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Stimulate BLood FLow

Stimulate BLood FLow

Heres my situation… After a night of heavy drinking, the next day my penis is unusually engaged with blood pretty much throught the day… I am actually bigger after a night of heavy drinking…

Is this because alcohol thins the blood, thus causes more of it to move easily to my penis?

If so, what suppliments can i use to have this effect all of the time? Besides alcohol

If anything, I believe thin blood would only lead to easier bruising and red spots.

Alcohol is a vasodilator, but by the next day should be pretty much out of your system.

I’ve noticed I’m sometimes hornier than usual the day after drinking way too much. Not sure why. Getting hammered knocks testosterone down. Maybe it’s from LH increasing in response. Or it could have something to do with estrogen. I don’t know.


Yeah, me too! I get extremely horny and it gets bigger… Just by itself…. Its very weird… And yes, its only after i get EXtremely Hammered the night before and not just from casual drinking…

vasodilator? Never heard of that before… LH either??? What are they?

Vasodilation is expansion of blood vessels. LH is short for luteinizing hormone. It is what signals the nuts to produce testosterone.

I’ve also noticed the effect doesn’t go on forever. If I drink heavily for days on end my libido reduces. The temporary libido spike may be responsible for the better flaccid you’re talking about the day after. More aroused, more blood.


I use a supplement called S.S.S. Tonic,it’s a high potency of iron/B-vitamin in liquid form.

Be careful it has 12% alcohol, but it keeps the old mule kicking real strong!

You can get it at walgreen’s.

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