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Would taking DNP contest drug effect PE gains

Would taking DNP contest drug effect PE gains

Dnp is a bodybuilding contest drug that messes with your mitogondria and basically depletes your atp (first source of energy) and takes carbs and desposes of them as heat through your body, so basically all your energy that you use is coming straight from fat. So your burning fat 24/7..

It might also lower your t3 a little..

Would this effect PE gains, and should I wait till after the contest to start pe exersises (I heard the best gains are in the beggining so I wouldn’t want to waste that).?

Any help would be awsome?

Cant really see how it would, but I’m sure someone smarter than me will come up with some theory. Not like muscle growth, seems like all PE does is stretch tissue

Dude I’m sure you know that DNP is a little more than a “contest drug” and that you can easily die from using it. If I were you I would wait until after your contest to start PE because your body is going to be in a depleted and malnurished state anyways. I think it would be pretty hard for your body to repair itself in this time period let alone your wang.


The only dumb question, is the question not asked. Goals: 7" Long not bone pressed 6" Girth

Originally Posted by SWW007
Dude I’m sure you know that DNP is a little more than a “contest drug” and that you can easily die from using it. If I were you I would wait until after your contest to start PE because your body is going to be in a depleted and malnurished state anyways. I think it would be pretty hard for your body to repair itself in this time period let alone your wang.


Wouldn’t use it myself, but I feel the same about clen and ephedrine, and people seem to imagine they are safer. When the effects of heart damage kicks in……

If I chose between the three Id rather take DNP than the other two

Ya I’ve used dnp 4 times, and I feel that it’s safe if your smart about it. Keep cool, drink a ton of water and your pyruvate. I’m taking gh, so that would help recovery some.. I think I will start the dnp, as I will use it twice before the comp, now and then a week before. My body reacts real well to dnp (1lb fatloss per day) so I would only be on it for a week-2weeks. It’s cool that you guys now about this kinda stuff as well, I wasn’t expecting yall to know anything about these “supps” lol.

Originally Posted by hollywood
Ya I’ve used dnp 4 times, and I feel that it’s safe if your smart about it. Keep cool, drink a ton of water and your pyruvate. I’m taking gh, so that would help recovery some.. I think I will start the dnp, as I will use it twice before the comp, now and then a week before. My body reacts real well to dnp (1lb fatloss per day) so I would only be on it for a week-2weeks. It’s cool that you guys now about this kinda stuff as well, I wasn’t expecting yall to know anything about these “supps” lol.

The thing that bugs me about DNP is the permanently binding:)

But yeah, if you follow the protocols, shouldnt be any worse than a lot of other things. If your using gear in general you have enough to worry about. Im convinced HGH causes cancer with extended use. Just know too many people who suddenly developed kidney, thyoid cancer aftre a few years of use, and not at ridiculous doses. In the 4-6 iu range

Wow, I’ve got nodules on my throat that they are checking to make sure isnt thyroid cancer, and I been on 3iu’s of gh for 2.3 years..

Did you mean blinding with the dnp.. I’ve heard it can give you cataracts.

DNP is an insecticide. Bug killer !!

So no I would not use it.

Originally Posted by hollywood
Wow, I’ve got nodules on my throat that they are checking to make sure isnt thyroid cancer, and I been on 3iu’s of gh for 2.3 years..
Did you mean blinding with the dnp.. I’ve heard it can give you cataracts.

Be careful. GH is a lot more dangerous than people imagine. Too many high school dropouts on roids boards quoting medical studies they can’t even begin to really comprehend.

Yes DNP with respect to binding. Also the controversy as to whether it causes cancer. Some studies suggest yes, some say no. What I know for sure is if it does popping a bunch of green tea tablets isn’ty going to stop the process.:)

I’ve ran it. You should run it short enough where it will make little difference. I couldn’t get hard at 600-800mgs, and it turns your cum yellow.

Old post but I’m going to bump.

Ulcasterdropout: it does turn it yellow, if running high doses I ran 800mg for 8 days once. Everything turned yellow.

I’ve been reading that increased heat can cause some PE gains, well for those who have run DNP know that your entirebody increases it’s heat, could this be at all beneficial for PE’ing? (Even though the cycle time for DNP is relatively short)

I’m running a cycle in about a month hopefully the heat helps, and I can get as good of PE gains as you can get at fat loss while using DNP.

I swear some people will be on the verge of death (I hope not though) trying to find the quickest effects for PE.

Personally, all you need is an erection enhancing drug and a source of warming up (IR lamp). Then all your necessary PE devices.

What more could you all want? Death?

Originally Posted by Fastshadow
Old post but I’m going to bump.

Ulcasterdropout: it does turn it yellow, if running high doses I ran 800mg for 8 days once. Everything turned yellow.

I’ve been reading that increased heat can cause some PE gains, well for those who have run DNP know that your entirebody increases it’s heat, could this be at all beneficial for PE’ing? (Even though the cycle time for DNP is relatively short)

I’m running a cycle in about a month hopefully the heat helps, and I can get as good of PE gains as you can get at fat loss while using DNP.

On DNP, I could barely get hard and when I did, jerking off was like running a marathon.
I’ve heard it can turn your sweat yellow, but I never noticed it.

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