Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Damiana Experience

I took damiana also in the past, it did not work on my balls, maybe I’ll buy another brand of damiana later because I want my buldge too be huge

Start: BPEL 7.0 - EG 5.1 (20Feb16)

Now: BPEL 7.7 - EG 5.4 (20Feb18)

Recently started taking Damiana as part of my stack, 4-5 days now.

Not noticed any size changes but my sex drive is through the roof. Possible increase in load size, but also much closer to the trigger point when getting down to it. I finished rather quickly over the weekend.

I would like to get big balls like XL eggs and I did a short search for the most recent thread about damiana here at thunder’s place. I would like to ask if anybody else gets some unpleasant side effects from damiana?

After only 400mg:
- Pain in all joints
- Concentration level at zero

I’ve tried the following brands:
- Nature’s Way 400mg leaf
- Swanson 510mg leaf
- Nature’s Garden 90mg 5:1 extract = 450mg

What’s your best alternative to get big balls or are there any supplements/ways to reduce the side effects so I could take 4 capsules per day as many recommend.

Took a few different supplements, all of them with different effects, personally mostly positive.
Damiana: two capsules for a total of 800mg and have definitely noticed slightly bigger balls, also hang lower from what normally tightens into my body when erect so adds a nice touch to doggy style

Maca: not sure

ZMA: noticeably vivid dreams when taking them before night and ejaculations a bit thicker and stickier the next day, don’t know that it causes you to shoot more (but disclaimer already shoot a lot as is and happy to share how)

I highly recommend Swansons brand of Damiana leaves as each capsule contains 510 mg of leaves which is a good dosing especially if you’ll take 2 at a time.

I remember years ago when I first started using it after struggling with some minor libido issues for several years post testicular cancer, I actually came in my sleep within the first week of using it. Now that was one intense dream experience.

For being a natural remedy it’s a most highly effective aphrodisiac.

“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”-Hunter.S.Thompson-

As long as a big can of Gillette shaving cream(7,5" or 19 cm), with picture proof in the 'full body picture' section. Pictures is the ultimate proof in the pudding, IMO.

Does anyone notice a high or euphoric feeling from Damiana? It used to be a marijuana substitute but needed to be smoked for the effects, just wondering if it has the same properties when taken orally.

Originally Posted by girth16
I would like to get big balls like XL eggs and I did a short search for the most recent thread about damiana here at thunder’s place. I would like to ask if anybody else gets some unpleasant side effects from damiana?

After only 400mg:
- Pain in all joints
- Concentration level at zero

I’ve tried the following brands:
- Nature’s Way 400mg leaf
- Swanson 510mg leaf
- Nature’s Garden 90mg 5:1 extract = 450mg

What’s your best alternative to get big balls or are there any supplements/ways to reduce the side effects so I could take 4 capsules per day as many recommend.

I take the Damiana from the vitamin shoppe and haven’t had any problems. I’ll get a headache if I drink beer while on the stack but that’s to be expected given what alcohol does.

My current stack is:

Zinc - 30mg (Zinc Gluconate)
B12 - 500mcg (Cyancobalamin) Going to get the Methylcobalamin version when I run out of these.
Selenium - 200mcg (Selenium Yeast)
Omega 3 520mg- EPA (285mg) & DHA (215mg)
Pygeum Extract 50mg? - Pygeum Bark Extract 25mg & Pygeum africanum powder (bark) 25mg
Folic Acid 800 mcg
Damiana Leaves 450mg - (Turnera aphrodisiaca)(leaves)

I take 2 Damiana twice a day and don’t have any issues as of yet. I get hard-ons that are better than when I took Viagra, I’ve been taking it for two days now and the first day my erection was insane. Hope you find a brand of Damiana

Damiana is a great supplement.

I take a stack. But this one has increased my sex drive like no other. Horny all the time. Back to back loads, daily. Sometime multiple times. I think it may be in conjunction with the stack. But my balls are fuller, heavier. And shooting triple gulps.

I also have had to use cialis in the past.. Not anymore. And that changed since damiana.

Here is my stack:

The Cum Holy Grail
(1) L-Arginine, 1000mg Strength, Taken 2 time daily = 1000mg (blood flow, the testicle weight)
(2) Zinc, 50mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 50mg (for load volume)
(3) Pygeum, 100mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg (for precum)
(4) Lecithin, 1200mg Strength, Taken 2 time daily = 1200mg (blood flow, testicle weight)
(5) damiana, 400mg, 3x per day (for erectile strength, and testicle weight)
(6) CLA 1000mg, 3x per day. CLA is for weight loss and muscle gain.
(7) minimum 100oz of water per day

Best of luck

I have been on it now for 3 weeks. I take 2000 mg per day. I dont know yet if my testicles are bigger but I can tell you my sack hangs lower and is fuller. Now full of what I don’t know. Fluid, blood, like I said I have no idea. But they feeler fuller hang lower and the sack feels way bigger. I have noticed while being on it my cum , no matter how much of lecithin I take , does not get thicker. It s like it counter acts the lecithin . When I’m not taking it and I’m taking the lecithin my cum gets very thick.

Ok I have been off Damiana and everything I take for 2 months. Everything is out of my system. My sack has definitely gotten smaller. I started taking Damiana again , just it , for the next 5 days. I will report back to see what it does alone. I don’t drink or smoke. I take no drugs of any kind. I workout 4 times a week. Let’s see what happens.

Originally Posted by Cubchub007
Damiana is a great supplement.

I take a stack. But this one has increased my sex drive like no other. Horny all the time. Back to back loads, daily. Sometime multiple times. I think it may be in conjunction with the stack. But my balls are fuller, heavier. And shooting triple gulps.

I also have had to use cialis in the past.. Not anymore. And that changed since damiana.

Here is my stack:

The Cum Holy Grail
(1) L-Arginine, 1000mg Strength, Taken 2 time daily = 1000mg (blood flow, the testicle weight)
(2) Zinc, 50mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 50mg (for load volume)
(3) Pygeum, 100mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg (for precum)
(4) Lecithin, 1200mg Strength, Taken 2 time daily = 1200mg (blood flow, testicle weight)
(5) damiana, 400mg, 3x per day (for erectile strength, and testicle weight)
(6) CLA 1000mg, 3x per day. CLA is for weight loss and muscle gain.
(7) minimum 100oz of water per day

Best of luck

Like the person before you, thank you for sharing your stack.

But I just gotta say:

Folks.. Be specific of


It kills me. Because the kind of supplement matters. It matters the world, actually. For instance, cheap cost usually means crap quality. Powder versus capsule versus liquid, etc.


In addition, including times of day or night you take a supplement would help a lot to know as well, and if you take ___ on an empty stomach (just water) or with food.

Swanson is the one I take.

It works for me

I remember reading about Damiana years back and bought some then and megadosed it not really knowing what I was doing with supplements yet. I used to wear a silicone cock ring to make my bulge larger and after taking it for just a few days I noticed after I got home from work that there was an insane pressure in my balls. They had swelled so much that the cock ring was now too small. After that experience I stopped wearing the cock ring and halted the use of the damiana because I was honestly a little freaked. (I was in my early twenties and I didn’t wanna take any chances on something I didn’t full understand.) The brand I was taking was Piping Rock.

I’m 27 now and I’ve been lurking on this forum for quite some time. The Damiana I use now is Nature’s Way. Amazon had an amazing deal for three bottles of the stuff for around $10 bucks so I jumped at the chance to try it. I don’t take breaks on my sups for more than 2-3 days, so I haven’t looked at how Damiana might work in isolation for my body just yet. In addition I’m waiting to go through my stash of Natures Way before I try Piping Rock again to see if that brand has any difference. Natures Way works, but I haven’t seen the results I remember from my early twenties yet. They honestly ballooned to 2.5 inches, maybe 3? Natures Way has some activity, but its nowhere near what I remember.

FYI My current stack is
Black Maca 500mg by Toniiq LLC
Tongkat Ali by VH Nutrition INC
ZMA by Optimum Nutrition
Folic Acid by 365 Everyday Value
Panax Gensing by GNC
Damiana by Natures Way

Currently cycling off Fadogia Agrestis until at least 2020. I only took it at a very low dose for 2 weeks, but it gave me chronic diarrhea. Hope my story helps! Anyone have any favorite brand recommendations?

Originally Posted by somosuno
I remember reading about Damiana years back and bought some then and megadosed it not really knowing what I was doing with supplements yet. I used to wear a silicone cock ring to make my bulge larger and after taking it for just a few days I noticed after I got home from work that there was an insane pressure in my balls. They had swelled so much that the cock ring was now too small. After that experience I stopped wearing the cock ring and halted the use of the damiana because I was honestly a little freaked. (I was in my early twenties and I didn’t wanna take any chances on something I didn’t full understand.) The brand I was taking was Piping Rock.

I’m 27 now and I’ve been lurking on this forum for quite some time. The Damiana I use now is Nature’s Way. Amazon had an amazing deal for three bottles of the stuff for around $10 bucks so I jumped at the chance to try it. I don’t take breaks on my sups for more than 2-3 days, so I haven’t looked at how Damiana might work in isolation for my body just yet. In addition I’m waiting to go through my stash of Natures Way before I try Piping Rock again to see if that brand has any difference. Natures Way works, but I haven’t seen the results I remember from my early twenties yet. They honestly ballooned to 2.5 inches, maybe 3? Natures Way has some activity, but its nowhere near what I remember.

FYI My current stack is
Black Maca 500mg by Toniiq LLC
Tongkat Ali by VH Nutrition INC
ZMA by Optimum Nutrition
Folic Acid by 365 Everyday Value
Panax Gensing by GNC
Damiana by Natures Way

Currently cycling off Fadogia Agrestis until at least 2020. I only took it at a very low dose for 2 weeks, but it gave me chronic diarrhea. Hope my story helps! Anyone have any favorite brand recommendations?

How much of the supplements do you take per day?

Ok its Nov 3 I’ve been taking 2400 mg of Damiana now for 1 month no breaks. My sack is fuller and at least 30% bigger. After pumping my sack it stays pumped longer and feels great. No joint issues and I don’t drink or smoke.


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