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Yohimbe or Ginkgo biloba

Yohimbe or Ginkgo biloba

I’m posting this here coz I wasn’t allowed to post in the supplements forum

I’m having trouble getting 100% erections and was wondering which of these everyone thinks is better


I always had good success with yohimbine. But remember, there’s a difference between yohimbE and yohimbINE. The actual yohimbine alkaloids are “what do the work”.

GNC has a product that is 451 mg of yohimbe (“GNC 451 Yohimbe”), standardized to 2% yohimbine, or approximately 9 mg yohimbine alkaloids. It can also act as a stimulant, so I would start off with no more than one capsule, and two ought to do the trick.

If you buy another brand, just make sure you know the quantity of the actual alkaloids you’re getting.

Remember also, that there are physiological reasons for “not getting 100% erections” (everything from poor arterial flow to hypogonadism and anything in between), so you may want to rule out something more serious before trying any kind of fix, just to be completely safe.

I’ll be glad to move this for you headshrinker, a new member has to be here for 14 days and 20 posts before they can start a thread outside of Newbie.

Please take a moment to read the guidelines, chat speak is not allowed here, so coz needs to be cause and thanx is thanks. Trust me when I tell you that you don’t want the spelling cops on your case, they are a mean assed bunch.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Both yohimbe and ginko are readily available at most stores that sell natural supplements - including the vitamin isle at your local supermarket. And while herbs will affect people differently, I would suggest trying each and see which works best for you (it may even be a combination of both).

Yohimbe, in larger doses, can lead to a feeling of “jitteriness” and too much ginkgo at night will keep you up tossing and turning. Remember, both of these are stimulents so proceed with caution particularly if you are prone to heart palpitations or have problems with your blood pressure.

From personal experience, yohimbine will help if you are experiencing weak erections. However, I believe that it will also lead to a decrease in sexual stamina.

I would research well on Yohimbe/Yohimbine before ingesting it. It’s some side effects that you can not ignore and need to avoid some food such as cheese etc.

What about L-Arginine?

I’d say that it has many more benefits and fewer side effects.

Originally Posted by kbvk
I would research well on Yohimbe/Yohimbine before ingesting it. It’s some side effects that you can not ignore


Originally Posted by kbvk
and need to avoid some food such as cheese etc.


I believe this is what you mean:

Drugs that block the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) may interact seriously with tyramine, a chemical in that helps maintain blood pressure levels in the body. Tyramine is found in many beverages and foods including beer, red wine, aged or smoked meats, certain cheeses, sauerkraut, and yeast. Since yohimbine is a mild MAO inhibitor, a dangerous rise in blood pressure may result if it is taken with any food or drink containing tyramines.

It’s always good to know why something is contraindicated.

Yohimbe is a very interesting remedy.

In super large doses (far larger than any over-the-counter preparation) have been used as a hallucinogen; I’m not recommending this, I’m just saying.

It can definitely cause jitters and in extreme cases heart palpitations. It’s not for everyone. It is correct that it’s the yohimbine that helps with erections. The 2% seems fairly standard in non-prescription preparations and is generally regarded as safe. Prescription doses of yohimbine are usually in the 8 -12% range, if memory serves. For most people needing just a little boost a much smaller concentration is usually effective.

As with anything, do some reading.

Here’s one source of information for Ginkgo , for example:

Ginkgo Biloba - How does it work?

Ginkgo Biloba works by increasing blood flow to the brain, and through the entire body’s network of blood vessels, which supplies oxygen and nutrients. Good blood circulation is essential for good health - better blood circulation promotes general longevity, and helps to keep you healthy.

Ginkgo has 2 groups of active components - flavonoids and terpene lactones including Ginkgolides A, B, and C, bilobalide, quercetin, and kaempferol. The Ginkgolides help control allergic inflammation and asthma. Ginkgo Biloba also acts as a powerful antioxidant, and helps kill the free radicals, which contributes to aging.

Ginkgo is well recognized for its positive effect on brain functioning - enhancing memory, mental alertness, and reducing mental fatigue and lack of energy. As Ginkgo works as a brain enhancer, it has obvious benefits for individuals who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Even for a healthy person, Ginkgo Biloba can help improve brain function by preventing and treating conditions of cerebral vascular deficiencies, where there’s decreased flow of blood to the brain.
Ginkgo Biloba Benefits

Over the past 30 years, more than 300 studies have show Ginkgo Biloba to provide a host of benefits for the body. Not only does Ginkgo Biloba help improve mental functioning as mentioned above, it also has a long list of other benefits:

* Ginkgo works by increasing blood flow to the brain and throughout the body’s network of blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the organ systems.
* It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters, and boosts oxygen levels in the brain which uses 20% of the body’s oxygen.
* Ginkgo may also help control the transformation of cholesterol to plaque associated with the hardening of arteries, and can relax constricted blood vessels.
* Benefits of enhanced circulation in the brain include improved short and long term memory, increased reaction time and improved mental clarity
* Ginkgo has been shown to be a supportive herb for treating infertility in males or impotence
* Ginkgo Biloba also helps prevent damage to your organs from free radicals, and also blocks the platelet activating factor which causes some skin disorders such as psoriasis
* Ginkgo Biloba’s beneficial effects on the circulatory system also helps in the treatment of eye and ear disorders

These listed above are just some of the major benefits of Gingko Biloba.
Ginkgo Biloba Side Effects
Despite the many benefits Ginkgo Biloba has, it also has some side effects you should be aware of. Especially for individuals with blood circulation disorders and those taking anti-coagulants such as aspirin - best thing to do is to consult with your doctor before using any.

Below are some Ginkgo Biloba side effects and cautions:

* Ginkgo biloba can cause some gastrointestinal discomfort and headaches
* Should not be used if your taking anti-depressant drugs known as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) - there could be a negative drug interaction
* Ginkgo may increase risk of bleeding, and should not be used if you have a clotting disorder
* Ginkgo Biloba should not be used by pregnant women
* Other side effects include, headaches, restlessness, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting

If you experience any side effects you should lower your dosage of Gingko Biloba, and if the side effects persist, then you should stop using it all together.

Generally, Ginkgo Biloba supplements should be taking in range of 40mg to 200mg per day.

Compare it to this one .

Notice any recurring themes?

The degree and severity of the bad side effects with any of these are based on one’s individual sensitivities and proclivities toward such problems, as well as dosage levels. Conservative dosages, which are typically those recommended by most manufacturers, are usually well tolerated by most people who are in good health - after all nobody wants a law-suit.

There is a good general concoction that combines many elements needed for, or helpful to, strong erections. It’s called Male Fuel , by Twin Labs. Check out it’s ingredients, some may be familiar.

It should be noted that it’s major component is L-Arginine, but it also has zinc, some yohimbe, gingko, and a few other things. Taking a couple of tablets, two times a day, before meals, can help with one’s on erection possibilities.

The ‘serving’ of three tablets is the upper end of a single dose. I used to take 2 in the morning and 2 at night (three at night if I knew I was going to hit it), and that made a noticeable difference on my erections in general (morning wood, etc.). This is a way better product than Enzyte, VigRx, or any of the other copy-cat products, and the great thing about it is that you know exactly what, and how much of what you’re getting. Twin Labs is not a bullshit company; no ‘proprietary blend’ crap. If you see ‘proprietary blend’ you should assume that it’s bullshit. It is good to cycle out of this every few weeks. A two week break every couple of months is a good idea.

These days I just opt for the Arginine and a lot of water. I found the yohimbe was unnecessary. I do take gingko from time to time, for all the side effects listed, it’s a fairly harmless supplement in my experience. I don’t notice that it has a noticeable effect on my erections, though it does help blood flow in general.

Anyone else got some ideas?

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After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Mr. Happy.

I need an opinion which do you think is better L-arginine or Alpha Arginine Ketoglutarate?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

There has been a lot of debate as to which is more effective, even within the industry. There are now many variations of Arginine supplements.

Myself I think A-AKG is a bit better, but some say it’s ineffective or even harmful. I’ve been taking it on and off for almost six years now, and have seen no ill-effects, save for the increase in psoriasis, which is a know side-effect of Arginine supplementation. The thing is, for me anyway, is that my psoriasis isn’t going away regardless of whether I take Arginine, so what’s the big deal on that score? I’ve also seen the benefits. I like it.

I’m a little leery of some of the ‘research’ regarding this as there is oftentimes marketing attached to it. Which is why I recommend reading a variety of sources and with the critical facility fully engaged.

Here’s one: Not a bad link, as links go.

Here’s one that will tell you Alpha Arginine Ketoglutarate does not work, and further claims that Arginine supplementation under a massive doseage does not work: http://www.argi … nologyLArginine
My experience is otherwise.

So who knows?

You have some experience with this stuff, what’s your opinion?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
I believe this is what you mean:
Drugs that block the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) may interact seriously with tyramine, a chemical in that helps maintain blood pressure levels in the body. Tyramine is found in many beverages and foods including beer, red wine, aged or smoked meats, certain cheeses, sauerkraut, and yeast. Since yohimbine is a mild MAO inhibitor, a dangerous rise in blood pressure may result if it is taken with any food or drink containing tyramines.

That’s right. This is the similar information I have read in the internet about the Yohimbe/Yohimbine

Last edited by kbvk : 01-15-2008 at .

I was wondering why they were putting Arginine, Lysine and Ornithine in the same supplement. This combination is a stacker taken before bedtime to stimulate HGH.

Arginine is great for erections I have had good success with AAKG. I’m currently cycled off of Arginine and doing the Glutamine thing.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by headshrinker
I’m posting this here coz I wasn’t allowed to post in the supplements forum

I’m having trouble getting 100% erections and was wondering which of these everyone thinks is better


From experience Yohimbe works like viagra. Instant effect (1-2hrs, hardon all day) no long term benefits. Whereas things like gingko and arginine help build up erection quality in the long term.

Also, yohimbe being like viagra makes you get a hardon even if you don’t want to. No psycological problems. So good before guaranteed sex. Whereas, you could be taking ginkgo etc for months but get nervous in the heat of the moment and fail to get hard.

I love yohimbe for the hardons, increased sensation and oragasms it gives me but I always get nervous, sick, hot and heart palpatations for first few hours so I dunno what to do. I got a sexual encounter coming up soon. I’m gonna retest the yohimbe in the next couple of days. But if anyone knows, as I’m taking arginine and gingko for last few weeks will this make taking yohimbe more dangerous?

I don’t think Ginkgo and L-Arg would aggravate the side effects of yohimbe/yohimbine. In fact Yohimbe/Yohimbine work well with L-Arg. I have taken these stuffs together without any serious problems except for the side effects like insomnia. Again play safe with yohimbe/yohimbine. I wouldn’t take yohimbe/yohimbine that yields more than 8mg/day. There are some products containing 24mg yohimbine per serving (1200mg of 2% extract) which I think is too much.

Cool thanks. I got these ones 500mg http://agestop. net/Agestop/pro … ?CID=0&PID=1192 Dosen’t say how much yohimbine. I wonder if I should try half a cap instead? I did try this before but also got hammered on booze and ended up with ED that day.

edit: is says on directions take up to 3 per day. Great idea, have insomnia and sickness for a full week.

Label says you can take 1 cap upto three times a day. I would try 1 cap in the morning to start with as it’s not an extract it shouldn’t be a problem. Just make sure you don’t have cheese, red wine or any food or drink that contains tyramines.

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