Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
Ok, with both meds, I get the effect (erection increase) and side effects (headache, skin flush, conjestion, etc)I get the headache and flush with v and c, but more intensly with v.
C, I get sides, they are not as bad, but last for over 2 damn says.
I don’t want to feel like crap for 2 days when my PE routine is only 1 hour.
Ok, I think I get it, but lemme see?
You get more intense negative side-effects with V, so you use C. But C gives side-effects that last several days - just not a severe. Is that it?
Also isn’t one or all of these supposed to cause muscle or back aches*? I don’t wanna do any drug comparisons this late.. I ask because I have been having unbelievable tightness and cramps in my right hamstring - so much that I cannot find a comfortable position to lay in for very long, despite the fact that I have a meeting in the morning.
The hamstring tightness is not completely uncommon for me if I don’t keep them stretched out semi-regularly. But usually I am able to attribute it to something or some activity - this time I can’t. But if muscle aches go with V, that might explain it.
Also, I did have a bit of a headache. At first I didn’t think it was anything unusual, but with the combination of the hammy tightness - just maybe it is all V related?
But on the upside, I didn’t get any flushing that others describe. But again, I only took ~25mg, and this pill supposedly expired in ‘04. So maybe that affected the effects somewhat - who knows?
* I am pretty sure I read that about one of them. And if it applies to one, it probably applies to all. I read that V and C have a tendency to create a bluish tint to the vision, although that didn’t happen to me. But this supposedly doesn’t happen with Levitra…