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Something Nitric Oxide users should be aware of...

Something Nitric Oxide users should be aware of...

http://www.ncbi … t_uids=16410551

Im no doctor or a scientist but I can say that a similar effect that these mice got I recieved from taking NOX3 by universal. One day 4/20 to be exact i took 1 of the 6 reccomended daily N0X3 pill because I did not plan to work out that day. I stupidly smoked weed and that day my head hurt horribly after attempting to have sex. I NEVER got headaches prior to that and now i get them often. It sucks i don’t know exactly what i did but I am almost sure i caused damage. Just a warning for the nitric oxide users out there it could be harmful. If i had known this information I would have never taken the suppliment.

Last edited by westla90069 : 06-06-2006 at . Reason: Corrected the often confused nitrous/nitric oxide.

And smoking weed has nothing to do about your headache?

It sounds like: “I drinked some paint and took a glass of water after it. I got very bad symptoms. It must be the water.”

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Last edited by J123 : 06-06-2006 at .

Maybe it’s the NITROUS oxide he was huffing that gave him a headache?


He was taking the NO (Nitric Oxide by the way) precursor NOX3. He didn’t “huff” nitrous oxide. He took the NO precursor L-Arginine. I always wondered if those things would kill me after I took them for a while.

Those oxides are often confused. The thread did have a title that included “nitrous oxide.” I edited his post to correct it, but forgot to edit the thread title. Fixed now. No more confusion. :) I hope.

Thanks, westla90069!

You never know, though. I mean, if the guy was smoking dope, and taking pills, who’s to say he wasn’t doing “whippets” in the backroom also… :chuckle:


Well I was about to buy some NOX3 pills, this guy was probably having head aches from the weed right, not the pills. I was wondering what the effects of these pills were, I am planning on taking them for weight lifting to put oxygen back into my muscles which will help me to not become sore, but what effects does it have on the penis?

Just to say I’ve been smoking weed for quite some time now with no problems at all. I took the NOX for about 2 weeks for workout purposes but never noticed much of a difference bescides the stomachaches and gas i get from the supplement. The combination of the 2 is where the problem arose. Like I said I don’t know exactly what happened but the bottom line is the nitric oxide weakened something in my body that caused my abnormal reaction.

Also as I stated before I NEVER got headaches and now i get them quite often. I forgot to mention that my blood pressure also spiked and is high to this day. I would say after that day my head hurt for about a week straight. Now I get them sporadically but some things bring them on. If i kegel like i used to kegel I feel it later on maybe bout a minute into them, loud noises and even talking on the cell phone can be painful. I feel I am getting better as I have been doing intense cardio and weight training the headaches have somewhat subsided

Of course it is the combination. NOX is a sort of medicine and you are not supposed to take any drugs with medicines. Actually you are not supposed to take any drugs anyhow, but it is a different story.

I know, that quite many bodybuilders uses occasionally drugs, because they are easily bought from the same guys they buy other illegal BP stuff, but I don’t know how they combine it with training.

I have not and will not use drugs and I recommend, that you shouldn’t also use drugs. If you use, be sure not to take any kind of medical products with them.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

You are 100% correct about that but that does not mean there’s not a potential risk using the product alone. Prolonged use could be harmful and I feel that users of Nitric Oxide should be aware of that.

NO rises my blood pressure sometimes quite heavily if I take the whole recommended dose to empty stomach.
That’s why I usually use only half of the recommended dose, the effect cuts in half too, but it feels much more comfortable and safer that how. I take it only when I think it is beneficial, 1- 2 times a week.

I don’t recommend it to be used everyday, for the sake of safety and correct effectiveness.

So it is quite obvious why you shouldn’t smoke weed with it.
There is also other threads about the dangers of NO.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

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