Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The wonderful world of supps


Hey Lumo, just to let you know I took some Tribulus Terrestis a few years ago, it came in a pill with androstenedione. It was one supplement that I could definitely feel was doing something after being on it for a few days.

I think it helped me lift a bit harder, and may have helped me get a tad stronger, but there were side effects for me. I am normally pretty laid back and after a while I noticed some changes in my emotional state. I got angry a lot quicker. There were several times when I was contemplating violence on others. Also when i cycled off the stuff I was moody like a chick for a few days. Not a ride I enjoyed. Protein, creatine, vitamins and a couple other supps are all I take now.

Good luck with supplements, it’s a real crap shoot out there.


Thanks for that, nem.

The things I have read about trib freak me out a bit, I really don’t want to put my hair in danger.

Originally Posted by nemisis
but there were side effects for me. I am normally pretty laid back and after a while I noticed some changes in my emotional state. I got angry a lot quicker. There were several times when I was contemplating violence on others. Also when i cycled off the stuff I was moody like a chick for a few days. Not a ride I enjoyed.

I can second this. I turn into a total ass on tribulus terrestis…

Many people have pointed out that Vasodilation can cause increases in PE gains. Alcohol is a great vasodilator, why not have a shot of whiskey before jelqing? Thanks for any responses.

There is arginine-gel on the market. I think that is also worth trying for the vasodilation effect.

In my experience L-Arginine does nothing. You guys should realize that your body naturally produces it, and it’s in most foods.

I like Ginkgo so far. Check my diary out in the supps page.

I just ordered a maca/hornygoat mix supplement from Puritans, should get it by Monday and will be adding it to my Ginkgo intake.

I would think things like Tribulus and Tongkat would make you irritable because they’re big testosterone boosters, which have similiar side-effects as juicing would.

I prefer supplements that even your mood out personally, rather than making me even more hyper.

8.5'' here we come!


Originally Posted by Jafar_t
There is arginine-gel on the market. I think that is also worth trying for the vasodilation effect.

Eroset has a great thread on how oils and such work.

It’s complex to me, but this arginine gel would have to be able to be absorbed deep in the tissue to have any real effect.

8.5'' here we come!



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