Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting pygeum


My precum formula.

Hello shooter35. Let me share with you my precum formula. I’m always wanted to produce precum, and finally, I found the perfect combination for me.

GNC L-Arginine / L-Ornithine:
4 tablets morning, 4 tablets at bedtime (Both with an empty stomach)

Twinlab Tomato Lycopene:
1 capsule

GNC Nature’s Fingerprint Pygeum:
3 capsules

GNC Soy Lecithin Granules:
1 tablespoon

GNC Zinc 50 mg:
1 tablet at bedtime

Ginkgo has increased my cum.

8.5'' here we come!


Thanks guys I spaced and missed your post. I’ll give it a try. I stopped taking th Pygeum. It didn’t seem to do anything. I bought the raw powder from a health food store. I also tried the capsules, don’t remember the brand.

Anyone have updates on pygeum or link81’s formula?

I tried pygeum for week about two years ago. It didn’t do much so I forgot about it and haven’t thought about it since. I’m back on pygeum and have been for almost two weeks and still haven’t gotten anything. Is link81 the only one that managed to start producing precum?

It could be the brand and it depends from person to person. When I used it I think it didn’t make much of a difference if I was turned on then I’d have more not because of the pygeum. Pygeum works probably in another form or brand. I wish it would make me have more.

I think you have to be taking it for 2-4 weeks before you see an effect, depending on your body, metabolism etc.

I never release any precum. I have found that arginine increases my loads but has no effect on precum. However I know my system produces it, I just don’t release it when erect. If I get excited over a longish period, and then lose my erection, some usually comes out. Also if I am hard and push out as if trying to urinate, I can produce precum, but it’s hard work.

For load size, I agree with sixinch that you have to take your supplements for a week or so before there is much effect.


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