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Tongkat Ali Vs. Finasteride


Tongkat Ali Vs. Finasteride

I’ve been searching thru the spanish forum about tongkat, also the english version, and I did find a lot of information about TA, but nothing about what I want to know.

My question is about how TA can anulate finasteride, or how finasteride can anulate TA. While TA increases testosterone levels, finasteride does the opposite. But this is only my “logical” opinion.

Does someone know about this? Maybe someone who tried both things and coul report me some results?

Thanks from Spain

Finasteride doesn’t decrease testosterone it reduces the conversation from testosterone to DHT. I really don’t understand your question I’m not sure what anulate means….sorry:) .

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I reckon anulate means cancel :)

Anyway, FS is 5AR inhibitor, as stated above, while tongkat is testosterone booster. Combining those two can give you:
-Higher anabolic effects (compared with tongkat alone)
-Lower androgenic effects (less acne and libido boost)
-High chances of gyno (bitch tits):D
-Myriad of standard FS sides

I would doubt that finasteride is necessary to take along with TA. TA cannot be nearly as effective as HCG, so I wouldn’t expect DHT levels to rise dramatically, or estrogen levels, or even test levels.

I love GOLD

Can you please explain a bit more about this question?

I’m taking finasteride for about 2 years cause I started losing hair, you know, it’s not that I want to use two things together for nothing. The reason I want some information about the reaction between FS and TA is because I’m starting to feel my libido not so strong as always; I’m studying, working, training, doing some other things, and also taking this god damn FS, so I think I need some extra energy boost to power my libido; and, why not, to help me with my training -athletic training, not bodybuilding- and my PE routine.

I try to eat as good as I can, also take a diary vitamin supplement. I’ve read about some natural products which help body to generate endogenous testosterone, the most convincing are tribulus and tongkat; but the only one I’ve read that’s 100% scientifically proven is tongkat.

That’s it guys. If you sincerely think that this combination will not give good results, or if any of you tried this combination and know about, or if you know a better solution to increase testosterone without taking steroids, please tell me.

Bloody hell, bitch tits! Hahahahaha!

M’mkay, thats different. It just might work, if not you will probably have to drop fs or get TRT. After two years it’s quite possible you got yourself hypogonadism, so you could go to the doc, get test levels tested and get TRT :D

I think a better option would be Cabergoline (Dostinex). It is a prolactin inhibitor, and prolactin kills libido. If DHT has been a problem for you, you do not want to raise Test levels any more. Cialis might also be a wise addition.

Now that we know exactly why you are asking the question, it is much easier to give a good answer.

I love GOLD

D2 agonists (dostinex,bromocriptine) won’t work for fs inducted libido loss, cialis won’t work either :spin2: You can try tho.

If you have access you can try proviron, but administerind metyled dht kinda defeats purpose of using finasteride in 1st place :D

And no point worrying about increased test to dht conversion with aromatase blockers, only about test to estrogen.

First of all, thanks for collaborating in this thread.

I’ve read about hypogonadism and felt no identification with it, 0%.

I’m 24, quite young, and don’t have problems with my erection and also no problems with my sperm production, it’s only that I don’t feel this “animal instinct” like before.

Now let’s see. When you say “DHT has been a problem for you” or “no point worrying about increased test to DHT conversion with aromatase blockers” I really don’t know what you’re talking about; sorry, it are all new concepts for me.

I’ve read about Cialis and it’s like a kind of Viagra, I don’t think I’ll need it cause my erection is perfect, it’s just a problem of libido. I’ve read about Proviron and as it seems it’s not so “healthy”, and I really wouldn’t like to stop with FS cause I would look like a snooker ball: no point with 24.

My “plan” is the plan that many other members have about tongkat: increasing testosterone on a natural way to feel more energy, more libido and help me with my training, and maybe with my PE routine. In my case only want to make sure there will be no negative effects by using FS.

One last thing I’d like to tell is about PE. I’m doing PE for about two months -jelqs- and also wear de f***ing AP like 8h a day, but in this time had no gains, ZERO. I feel a much harder erection, it’s true, but no gains in size. AP has a users manual, and I remember that somewhere says that some hair treatments could slow down growing process, even cancelate it. ¿Could be one of this treatments FS? ¿Do you know by your own experience if FS can be a handicap into PE? ¿Would a higher testosterone level help with PE?

Thanks a lot, Islord

Originally Posted by islord
I’ve read about hypogonadism and felt no identification with it, 0%.

Unless you have bloodwork done you won’t know for sure, 60% male population is marginally hypogonadic these days.

Originally Posted by islord
Now let’s see. When you say “DHT has been a problem for you” or “no point worrying about increased test to DHT conversion with aromatase blockers” I really don’t know what you’re talking about; sorry, it are all new concepts for me.

There are chemicals in your body :) some testosterone is converted to dht and some to estrogen by two enzymes, aromatase (to estrogen) and 5 alpha reductase (to dht), all of them hormones partakes in positive and negative feedback loops in HPTA axis, and god knows what else. In the end, when you block one (or both) of these enzymes your testosterone levels will be increased (more with aromatase blockers), but either high doses or/and prolonged administration somehow screws your feedback loops, and your test levels pummel, even worse is, that simple putting drug aside won’t help you then (well, maybe it will, if you give it 6-18months). Yeah, human endocrine system is pretty fucked up.

Originally Posted by islord
My “plan” is the plan that many other members have about tongkat: increasing testosterone on a natural way to feel more energy, more libido and help me with my training, and maybe with my PE routine. In my case only want to make sure there will be no negative effects by using FS.

Yup, as I said, it might just work. Look into HCG if that fails, could jumpstart your HPTA, but I’m afraid effects will be temporary at best(unless you would put of finasteride). And if that fails, TRT. Of course you could always learn to like your new limp self :D

Originally Posted by islord
One last thing I’d like to tell is about PE. I’m doing PE for about two months -jelqs- and also wear de f***ing AP like 8h a day, but in this time had no gains, ZERO. I feel a much harder erection, it’s true, but no gains in size. AP has a users manual, and I remember that somewhere says that some hair treatments could slow down growing process, even cancelate it. ¿Could be one of this treatments FS? ¿Do you know by your own experience if FS can be a handicap into PE? ¿Would a higher testosterone level help with PE?

Well, DHT determines your sex characteristics and sex organ development in womb, women are advised not to even touch finasteride tablets when pregnant, or they baby could become sexless (of just micropenised). DHT also regulates growth of your manhood in adolescence, dht cream is used to treat micropenis patients. I guess you can figure out the rest for yourself. But me thinks logic that once your mature, dht ceases to have any impact on sex organs is kinda flawed. Anyways, hope that helps.

Oh, I wouldn’t worry that you are not growing on fs, I’d be happy you’re not shrinking.

Wow, I’m afraid my english is not enough to understand everything you’ve written. If I try to get a “general concept” of your explanation, I’d guess that taking any supplement will only help me a little and with possible side effects, and the other thing I’d guess is that FS sucks,

So this is a nice situation: no gains in size, no wild libido, and a waste of money and health if I start any testosterone supplement program. ¿Is this the price I have to pay for keeping my hair? Shit!

Thanks for your collaboration

Originally Posted by islord
So this is a nice situation: no gains in size, no wild libido, and a waste of money and health if I start any testosterone supplement program. ¿Is this the price I have to pay for keeping my hair? Shit!

Thanks for your collaboration

You could always look to other solutions, topical saw palmetto for example. Topicals are supposed to block either binding of dht to receptors(dunno which) or local conversion of test to dht(saw), so on both cases they save you systemic dht reduction, so shouldn’t compromise your dick and sex drive.
And tongkat supplementation might work for your libido.

No problem.

One more word of warning, after prolonged use of fs your follicles can be extremely sensitive to dht, so if you ever decide to put fs away do it by very slowly reducing dose over couple weeks.

I’ve read a bit more about finasteride and now I feel a bit worried, cause it seems to have lots of side effects that the brand Merck doesn’t advice. I think I’ll stop taking this shit, it has no sense to be exposed to such a risk just to look good. I’ll do it like you just told me, reducing the dose in time.

When you mean “topical saw palmetto” I understand it’s a cream or a lotion, isn’t it? Cause it is also available in pills, but it makes me think it would be maybe the same shit as FS. Do you have any knowledge about this topical saw palmetto and if it works or not?

And for last, if you have a positive opinion about this topical saw palmetto, could you recommend me one brand?

I am spanish and live in Spain, don’t know if I can get it here or I’ll need to use the internet.

Thanks a lot mate, you’re being very helpful, sincerely

No problem bro.

I don’t have hair problems, so I only know what I read and hear in that matter, sorry. Quick search on ebay might help. Also have you used minoxidil ? Could be worth a try.
Don’t forget that libido problem most likely won’t resolve itself (at least not in reasonable timeframe), and probably will be a bitch. As I said, I know people who got themselves on test replacement therapy because of fs use.

I still think Dostinex would help improve your libido. It does not effect test levels, but should still increase sex drive by other pathways (neurotransmitter).

I love GOLD

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