspensory ligs.

It would be good to get “ripped,” and each 40 pounds of ab flab can uncover
up to an inch of exposed penis.

But internally, nada.

They certainly have hyped that up enough. Almost got me thinking about getting some. I will wait a while to see what others think of it.

are you looking at the right product phat it has nothing to do with fat loss its a product for allowing your muscles to grow larger! if you read this you ll realize the penis does have nuscle tissue!http://www.bhs. … /penispage.html

Last edited by cyberstud25 : 04-05-2002 at .

Based on that article,

no the penis is not a muscle, but does have muscle in the dermis, which is your bottom layer of skin. I can’t see how making that “bigger” would help you at all, if you’re doing the exercises here then you’re either stretching the connective tissues at the base or expanding your corpora cavernosa beyond it’s normal capacity. No muscles involved.

wouldnt exspanding the dermis allow for more blood to fill the corpus wich might be limited by the muscle allowing for only so much stretching of the corpus. i know this is far fetched but im gonna use the stuff for bb purposes and see if i notice any faster gains while pe also!


supplement that works

The ONLY scientifically documented supplement that has, all else the same,
been shown to increase the size of the male organ is twice daily injections
of Human Growth Hormone (not secretagogoues).

This is it! I forgot the percent of men studied who increased in size.

Even here, it was specultated in the book “Growing Young with HgH” by
Glatz that the increase in penis size was not “new growth” but restoring
the organ to its youthful size after years of atrophy from aging.

It does shink, up to 20% as a man ages and does not use it. Scientific fact too.

I hope this helps.

Take all the muscle builiding supps you want, but it “ain’t” gonna grow a larger

This is all old stuff, but try it anyway and keep us old guys posted.


I understand that you got some good girth gains. What was your main exercise to accomplish this. Also, what was your main length exercise and how many rest days per week did you have.



I am not posting much these days, so my story will have to be found in the

RANDOM is the answer. I keep changing and changing my routine, refining
every little thing.

I began to see some girth changes only when I jelqued with 100% erection. I
have found dry jelq to be, for ME, as effective as wet. I also ULI wrap toward
the base and let swell. I sometimes do the same in the BIB hanger and that
swells up the head good if you can stand it. I do a lot of erection “practice” where
I maintain it for hours and fiddle with jelqs, sometimes with a ULI wrap.

I hang, but my routine is more random than established. For a year, I hung every week
averaging 15 hours or more a week. I have not hung much since the summer of 2001 ,
but I am resuming that with a new philosophy. I am now not worrying about the quantity
of weight at all, just the stretch and the lig and shaft soreness. I am opting for lower
weight at higher swinging intensity and longer sessions. So far it is doing good.

I dry jelq when the urge hits me. I even pump every now and then.

My rountine is primarily hanging and full erection jelq but you can see that I have no
set pattern or rountine or even days on and days off schedule. My knee surgery kept
me off PE for four weeks.

I even do PE as the urge hits while pumping iron on my bow flex machine. That resistance
exercise really gets the blood flowing, especially after massive doses of Arginine (10 grams or
more), Orthinine, Glutamine , and Glycene.

I have not gained very much, contrary to what you hear. I started big. I have gained maybe an
inch length and I am not sure on girth, but my base is pretty big and I look like wantmore
somewhat. I am uncut too which complicates PE a whole lot.

Yes Phat9 = P9.
EDIT:Just so no one gets confused, there is a member with the username P9. Please address Phat as Phat to avoid this possible misunderstanding. Thanks !

I see on the sizemaster chart, your girth is listed at about 5.4”, but isnt it around 8-9”?
Is P9 = Phat9 on the chart? NO, different guy!

Last edited by ThunderSS : 04-05-2002 at .


girth varies

on a average erection, the base is 7 3/4 to 8 inches around. It tapers from there.
Just in front of the balls, it ‘s about 7 and it tapers on down to around 6.

Now, if I lightly jelq, the mid shaft can expand to almost seven inches, and it gets
very very heavy and can be used for sex.

If I take Viagra and “pump” at 5-7 psi, I can achieve a base of 10 inches and
a midshaft of 8 1/4 inches. Maybe that is what you heard.

I am five or more at mid shaft when flaccid. I can get a flaccid turgid hanger, however, which
is a bit thicker than 8 at the base (see urinal post).

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