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Yohimbe Effects


I have a prescription for Yohimbine. It cost $15 for 100 5.4mg pills.

The Rx version is much more stable, tolerable and cheaper than any “Herbal” supplement. No significant side effects - no crazy headaches, no incredible palpitations, no sweats.

It can make you sleepless if you take too much, and you build a tolerance to it quickly. You can’t take it consistently and expect the same results. It doesn’t work for everyone.
But before Viagra, it was commonly prescribed for impotence. I take it to overcome anorgasmia, but it definitely can put some more lead in your pencil. It intensifies orgasm, and may reduce mean-time-to-shoot.

If your doc won’t write you a scrip for Yohimbine, it’s time to find a new doc. Good, competent urologists and andrologists are very rare, and it may take a couple years to find a good one. Don’t wait until you need one to start the search.

I took my first Yohimbe pill yesterday with dinner. Big mistake. I was up until 3am, then every 30 minutes after that until 8. It has been almost 24 hours and I am still wired. There is an unsettling feeling in me that is hard to describe, but not good. It’s a little different then caffeine for sure.

Good info, thnx

I have been taking a fat burner callled Hot-Rox extreme that contains yohimbine as well as some other things. I just checked the label and it doesn’t say specifically what the dosage is. Like any fat burner, it hits me like a freight train, I cannot take it after 2:00 pm if I want to sleep at night. I was thinking my erection quality was just the same as it was when I was 18, (I’m now 37), but I can tell on this stuf it has slipped some. I have had erections that are so hard they hurt. I also noticed my erection angle went from about 12:00 to 10:30,possibly up to 11:00. It’s awesome, but reminds me of how damn old I’m actually getting. GRRR……

Comment on Joe and Ray’s experiences:

Yohimbe is not available in Canada and can only be found in some fat burners that, I guess, slip through the system. This is the only way that I have been able to find any yohimbe.

Fat burners usually have a lot of caffeine and stimulants. Until Joe’s comment I though that it may have been the green tea .. Etc. I’m now thinking that it may be the yohimbe in the pills. The pills definitely does cloud the brain, massive headaches, increased body heat(probably from the guggul). On the other hand, different fat burners containing yohimbe have different effects on erection quality.

I noticed that Fyre had little effect on erection quality but gave huge headaches.

Original Tight! Had the best erection effect so far, with minimal headache and a great increase in assertiveness.

Both of these had Yohimbe as a minor ingredient in the mix.

Hot-Rox extreme seems to have it as one of the main ingredients. I will have to try this. Ray, can you PM me some more information on what other effects that you may have felt?

Yohimbe to me does work but at the same time it makes you feel weird.

The positive effects for me was a tingly warmth while masturbating and cumming…
Nice but nothing really spectacular to be honest.

The negative’s made me give it up with a quickness!
It fucked me up!

Yohimbe is not a herb that will give you an instant hard on.

It increases some blood flow, gives you a caffeine like buzz, and significantly increases arousal sensations.

Take a lot, especially if you aren’t used to it, and you may come faster than you’re used to. That’s because you’ve amped up your arousal response, so you are more sensitive to stimulation, which can have an impact on how you are able to control your sexual response. Things might just go a little faster than you anticipate.

You can’t eat a handful of yohimbe pills and expect to just plug away like an iron man. That’s not what the herb does.

If you take a whole lot you will experience euphoria, and even mild hallucinations.

Be careful though. It’s tough on your heart if taken in high doses.

Pharmaceutical grade yohimbine is 8% -16%. The over the counter 2% is more of a stimulant in the ordinary sense.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I’ve not had much result with yohimbe. I’ve used both yohimbe bark and yohimbine HCL which is the filtered substance. Yohimbe bark has around 30 substances in it, so you don’t know what you get. It’s better to get the pure stuff.

I did get very horny after 3 days of no sexual activity, especially around girls, but not really any gains or other benefits.

I used around 1200mg of yohimbe a day and 9 - 10 mg of yohimbine.

Above 16-20 mg/day yohimbine gives too much side effects so I suggest you stay away from high dosages.

There is no herbal supplement that will give you gains. None. Forget about it.

If you are expecting a bigger dick or an instant hard from yohimbe, horny goat weed, or whatever (such as the ‘proprietary blends’ found in Extenze and the like) you will be disappointed.

The fact that you were hornier is probably an indication that it was working; and that’s about all of what it does. Not without it’s usefulness, but not the answer to having an instant hard-on, a bigger dick, or unending stamina.

Herbal supplements do only that: supplement. Some will increase blood flow, or sensation a bit. Many of them will help the erection cause and help to give somewhat harder erections to some. Most herbal supplements have to be taken consistently for a couple of weeks before any real benefit can be noticed. And they also have to be cycled from time to time after steady use. Usually a two or three week break after three months of continuous use.

If you already get rock hard erections you won’t notice much of a difference from these things - except that you might come a little faster than you did before.

Don’t expect much from the herbals. They help, but only a bit.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 08-24-2008 at .

Originally Posted by phantasm
Comment on Joe and Ray’s experiences:

Yohimbe is not available in Canada and can only be found in some fat burners that, I guess, slip through the system. This is the only way that I have been able to find any yohimbe.

Fat burners usually have a lot of caffeine and stimulants. Until Joe’s comment I though that it may have been the green tea .. Etc. I’m now thinking that it may be the yohimbe in the pills. The pills definitely does cloud the brain, massive headaches, increased body heat(probably from the guggul). On the other hand, different fat burners containing yohimbe have different effects on erection quality.

I noticed that Fyre had little effect on erection quality but gave huge headaches.

Original Tight! Had the best erection effect so far, with minimal headache and a great increase in assertiveness.

Both of these had Yohimbe as a minor ingredient in the mix.

Hot-Rox extreme seems to have it as one of the main ingredients. I will have to try this. Ray, can you PM me some more information on what other effects that you may have felt?

Yohimbe does have a stimulant effect to some degree. It could be a useful component in a fat-burner.

I don’t know what you’re going for, though.

Is it the erection enhancing aspects or are you into hardcore body building?

If it’s for erections I would think Twin Labs Male Fuel might be worth your while - and cheaper than those designer fat burners.

It combines zinc, yohimbe, and Arginine (and some other things) for an herbal cocktail that has definite positive effects on wood. Taken with other sorts of Arginine supplements (Nox 3000 for example), it will help make erections harder and more frequent.

But as I said before: if your erections are already healthy you won’t see that much added benefit.

Any speed-like supplement is going make you more aggressive (assertive?) and fat-burners are basically speedy. Personally, I don’t see this as a benefit, but more of a side-effect.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


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