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Quick survey: does Viagra/Cialis/Levitra make you personally last longer?

Quick survey: does Viagra/Cialis/Levitra make you personally last longer?

I was listening to an interview earlier today where a guy said Viagra made him last longer in bed. After doing some background research, it looks like the stuff is quite successful in treating premature ejaculation. Sadly, there aren’t any studies on normal men, so I figured I’d ask you guys. Do you personally last longer without blowing a load on any of the ED meds? I guess this is directed more at the people using them recreationally, since people taking them for actual ED won’t be as easily able to make the comparison.

I would have to say most certainly yes. When I take a good dose of cialis or viagra I have less sensation. I don’t have ED and just take them for fun or if I have been drinking.

Yep, it depends on how much you take though.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’ve found that the V improves sexual performance all the way around. At my age Im happy to get 80 to 90% erection level. The V helps me to stay a little harder and last a little longer. Definitely makes a big difference and the older we get the more we notice it. I tried both cialis and levitra and have to say viagra packs the best punch. I get a lot of face flushing though and some headaches. Sometimes my girlfriend says “why is your face so red” I just shrug it off and tell her Im hot or something like that.

I find I last longer, especially in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. And the rounds are consecutive…. no recovery time in between, we love it. That’s with V not C.


Definitely last longer w/ V. Sometimes TOO long.. Energizer Bunny long.

With C, I have had much bigger erections…Lasted as long as with V and feel like I can have another round (Still horny)…I don’t get that with V so much.

With C, I can have sex for a good while before orgasm, but for the porn star type endurance, erection, and orgasm nothing beats V. C allows me to get erections very easily, but doesn’t really help with longer sex that much, but there is a noticeable difference. I took 25mg. of V with a glass of Patron one night and had sex for 3 hours without orgasm. I did not have an orgasm till the next morning when I had sex with her again. My advice with V is for you to take an Aspirin with it to reduce side effects and thin out your blood for better circulation throughout your body including your penis.

Nope. I have taken Viagra as a recreational use. It helped in maintaining erections, but did nothing to prolong ejaculation. Am I the only one?

I can’t say it helps me last longer, but it definitely decreases the refractory time until I get get another erection after my first orgasm. This is why I love to take it.

I would say that neither makes me last any longer

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