Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Damiana Experience

Originally Posted by piercedkeith

This is what I use

Me too, good stuff, they got a new bottle now.

Well I’ve been off everything for a week. Cleaned out my system. Started taking this again. 3 in the morning 3 noon, 3 dinner. It took 1 day for me to see results. Day 2 the same as day 1. I beat my cock day 2 night it was awesome. It definitely changed the feeling and I recovered quickly.

Originally Posted by dudemandudeman
Does anyone notice a high or euphoric feeling from Damiana? It used to be a marijuana substitute but needed to be smoked for the effects, just wondering if it has the same properties when taken orally.

Nobody answered this guy, and I am also curious. Anybody here have experience smoking the stuff? I heard it is good to mix with reefer and other smoke-able herbs.

Don’t know. But taking in by mouth I do not feel that way.

Do you cycle days for consumption?

I’m on 6 per day for 5 days off 1 day

Originally Posted by MHedberg
Nobody answered this guy, and I am also curious. Anybody here have experience smoking the stuff? I heard it is good to mix with reefer and other smoke-able herbs.

I’ve smoked it alone (it’s pleasant, relaxes you without making you feel “high”) and also taken it as a supplement (Piping Rock, 2700mg/day). Never felt any of the effects of smoking it from the capsules.

Originally Posted by lordbyron
I’ve smoked it alone (it’s pleasant, relaxes you without making you feel “high”) and also taken it as a supplement (Piping Rock, 2700mg/day). Never felt any of the effects of smoking it from the capsules.

Thanks dude!

I ordered 2lbs of it about a decade ago. We would smoke it out of a bong and splice joints with it. It was alright. Something to smoke back in the day and dirt cheap. It didn’t cost me more than 50 bucks I think.

I liked it as a filler (when I used to smoke) for joints and hand rolled cigarettes.

Last edited by Kittens : 03-19-2020 at .

It doesn’t seem to do much for me when I have tried it, maybe I should try with higher dosage.

your balls look pretty big in a pic you have on here. do you take damiana? you should show them off as well

Ok everyone, I have been off everything for a month. I started back on everything but Damaina 2 weeks ago .. I have a little change. But my scrotum just wasn’t get bigger and I definitely was horny just not over horny if you know what I mean. 3 days ago I started back on Damaina. WTF. My scrotum feels and looks bigger. It feels like it’s full of cum. Its different than the blue ball feeling. Its doesn’t ache it just feels full. I will wait 2 more days before I release it and see what I’ve been storing.

Damiana rocks for bigger balls and a bigger flaccid!

Started: BPEL 6.5", EG 4.5"

Current: BPEL 8.0", EG 5.3"

Goal: BPEL 8.5", EG 5.5"



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