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Tongkat Ali-Makes your penis bigger


Tongkat Ali-Makes your penis bigger

Hey guys, I’ve been reading up on this herb called tongkat ali which sounds very promising. Basically it raises your testosterone levels in a natural way by freeing up ‘free’ testosterone that is already in your body. Heres a link for those of you who want to know more about it:

It got me thinking, searching through Google about information on Tongkat Ali, I came across one or two sites that suggested (like the link above with the rat trial) because the herb stimulates the same gland as the one which is responsible for producing the testosterone for turning a boy into a man during puberty, if you were to take Tongkat Ali whilst you were still developing then there could be a chance of penis and testicle enlargement. There hasn’t been to many studies on the stuff to be honest so I don’t know whether it would have any effect but I’m willing to give it a go. I’m 20 but was a bit of a late starter and feel as if I’ve maybe got another 1-2 years maturation to go yet. I know I’m young but I know for a fact that I have low testosterone for someone my age-tired alot,can’t concentrate,should be thinning about sex more than I am, hair on legs is normal round ankles but hasn’t really filled out on the rest of my legs, armpit hair took along time coming and is sparse, testicles are small and don’t really hang as they are tight most of the time and penis hasn’t grown since I was about 14, beard growth is very poor and sparse compared to alot of people my age and younger! So I’m thinking if I take this stuff it could help me out and even if it doesn’t increase any size it will be good for building muscle, increased concentration, more confidence etc etc.Only thing is I’m worried I might start losing my hair and having bad acne.

Has anyone ever tried Tongkat Ali?? If I were to take it would there be anything else I could take with it to enhance it’s effects at all or basically make it work even better than it does on it’s own??


Yeah They’re good, but it’s not going to give u acne and make you lose your hair. A good testosterone booster is Tribulus to stack with Tongkat Ali, good combination. Ive used both, and sex drive, hair etc went way up, also made my balls larger.

Tongkat is not so well studied herb, on humans at least; it can’t be considered safe supplement, as it’s action is not well understood.

Too high test’s level’s will not make your penis bigger, if you are adult, and could be dangerous to many body-parts: for first, your brain (do a search on google, I haven’t the reference right now).

Beware of ‘shortcuts’ if you want to reach a goal in life. They might give you instant gratification, but on the long run, this could bring you more trouble than you can imagine. That’s what a wise dude told me when i used to have poor EQ and stuff back in the days.

I know there are some good herbals out there, but have you ever thought about their unknown side effects ?

This is just my 2 cents. Peace, im out !

Big Money, Big Dick : and You'll have wild success with Females ! That\'s no secret

Before : 16cm *Now: NBPEL 7.91" (20.1 cm) x EG 5.9" as of 19-Mar-2008 New Short Term Goal : 21 cm

Back! El Presidente FrankWhite :moon2: 8 is NOT enuff Retirement from PE @ 22cm :!:

I’ve tried tongkat ali and it works as libido booster and as sport complement cause it makes you more aggressive. About pennis growth… maybe, but not in my case. If you read the article you’ll see that they’re talking about taking 16g of tongkat ali per day for three months; if I make numbers I should take 40 capsules per day (400mg @ 50:1), and the cost for those three months would be round 1.500€. No point!

It definitely made me more aggressive, therefore I think it would be dangerous to take it at this point in your life.

It also increase my libido, like through the roof. There were many days when for most of the day I actually couldn’t work. All I could think about was getting a hold of my wife. I often felt like an animal, stalking her to mate with her.

I did grow a little in length, like 1/4 inch in a year. Looking back I realize it was because I was masturbating so much and so hard I was accidentally doing some jelqing.

I had to stop taking it. It actually was affecting my life. I had much less patience for my kids, and had a very short fuse.

I do recommend it, however, if there is going to be a time when you are going to have a lot of sex, like a vacation or honeymoon. Start taking it at least 3 weeks before.

I think taking it anytime before you are 22-25 years old could be extremely dangerous. I was not a “late bloomer”, and I still filled out and physically matured a lot between 20 and 25.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Originally Posted by chronostone
It definitely made me more aggressive, therefore I think it would be dangerous to take it at this point in your life.

It also increase my libido, like through the roof. There were many days when for most of the day I actually couldn’t work. All I could think about was getting a hold of my wife. I often felt like an animal, stalking her to mate with her.

I did grow a little in length, like 1/4 inch in a year. Looking back I realize it was because I was masturbating so much and so hard I was accidentally doing some jelqing.

I had to stop taking it. It actually was affecting my life. I had much less patience for my kids, and had a very short fuse.

I do recommend it, however, if there is going to be a time when you are going to have a lot of sex, like a vacation or honeymoon. Start taking it at least 3 weeks before.

I think taking it anytime before you are 22-25 years old could be extremely dangerous. I was not a “late bloomer”, and I still filled out and physically matured a lot between 20 and 25.

What was your TA dose and cycling like?

I took 4 caps (2 in the morning and two in the evening) of 400 mg each, 50:1 extract for 25 days. NO results.
I have read many positive feedback on this stuff. Unfortunately it didn’t work for me.
Tribulus works very good for me but its effects wear off quickly. I cycle it like 2 weeks on 1 week off.

Is Tribulus well studied? Are there bad common side effects?

I have never heard of it before. The small rock I live under has very little opportunity for education. ;)

I don’t remember exactly, but it was at least twice that amount some days.

Please note that I really didn’t notice the difference even though it was there, for quite some time. When you are more aggressive in general, it is hard to realize that you are being more aggressive.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

I used tongkat ali some time ago and had my blood levels of free testosteron checked before and twice after TA normal dose and double dose.

My FT level doubled and then tripled.

I was very, and then extremely horny (I liked that). What I dislike is the extremely bitter taste.

Btw: now way to make your dick grow with TA, tribulus or testosterone: it only makes your dick grow during childhood and puberty. As an adult it doesn’t. Would be too easy, - sorry :)

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by PEnessMonster
Is Tribulus well studied? Are there bad common side effects?

I have never heard of it before. The small rock I live under has very little opportunity for education. ;)

As far as I know, not many of these test boosting herbs are well studied.
Tribulus has long been used with ayurvedic medicine in India for virility etc.

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
I used tongkat ali some time ago and had my blood levels of free testosteron checked before and twice after TA normal dose and double dose.

My FT level doubled and then tripled.

I was very, and then extremely horny (I liked that). What I dislike is the extremely bitter taste.

Btw: now way to make your dick grow with TA, tribulus or testosterone: it only makes your dick grow during childhood and puberty. As an adult it doesn’t. Would be too easy, - sorry :)

That’s awesome. My usual question :-) What was your TA dose, strength and cycling like?

I am 18 and clearly not even close to be done maturing. Should I give it a try and see if I can get some extra dick?

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Completely off topic, but doesn’t the OP’s name sound like something Micheal Jackson would yelp whilst grabbing his junk? “Ja-Mone!”

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Also you have different qualities of tongkat. I’m not an expert on this stuff but as far as I’ve read there are sites you can trust and sites you can’t.

I’m taking 1’2g per day cicling 5/2 and I have to say that I feel it: more agressive, better results when I train and libido so high as clouds.

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