Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Soy is bad for your penis


Soy is bad for women too. If women going through menopause want to get rid of their symptoms, better to have bioidentical hormone treatment than go on a soy-eating binge. Soy kills female libido.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by WatchOut

Unvelievable! Just started using soy milk this week to replace regular milk because it kills my insides. But Ill definetly pass on Soy if it’s going to have effects on my fella below the border.. Research time!

I agree

I mean

I love panda express

So I can’t go without them once a week

So I eat something with soy more than once a week

I don’t think soy products really make that much difference when it comes to the body size of Asians. Body size, penis size, body hair, etc. are all genetic.

Hardcore body builders have small penis

Like those


I’m guessing it’s from soy.

Diet definitely has an effect on body growth but it isn’t that simple. Would you rather be small and working or large and limp? Western Diets rich in protein and saturated fat produce larger body size and almost surely larger penises (at least matching). Unfortunately the obesity can envelop the penis in folds of fat and artery diseases is the major cause of impotence. Soy is a pervasive part of the “healthier” Asian diet as defined by greater longevity. It surely is “good for you” in some ways. To say it is bad is simplistic. It is an error to say it is good for you and emphasize it in your diet and is the same error to say it is bad for you.

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
I don’t think soy products really make that much difference when it comes to the body size of Asians. Body size, penis size, body hair, etc. are all genetic.

Not true 2nd generation Asians are always much bigger than their parents if raised in America

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Green tea also contains compounds that inhibit 5 alpha-reductase, which may reduce the amount of DHT that gets produced.

Can green tea effect dick growth in puberty?

Men, please, stop it. If you do your research you’ll find there has been only 2 cases of men going hygonadal when having like 8 servings of soy per day.
I’m 85kg’s, shredded and 181cm tall and I drink almost 1l of soy milk a day and it has never, ever affected my testosterone level.
This I know from having it measured consistently for over 10 years by now.

Sorry dude, but it’s just genetics. I bet you think meat is actually a good nutrient, don’t you?

“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”-Hunter.S.Thompson-

As long as a big can of Gillette shaving cream(7,5" or 19 cm), with picture proof in the 'full body picture' section. Pictures is the ultimate proof in the pudding, IMO.

Please guys show me the research where soy is so bad for men, even limiting their growth and testosterone level.

Entertain me, please, because I’ve never found the research that concludes with soy doing this to men.

Me thinks it’s a crock of shit and bro science. All based on FACTS.

“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”-Hunter.S.Thompson-

As long as a big can of Gillette shaving cream(7,5" or 19 cm), with picture proof in the 'full body picture' section. Pictures is the ultimate proof in the pudding, IMO.

Originally Posted by Abdiel
Please guys show me the research where soy is so bad for men, even limiting their growth and testosterone level.
Entertain me, please, because I’ve never found the research that concludes with soy doing this to men.
Me thinks it’s a crock of shit and bro science. All based on FACTS.

Clinical and biological activity of soy protein powder supplementation in healthy male volunteers - PubMed

CONCLUSION:Soy protein powder decreases serum testosterone levels in healthy men and acts as an ER-beta agonist; the significance of this biological effect with respect to cancer prevention needs further study.

Soy protein isolates of varying isoflavone content exert minor effects on serum reproductive hormones in healthy young men - PubMed

In conclusion, soy protein, regardless of isoflavone content, decreased DHT and DHT/testosterone

Hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction associated with soy product consumption - PubMed

this is the first report of a combination of decreased free testosterone and increased DHEA blood concentrations after consuming a soy-rich diet. Hence, this case emphasizes the impact of isoflavones in the regulation of sex hormones and associated physical alterations.

Soy food and isoflavone intake in relation to semen quality parameters among men from an infertility clinic | Human Reproduction | Oxford Academic

These data suggest that higher intake of soy foods and soy isoflavones is associated with lower sperm concentration.

The effects of soy and whey protein supplementation on acute hormonal reponses to resistance exercise in men - PubMed

CONCLUSION: Our main findings demonstrate that 14 days of supplementation with soy protein does appear to partially blunt serum testosterone.

Originally Posted by boner7484
Clinical and biological activity of soy protein powder supplementation in healthy male volunteers - PubMed

CONCLUSION:Soy protein powder decreases serum testosterone levels in healthy men and acts as an ER-beta agonist; the significance of this biological effect with respect to cancer prevention needs further study.

Soy protein isolates of varying isoflavone content exert minor effects on serum reproductive hormones in healthy young men - PubMed

In conclusion, soy protein, regardless of isoflavone content, decreased DHT and DHT/testosterone

Hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction associated with soy product consumption - PubMed

this is the first report of a combination of decreased free testosterone and increased DHEA blood concentrations after consuming a soy-rich diet. Hence, this case emphasizes the impact of isoflavones in the regulation of sex hormones and associated physical alterations.

Soy food and isoflavone intake in relation to semen quality parameters among men from an infertility clinic | Human Reproduction | Oxford Academic

These data suggest that higher intake of soy foods and soy isoflavones is associated with lower sperm concentration.

The effects of soy and whey protein supplementation on acute hormonal reponses to resistance exercise in men - PubMed

CONCLUSION: Our main findings demonstrate that 14 days of supplementation with soy protein does appear to partially blunt serum testosterone.

Thanks for a concise and informative reply, appreciated. Will do some further research on the subject to see if I feel like switching to almond milk, I take the soy as it contains more protein than the almond milk. But as mentioned I have monitored my serum test levels for years both before and after starting drinking soy milk and it hasn’t affected it one bit, shit it’s even a tad higher than before after throwing meat out the window sticking to fish and sea meats and a whole lot of greens, rice and beans.

Originally Posted by Abdiel

Thanks for a concise and informative reply, appreciated. Will do some further research on the subject to see if I feel like switching to almond milk, I take the soy as it contains more protein than the almond milk. But as mentioned I have monitored my serum test levels for years both before and after starting drinking soy milk and it hasn’t affected it one bit, shit it’s even a tad higher than before after throwing meat out the window sticking to fish and sea meats and a whole lot of greens, rice and beans.

Interested to know if your levels increased after you get off soy. I am betting the other dietary choices made you healthier. I think the worst thing about soy is the glyphosate it is sprayed with while being grown. It is Monsanto’s product which is a reformulation of agent orange. I know Vietnam vets who lost their balls after being exposed to agent orange. (Testicular cancer)

It’s avoidable if you eat whole foods, I think. Packaged, processed foods are full of chemicals including pesticides. Most of the livestock grown in the US is fed with unnatural diets which are also grown with repeated applications of glyphosate or other chemicals. This diet causes the meet to be tainted, especially the fatty bits. Grass fed is the way to go if you choose to eat meat.

Almost all animal feed includes corn and soy both grown with glyphosate. Don’t get me started on the wheat. (Bleach and bromine.) I worked in the agricultural sector for a while. It opened my eyes. Make the best choices for yourself. Your manhood will thank you.

You won’t be getting a a response from Abdiel; he was banned over 3 years ago.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.


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